Cover Reveal – Pinpoint by Olivia Luck @AuthorLuck

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you enjoy today’s cover reveal.  Isn’t it gorgeous.  I’m looking forward to reading it.  COVER REVEAL

Pinpoint by Olivia Luck

Book Title: Pinpoint (The Point Series)
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date:
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

All my life I followed the rules. I lived under the iron rule of my father and did what was expected of me.

Until now.

I want to live in the big city. Make new friends. Get a great job. Meet a man that makes me swoon. Fall in love.

Sounds straightforward enough, but making my way in a city of six million isn’t as seamless as I’d hoped. And the man is more sour than sweet.

Something’s got to give. And this time it won’t be me.


Pinpoint Teaser 2

Pinpoint Teaser 1

meet the author

Olivia Luck calls Chicago home. She loves traveling with her husband, baking for her parents, and taking walks with her dog. Olivia started writing when she was eight and paused to dabble in various other pursuits like dance and piano. In the end, she always came back to her pen and notebook.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

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Cover Reveal – Pressure Point by Olivia Luck @AuthorLuck

Cover Reveal


Book Title: Pressure Point
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
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I know what you’re thinking. It’s unconventional to want a man nine years older than you. It’s inconvenient to crush on your dearest friend’s older brother. It’s silly to pine after a man for six years. It’s cliché to lust after a celebrity. It’s pathetic to fall in love with a man who barely knows you exist.

I know what you’re thinking because I’ve thought it all, too. And yet that hasn’t stopped me from wanting Blake Campbell. Charming, gorgeous, brilliant, kind, selfless – Blake is everything I’ve ever wanted, but he doesn’t see me that way. In fact, he hardly noticed me until one night.

Traumatic events brought us together for the first time, but then he tossed me aside. I know it’s irrational, but I wanted him up until the moment he left me lying there alone.

When his eyes finally open and he finds out I’ve left, will it be too late?



Some people trip over a crack in the sidewalk and meet the love of their life. Some people are walking down the street, lost in a text message when they literally stumble into their destiny. Others don’t have romance on their radar when they fall off the deep end and into the relationship that makes them whole. In other words, love finds them and not the other way around.

I’ve never been one of those people. Romantic. Dreamer. Idealist. I’ve been called them all. Those nicknames never bothered me because I knew all the way to the marrow of my bones that the love of my own life was not too far away.

In my mind, the scenario was complete.

Our eyes would meet across a crowded room.

No, that’s not right.

Let’s take it from the top.

He’d become aware of me first, unable to wrench his eyes away from my glossy back waves (thank you Italian heritage and superb genetics). They would tumble around my shoulders elegantly and I’d be wearing an outfit that elongates my short legs (stubs, as my cousins called them. Rude.).

In my mind, the moment I meet him is flawless.

Reality had a different idea.

Because when I found the man I knew I was destined to be with me, he hardly noticed me. Every time after, he saw me as nothing more than a friend to his sister. Most times we interacted he scarcely paid attention to me, if only to provide pleasantries.

Despite all that, my gut keeps telling me that I’m meant to be with him. I’m not giving up. No matter what.

Meet the Author

Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:


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New Point by Olivia Luck Release Day Review + Giveaway @AuthorLuck

new point banner release day

New Point by Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: September 10, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions (

new point cover

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Imagine the worst day of your life. Immerse yourself in the details. How did you feel? Who were you with? What were the consequences?
Recalling my darkest day is as simple as typing a few search terms into a web browser. It only took thirty minutes for me to become the center of a media frenzy that caught the attention of an entire country.
So I hid.
Nine months later and I’m getting better. Moved two hours from home, landed my dream job, and met a delicious new guy.
Healing is that simple, right?

Continue reading

Cover Reveal – NEW POINT by Olivia Luck @authorluck

Cover Reveal


Book Title: New Point (The Point Series)
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Imagine the worst day of your life. Immerse yourself in the details. How did you feel? Who were you with? What were the consequences?

Recalling my darkest day is as simple as typing a few search terms into a web browser. It only took thirty minutes for me to become the center of a media frenzy that caught the attention of an entire country.

So I hid.

Nine months later and I’m getting better. Moved two hours from home, landed my dream job, and met a delicious new guy.

Healing is that simple, right?



“New Point isn’t known for much breaking and entering, but I have to admit, this looks mighty suspicious,” an unmistakably Midwestern accent drawls from behind me, effectively scaring the sweat off my bare shoulders.

A shriek escapes from my lips as I teeter preciously on the wood chair and my hands lose their grip on the white doorframe. The rubber of my flip flop doesn’t provide much traction and my body pitches sideways. In just a second I’ll crash against the deck floor and I’ll spend the summer recovering physically instead of gaining back my old–

Sturdy muscular arms slide around my waist and yank me against an equally firm chest. “Woah, there. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The masculine voice has a smile behind it.

“Probably shouldn’t go sneaking up on someone then,” I mutter once I catch my breath and untangle myself from his grasp. He chuckles at my retort, a rich baritone that makes me feel like shivering.

When I’m a step or two back I’m nearly breathless again, but this time for completely different reasons.

Sturdy was one way to describe his muscular grasp, but now that I have a full frontal view of him, I see my mistake. He’s perfect. Thick arms with nicely defined muscles that don’t bulge too aggressively beneath his white T-shirt, a broad chest, trim waist with low riding blue exercise shorts. And that’s just his body. Bright white teeth gleam at me from behind a broad smile. Thick, dark curly hair begs to have fingers run through it and he has coffee colored eyes framed by long lashes most girls want desperately.

He’s a combination of sultry sex appeal and mischievous intentions as displayed by the twist of his lips. Less than one minute in his presence and I’m practically swooning.

“Who are you?” I blurt out.

With a smirk, he crosses his arms across the planes of chest. “Shouldn’t I be asking the questions, Ms. Breaking and Entering?”

Meet the Author

Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

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Of Happiness – Review and Excerpt by Olivia Luck @authorluck

of happiness cover


“Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.”

Edith Neff relocated to Chicago to capture her own piece of happiness. Now bombarded with more change than she knows how to manage, Eddie struggles to pick of the pieces of her torn heart and decimated friendship.

Standing in the middle of a sidewalk while her (ex?) boyfriend Harris Grant pleads for forgiveness, Eddie’s at a loss what to do next. So when her estranged father provides a lifeline – she has no option than to take his offer.

But Harris won’t let Eddie go without a fight. He’ll use whatever tactics necessary to win back his girl. While Eddie and Harris find their way back together, darkness lurks, unwilling to relent on destroying their relationship. Permanently.

Note: Of Happiness is the sequel to In Pursuit. Content intended for readers 18+.


My Review 

First of all, thank you Olivia for not making me wait too long to get to the conclusion of the love story of Edith and Harris.  They became one of my favorite book couples instantly.  When I finished In Pursuit, I was literally biting my nails and full of angst.  Cliffhangers will do that to me.

Of Happiness picked up right where In Pursuit ended.  There was no guessing and the well written story flowed naturally.  I loved how you addressed and intertwined the themes of love, friendship and family.  You answered all those lingering questions about Harris and Edith’s relationship. Claire, Cooper, Jared and Edith’s father all get their balance of story time as well.  Sean and Luke continue to be my favorite friends and I loved how their supporting roles in the story were so significant to Edith and Harris.

Just as in your debut, Of Happiness continued with the witty and fun writing style I came to enjoy so much.  Again, your use of alliterations always made me smile.

There were moments of angst, love and many revelations along the way.  Perfectly blended, you kept me on edge and interested throughout the book.

Your love scenes were ultra romantic and had just the right amount of steamy.  The chemistry between Harris and Edith is definitely strong.

I recommend this book along with its debut prequel.  The two books make up a beautiful love story from the very start to finish.

of happiness pic quote for review


I gave this book 4 Stars!

I look forward to reading more of Olivia’s writing soon!

I received and ARC from the author.





An inexplicable shiver rolls through my shoulders. The low murmur of my friends and the other patrons at Rusty’s falls away.  


He’s the only person who elicits this type of bodily response. I remain rigid and unmoving except for my sweaty palms which I place on my thighs.

“Luke, my man! How are you?” A strong hand slaps Luke’s shoulder.

“Matt, hey.” His worried expression eases into a cheerful one when he shakes hands with a man wearing a large, black boot cast. Next to Matt is the beautiful, caramel-haired woman, Jane, who was with Harris in his convertible.

And then it’s him.

Harris’ masculine scent surrounds me. He braces his arms on the back of my chair, overwhelming me with his physical presence. I’m swirling in a sea of Harris, unable to resist his pull. He dips closer and then his lips brush oh so gently against my flushed cheek. The intimate contact sends my heart into overdrive.

“Hello, Edith,” he murmurs against my skin before pulling away.

I nearly swoon against the wood chair. Damn.


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About the Author

olivia luck image


Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.


Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

Cover Reveal/Excerpt – Of Happiness by Olivia Luck @authorluck

Harris and Edith are back!

Here is the amazing new cover for Olivia Luck‘s second book Of Happiness.

of happiness cover






“Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.”


Edith Neff relocated to Chicago to capture her own piece of happiness. Now bombarded with more change than she knows how to manage, Eddie struggles to pick of the pieces of her torn heart and decimated friendship.


Standing in the middle of a sidewalk while her (ex?) boyfriend Harris Grant pleads for forgiveness, Eddie’s at a loss what to do next. So when her estranged father provides a lifeline – she has no option than to take his offer.


But Harris won’t let Eddie go without a fight. He’ll use whatever tactics necessary to win back his girl. While Eddie and Harris find their way back together, darkness lurks, unwilling to relent on destroying their relationship. Permanently.




An inexplicable shiver rolls through my shoulders. The low murmur of my friends and the other patrons at Rusty’s falls away.  


He’s the only person who elicits this type of bodily response. I remain rigid and unmoving except for my sweaty palms which I place on my thighs.

“Luke, my man! How are you?” A strong hand slaps Luke’s shoulder.

“Matt, hey.” His worried expression eases into a cheerful one when he shakes hands with a man wearing a large, black boot cast. Next to Matt is the beautiful, caramel-haired woman, Jane, who was with Harris in his convertible.

And then it’s him.

Harris’ masculine scent surrounds me. He braces his arms on the back of my chair, overwhelming me with his physical presence. I’m swirling in a sea of Harris, unable to resist his pull. He dips closer and then his lips brush oh so gently against my flushed cheek. The intimate contact sends my heart into overdrive.

“Hello, Edith,” he murmurs against my skin before pulling away.

I nearly swoon against the wood chair. Damn.


Here’s a Synopsis of In Pursuit, Olivia Luck‘s first book.  Be sure to read this book. I am sure you will love it!

In Pursuit Cover Olivia Luck


Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.


Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.


Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.


Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.


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About the Author

olivia luck image


Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.


Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:



In Pursuit – Book Blitz – Giveaway and Excerpt

in pursuit book blitz


Here’s your chance to win an E-book of In Pursuit by Olivia Luck.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  Contest runs through February 16, 2014.

1 E-book Winner will be chosen by .  No purchase necessary to win.

Good Luck!

You can read my review here.

Leave a comment and you can win an E-book copy!

Leave a comment and you can win an E-book copy!


Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.

Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.

Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.

Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.

In Pursuit Excerpt
A buzzing in my purse makes me realize that my phone has been demanding my attention for the past few minutes. I’m not sure how long. Fifteen missed calls from Harris, two from Claire and a bevy of text messages. He’s calling right now.
“Hello,” I whisper into the phone.
“Where are you? Please, I won’t… Just, please, tell me where you are so I can come pick you up.” He sounds frantic. In the background a horn angrily blasts and he yells, “Shut the f**k up!”
“I didn’t say anything,” I stammer.
“No, the a**hole behind me. Where are you, Edith? I’ll come get you.”
“Oak Street beach.”
“F**k!” he roars, causing me to start. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there? Do you see anyone around you?”
“No. I’m all by myself,” I whisper.
“Stay put. I’ll be there in two minutes.”
The phone clicks and he’s gone. I cover my wet face with my hands and close my eyes to try and block out the whirlwind of emotions swirling around me like a violent tornado. I want to go home. Not just the home a few blocks away, but the safety of my room in Arlington.
I hear the pounding of sand, but I keep my eyes closed. Rough hands yank me into his arms, and he presses his face into the crook of my neck. Put side by side, his hands span the width of my back and curl around my sides. He rocks us back and forth.
“You’re safe, you’re safe,” he whispers over and over. It’s unclear if he is talking to me or to himself. We sit like that for a while, I don’t know how long, until he finally loosens his hold, and presses his forehead into mine gently.
“I’m sorry I ran,” I say softly.
“Of course you did, I attacked you like an animal. I was out of line.” We continue breathing in each others’ air as the breeze whispers around us. He bunches me to him tightly, my safe haven.
“You’re not angry?” I ask timidly.
His eyes are closed when he responds, “Hell yes, I’m angry.”
I inhale deeply, waiting for what’s next.
“Not at you, Edith, only at me.”
A slow exhale lets out the breath I’m holding and I sag down in relief.
“That was unforgivable of me, treating someone so inexperienced that way.”
“Inexperienced?” I study his furrowed brow, his eyes still closed.
“You’re a virgin,” he says the word with awe, like I’m an undiscovered species.
I shrug out of his embrace, jumping up to my feet. “Virgin!” I squawk. “I’m not!”
Okay, having sex with two people doesn’t make me an all knowing sex goddess, but it’s been a few years since I lost that innocence.

Olivia Luck   olivia luck image

Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Review: In Pursuit by Olivia Luck

Happy Release Day!

In Pursuit


Olivia Luck

In Pursuit Cover Olivia Luck


Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.

Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.

Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.

Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.

Author note: In Pursuit is the first book in a two book series. Intended for 18+ readers.

My Review

I love books where the story and characters seem real.  You know the kind,  like you can see yourself as friends with the characters because they are so well written, you can relate with them.   In Pursuit is one of the those books.  From the moment that I started the book, I immediately connected with the characters.  Eddie (Edith) is a very likable, real young woman.  She is starting her life and career in a new city.  Her new life comes with a roommate, Claire,  your typical spoiled little rich girl. Then there is Harris, Claire’s brother which will take your breath away and finally, my favorite supporting characters, Sean and Luke.

In Pursuit is a witty romantic story.  Eddie, is starting a new life in Chicago where her decorating business takes off. When she meets Harris, sparks fly.  The interest in this delicious male is definitely there.  As she gets to know him better, she learns that the interest is mutual.  Everything is going well for her.  Her professional life is thriving.  She meets new clients and makes friends.  Everything seems perfect. Harris is perfect.  Their chemistry takes over and there is your hot and steamy love story.

Of course, all love stories have their obstacles.  Eddie’s past and her present post hurdles in this story. Claire, the roommate, seems to have a problem with Harris and Eddie among other problems of her own.  (no spoilers)

Cleverly written, In Pursuit will keep you hooked to the Kindle (in my case).  The right amount of suspense and angst make this a great read.

The story ends with a cliffhanger.  I can’t wait to see what happens to one of my favorite new couples, Eddie and Harris.

I gave Olivia’s debut book 5 shinning stars!

Eddie Neff and Harris Grant

Eddie Neff inspiration

Harris for In Pursuit

You can get your copy today!

olivia luck image
Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.

*I received and ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

What’s on my Kindle and on my shelves?

Happy Friday! Happy Weekend to all!

There are so many amazing new books out there.  I have been busy reading and talking all about these books.

So…What’s on my Kindle and on my shelves this week?

In Pursuit by Olivia Luck

 In Pursuit releases on February 11, 2014.  Stay tuned for my full review next week.

In Pursuit Cover Olivia Luck

Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.

Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.

Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.

Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.

Author note: In Pursuit is the first book in a two book series. Intended for 18+ readers.

Be sure to add it to your TBR list.

You can find Olivia Luck on Facebook, Twitter and her page.


I can’t get enough of #Hayden, the hot sexy tattooed alpha male from Cupcakes and Ink and Clipped Wings.

On my shelves and in my purse you will find Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting.  This amazing book will be available on March 4, 2014.  You can pre-order it today.

clipped wings

Their body art is hot. Their chemistry is even hotter.

From her dark hair sweeping below her waist to her soft, sexy curves, Tenley Page intrigues tattoo artist Hayden Stryker in a way no one else ever has…especially when she asks him to ink a gorgeous, intricate design on her back. Yet for all her beauty, there is something darkly tragic and damaged about Tenley that Hayden is everything.

Covered in ink and steel, Hayden is everything Tenley has never dared to want, awakening a desire to explore more than the art adorning his stunning body. Trapped by a past that leaves her screaming from nightmares, Tenley sees Hayden as the perfect escape. Although he has secrets too, if they both keep themselves guarded perhaps their intense physical connection will remain only that.

But nothing, not even passion, can keep them safe from their pasts…

You’ll get my full review closer to the release date.

Follow Helena Hunting on Twitter, On Goodreads and her page


Also on my Kindle is TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy) by Sydney Jamesson.

touchstone for givingElizabeth Parker has been found …
Like a falling star she has come down to earth, landing painfully on the debris of a broken dream. What she thought of as love now seems no more than a wish left unfulfilled. Her future lies in the hands of two powerfully possessive men; each desiring her to the point of insanity.
Flawless media mogul Ayden Stone oversees her voyage of sexual awakening, introducing her to new experiences and a secret world behind locked doors, away from prying eyes. But … is he Prince Charming or merely the great pretender?
With a fighter’s instinct, Dan Rizler continues to box clever; taking his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. He will have his Princess one way or another.
Into this twisted triangle enters Elise Richards; a woman with a past and a passion for revenge: hell hath no fury like Miss. Richards.
This is a modern fairy tale full of romance, secrets and suspense. Elizabeth Parker is about to be caught, held fast by the hand of Fate; but will she be caught out or caught up in an affair of the heart, body and soul?
When nothing else matters … you have to do or die.

I fell in love with Ayden when I first met him in ToughStone for play.  I must say, he gets even better in this book.  My full review will be up soon.

Follow Sydney Jamesson on Twitter and Goodreads.


So… what are you reading?  What’s on your e-reader or on your shelves?

Stay warm and safe!  Have a wonderful weekend!
