This just in…The latest on Kendall Ryan’s new book @KendallRyan1

News from Kendall Ryan

My upcoming book has been tentatively titled The Dominant, and I’ve begun to question if that’s the right title. The Dominant reads hard core BDSM read? This book is totally not. In fact, the characters have taken a different turn and it has more angst and feels, along with the sexy. There are *very* light BDSM elements. A few toys, and lots of sexy.

At its core, it’s a forbidden love story about a man who fell for his best friend’s little sister years ago, and now she’s back in town, coming off a bad breakup looking for a little fun and a lot of rebound sex. He’s had to lock-down his heart, but agrees to help her – on his terms!

With this I have decided it needed a new title to fully describe the book at its best.

Releasing on July 14 is



She was forbidden.


I didn’t care.


As my best friend’s little sister, Macey Hale was off-limits. Tempting as sin, and forbidden as fuck. I wish I could say that stopped me. I wish I could tell you I’d behaved like a gentleman.


I didn’t.


When she waltzes back into my life with that same spark I fell for, looking every bit the beautiful woman I knew she’d grow into, I have to force myself to remember I’m different from the man she once knew. I’m colder. Harder. And for good reason.


With my heart on lockdown, and my hands aching to touch her, I set out to prove that I can keep myself in check this time.


No strings. No attachments.


And definitely no falling for her again.


This is book two in the Lessons with the Dom series, following The Gentleman Mentor. Both are complete standalone novels featuring sexy Dominant men you’re sure to fall in love with. Enjoy!

 Buy Links


Up until this moment, sex been a meaningless physical act meant to quiet the need raging inside me, nothing more than joyless weekend hookups with girls whose names I wouldn’t recall in the morning. But Macey wasn’t just the girl I’d grown to love, she was also my best friend’s little sister and a virgin—a combination that was completely off-limits.





Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and When I Break.

She’s a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.


Exciting News for Debra Anastasia – Saving Poughkeepsie – The Poughkeepsie Brotherhood Series by @Debra_Anastasia @ninabocci

Saving Poughkeepsie symbol image for blog


Exciting News for Debra Anastasia & Simon & Schuster.  There is a co-publishing agreement between both Omnific, Debra’s publisher and Simon & Schuster.  This is wonderful and exciting news for both Debra and her fans.  We’ll soon see Debra Anastasia’s books in stores.  Yay!  Congrats to you!!!

*** Saving Poughkeepsie, her final book in this amazing series is up for pre-order now too.  Go ahead and pre-order yours today!

Saving Poughkeepsie is due to release on 11/22/2014!

Saving Poughkeepsie



Beckett Taylor’s quest to be a better man has brought Eve Hartt back into his life, but sometimes it feels like they’re bound together with barbed wire. Though he longs to love her without causing pain, the wreckage of their past continues to crash down around them.

Yet with the help of this brothers—and for his brothers—Beckett won’t stop trying. He’s determined to make them all a family, to make a life they want to live, and to make Poughkeepsie a place that’s safe to live it.

He can feel their futures balanced precariously on his shoulders: Blake and Livia and their children, Cole and Kyle and the new baby they’ve just brought home, and Eve…always Eve. He wants their dreams to be real. But murderers don’t just get Happily Ever After handed to them. They have to wrench it away from Satan himself.

Good thing Beckett is prepared to do just that. After all, saving Poughkeepsie is the only way his story ends.

Prepare your heart and your head for a wild ride in this final installment of the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series. Debra Anastasia does not disappoint as she weaves the last chapter of a story that blends true love, turbulent emotions, and life’s harsh realities into an uplifting tale that calls to the good in each of us.


Pre-Order Buy Links 


Barnes & Noble:
Google Play:
Simon & Schuster:

poughkeepsie cover

return to poughkeepsie

Saving Poughkeepsie

During November… #NaNoWriMo2014 #amwriting




I am excited to share that I will be participating in #NaNoWriMo2014.  There is a story that I have been wanting to write for quite some time. After much thought, I have decided to take the plunge and write it.

So, as you can imagine, I will be quite busy during these 30 days of writing.  For this reason, I will have limited blog posts.  Several posts have been scheduled in advance.

Additionally, I will not be reading ARC’s during this month unless I have already committed to reading them.

I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I hope to have the support of my blog readers and followers.

Happy Friday!

Happy NaNoWriMo Eve!





~Rediscovering You

by Susana Córdova


Exciting News – New Covers/Trailer – Marriage to a Billionaire Series by @JenniferProbst

Here’s some exciting book news!

Jennifer Probst has new covers for her ‘Marriage to a Billionaire’ Series.  

 These repackaged mass market editions priced at $5.99 are all coming out on 4/28/15.

Check out this Series Book Trailer!

YouTube Link:

Aren’t these new covers gorgeous?

Continue reading