Susi’s Favorite 2014 Reads @helenahunting @jmdarhower @christina_lee04 @sylvainreynard @zlikeinzorro @christypastore @prodigalson_1, @debra_anastasia @MinaVaughn @alice_clayton @MetalBlonde @ChristinaLauren @KatBastion @StoneBastion @AuthorFabiola @MJLocklear @Marie_Coulson @Author_VVantiem @NickyD_White @EmmaChse @AuthorKatyEvans

Susi’s Favorite 2014 Readssusi's favorite reads 2014


I’ve read so many amazing books this year that putting this list of favorites together was quite difficult to do.

  Here are my favorites. They are in no specific order.  Congrats to the Indie authors who made my top pics!

How many of these books have you read?


by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by JM Darhower

by JM Darhower

5 stars

by Christina Lee

by Christina Lee

5 stars

by Debra Anastasia

by Debra Anastasia

5 stars


by Marie Coulson

by Marie Coulson

5 stars


by Victoria Van Tiem

by Victoria Van Tiem

5 stars



by Mina Vaughn

by Mina Vaughn

5 stars


by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

by Jennifer and Morgan Locklear

5 stars


by Christina Lauren

by Christina Lauren

5 stars


by Karina Halle

by Karina Hale

5 stars


by Nicky D. White

by Nicky D. White

5 stars


by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars

by Alice Clayton

by Alice Clayton

5 stars


by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars

by Helena Hunting

by Helena Hunting

5 stars



by Kat and Stone Bastion


5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars

by Kat and Stone Bastion

by Kat and Stone Bastion

5 stars


by Christy Pastore

by Christy Pastore

5 stars


by Zoraida Córdova

by Zoraida Córdova

5 stars


by Fabiola Francisco

by Fabiola Francisco

5 stars


by Michelle Day

by Michelle Day

5 stars


by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars

by Emma Chase

by Emma Chase

5 stars


by Katy Evans

by Katy Evans

5 stars

by Sylvain Reynard

by Sylvain Reynard

5 stars

I hope you enjoy my selections!  I recommend each and every one of these books.  

Happy New Year’s and Happy Reading from Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog!

Review- Diary of a Dieter by Marie Coulson

diary of a dieter

Diary Of A Dieter (Confessions Series #1)

by Marie Coulson

Curvy girl, Charlene Winters, had it all: the great career, wonderful friends and a dreamy fiancé.

With her wedding day just three weeks away, Charlene is dealt a devastating blow. Suddenly finding her life, hopes and plans in tatters, the jilted bride sinks into despair and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough. After discovering the depths of her fiancé’s infidelity and with the heartache still fresh, Charlene’s whisked away by her friends on a life-changing holiday. But how will this big fish cope now that she’s back in the dating pond and surrounded by slender trouts with Botox lips?

With best friend Adam thwarting her attempts at romance, and her girls Vanessa and Dana eager to set her up with a boy toy, Charlene decides the time for change is upon her. What she needs is a change of scenery, a change of dress size and maybe, a change of heart.

My Review

Hilarious, truly laugh out loud moments!

Let me just say that Diary of a Dieter has been one of the funniest books I have read in awhile.   This is truly the type of book that I can picture being turned into a movie.  I know that I would definitely go see it.

Charlene, the main character grows from a jilted bride to a princess with the help of her friends.  I love that her character is so real.  She has her insecurities just like any woman has.  She is a big curvy girl who has let herself go while dating Brad, her extremely germaphobic ex-fiancee.   A sudden unexpected Christmas breakup turns her world upside down.  Her best friends Dana, Nessa and Adam are truly lovable characters.  In fact, they are the perfect supporting characters.  They are there to help Charlene move on with her life and find her Prince Charming.  Her adventures with her friends were funny, well written and made the story totally enjoyable.

Adam, what can I say?  I loved him from the start.  He has been Charlene’s best friend for over 20 years.  Who knows Charlene better than Adam?  While Charlene only sees a friend in Adam, he sees who she really is and helps her realize this throughout the story. I guess I thought of Adam as the ugly duckling.  Read the book and you will see why.

I can’t forget to mention the Grandmother.  This woman is totally hilarious.  I know I looked forward to family moments when she would make an appearance and share her comical experiences on life and sex.  She has a way with words that will make your jaw drop.

Most of this story is focused on Charlene moving on with her life.  During that time, her experiences and encounters with men are entertaining.  I mean, some of the things that happen to Charlene on her dates are unbelievable, yet extremely funny.  So, let’s just say, “Watch out for denture glue.”

I cannot forget to mention that my heart skipped a beat while I was reading about the sexy band member with the lip ring.  OMG, Yes, Ollie and his band D.O.A. are mentioned in this story.  I am totally #Team Ollie. (from Bound Together & Burning Up)  I always love when authors bring in characters from other books they have written.

While this story is filled with humorous situations, there is a love story in there as well.  Every woman wants her Prince Charming and deserves a happy ever after.  I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

I gave this book 5 stars and highly recommend it.  It is a brilliantly written romantic comedy!

I look forward to other books in this series.

My Favorite Quotes

“I cannot believe that I am going to spend Christmas day as an abandoned bride! There has to be some unwritten law somewhere about that. Like never dump on their birthday, or Valentine’s Day, or the day their pet dies.  You know something like that. And then there’s all that cancelling and telling everyone that I got dumped!”ou

“Happily ever after should mean just that. That they make you so happy that you can’t imagine ever being happy without them.  They should make you walk on air, glide on air currents, and turn you inside out.  You are worth far more than ‘as happy as you can be.’ You Charlene Winters, are destined for an epic love story. You deserve one.

“What? You all think that just because I’m old, I don’t know a thing or two about sex? Good Lord. You’d think your generation invented the stuff.  I hate to break it to you, but while you were learning to walk young lady, I was crawling around on all fours.  Your father had a cock like a battering ram and more energy than a Duracell bunny.”

“You mean I’m not made of plastic? Wipe-able? Or maybe you prefer your women a little more two dimensional. Like a porno magazine! You should come with a health warning and a pair of fucking goggles!”

“If I’m in a restaurant, and I order steak, I expect to dine on a juicy peace of meat. I don’t want to gnaw on a bone. You, Charlie, are a feast for my eyes, a succulent sexual fulfillment for my appetite, and if you would just be quiet and stop fighting me, I’m about to enjoy some dessert.”

Get to Know the Author 

Follow Marie Coulson on Facebook  , Twitter,  and on Goodreads.

Sunday Update~Coming Soon

Happy Sunday!

As my vacation comes to an end, I am looking back at all of the books that I read these past two weeks and can’t wait to share with you. I will be busy writing reviews for the next few days.

I also want to thank all of you for following and reading my new blog.  You are all awesome!!

What did I read?

Well, my Christmas present to myself came in the form of a book and Jack F’n Carter.  I read The Sweetest Game by Jennifer Sterling.

sweetest game

I also read A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire.  This third book made the series complete!

a beautiful wedding

The funniest read this vacation came from Marie Coulson.  I read Diary of a Dieter.  I loved it and you will too.

diary of a dieter

Finally, I reread A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J. Linn so I can give it the review it deserves.  I had originally read it back in August while on a beach vacation.  I needed to refresh my memory as I am now reading A Gentleman’s Secret, his latest book.



Stay tuned for my reviews.

And, if you are heading back to work on Monday like I am after a two week vacation, enjoy your day! 

Thanks for reading!
