Giveaway Winners – Interview with a Master by Jason Luke

E-BOOK Winners!

interview with a master

Congrats to Demureslave and Becky Lundy!  You are the lucky winners of the 2 E-book copies of Interview with a Master by Jason Luke.

Check your email for details.

Thanks for participating! Happy Reading!

Thanks to Jason Luke, author for the giveaway!



Giveaway – Win a copy of Interview with a Master by Jason Luke

This is one giveaway you don’t want to miss!

Here is your chance to win one of 2 e-book copies of Interview with a Master by Jason Luke.

I reviewed this book last week.  You will love it!  It is an interview like no other!

interview with a master

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.

This contest will run through Saturday evening.

The two winners will be chosen by and notified via email.

No purchase necessary to enter.

Good Luck!


About the Author: Jason Luke

Jason Luke enjoyed several years involved in the BDSM lifestyle – but he is quick to point out that his experiences don’t qualify him as an expert, any more than knowing how to drive a car makes him a qualified mechanic. ‘Interview with a Master’ is a novel about how one man became a Master. The book is a work of fiction, but Jason has drawn heavily on encounters from his own real life. He won’t say which parts of the book are fictionalised, and which parts are auto-biographical.

Erotic BDSM fiction written by a man from a man’s point of view.

You can find Jason Luke on Twitter @JasonLukeAuthor and on Facebook.

Interview with a Master is now available in 9 countries! 
Here they are …
• Amazon US:
• Amazon UK:
• Amazon AU:
• Amazon Canada:
• Amazon Germany
• Amazon Austria
• Amazon France
• Amazon Italy /dp/B00IB32RZY
• Amazon Spain

Review- Interview with a Master by Jason Luke

interview with a master

It’s the interview like no other.
It’s the interview of a lifetime.
It’s THE Interview with a Master.
When Jonah Noble reveals details of his life within the world of BDSM, the tale he tells is intensely erotic, profoundly sensual, and brutally honest.
This is His world. His way.
There is only one question the man will not answer…

(BDSM erotica from a man’s POV, written by a man. Contains some explicit language)

My Review

If you haven’t read Interview with a Master by Jason Luke yet, then you need to get this book right away.  This book was not what I expected when I first read the title.  Honestly, I was intrigued by the title and some of the comments I had read on social media about the book.  Well….the book turned out to be an extremely interesting and brilliant read.

First of all, I love books written in the male point of view.  I think the male mind is fascinating.  Sometimes, comments made by men are surprising.  With that said, Jason Luke does a spectacular job of explaining his BDSM experiences from his point of view.  Not only is his book well written, he builds suspense for the reader.  I never wanted his interviews with Leticia to end.  He definitely builds “anticipation” throughout his book.  Additionally, I learned about BDSM. I can see the roles of the master and his sub through different eyes now.

The story was enlightening.  There were several lines that stood out as I read that were my favorite.

“Being taught the skills and thrills of sex by an older woman was one of the best things that could have happened to me, Leticia. I learned so muc h from her, and they were important lessons – lessons I stll remember and apply even today.”

“Leticia, there are no rules – apart from the safe, sane and consentual requirements I have already mentioned.  If those conditions are met, then a BDSM relationship can be as extreme or as borderline-vanilla as the people involved want it to be.”

“I understand what women need to make BDSM work in the bedroom.”

“A Master without a submissive is a guy. Just a guy. He needs someone who wishes to submit to him.”

“It’s not one thing about a woman that makes her sexy in my eyes, it’s a collection of things – an intoxicating fusion of the obvious and the subtle that merge together.”

“Anticipation is more potent than a whip and more compelling than handcuffs. The ability to tease and arouse a woman is a subtle skill few men ever bother to learn.”

“Being a good Master, in my book, is much more than meets the eye, and it’s much more than people outside of the lifestyle seem to really understand.”

Now, the ending was quite surprising.   Since I have learned that there will be another book, I am excited and am looking forward to more of The Master.

I recommend this book. I think readers will experience BDSM through different eyes.

I gave this book 5 stars.


About the Author: Jason Luke

Jason Luke enjoyed several years involved in the BDSM lifestyle – but he is quick to point out that his experiences don’t qualify him as an expert, any more than knowing how to drive a car makes him a qualified mechanic. ‘Interview with a Master’ is a novel about how one man became a Master. The book is a work of fiction, but Jason has drawn heavily on encounters from his own real life. He won’t say which parts of the book are fictionalised, and which parts are auto-biographical.

Erotic BDSM fiction written by a man from a man’s point of view.

You can find Jason Luke on Twitter @JasonLukeAuthor and on Facebook.

Interview with a Master is now available in 9 countries! 
Here they are …
• Amazon US:
• Amazon UK:
• Amazon AU:
• Amazon Canada:
• Amazon Germany
• Amazon Austria
• Amazon France
• Amazon Italy /dp/B00IB32RZY
• Amazon Spain