Guest Post – LaBibliotecariaCBlog Reviews Saga Valeria by Elísabet Benavent @betacoqueta @BCircunstancial

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I am excited to share today’s review.

It comes from a talented blogger I follow in Spain.

Please welcome La Bibliotecaria Circunstancial and her review of Saga Valeria.


Antes de entrar en materia, me gustaría agradecer a Susana la oportunidad de participar como invitada en su blog con una reseña en español. Muchas no, muchísimas gracias.


Reseña SAGA VALERIA de Elísabet Benavent @BetaCoqueta

 Saga Valeria Images


Sinopsis de En los zapatos de Valeria

Valeria es escritora de historias de amor.
Valeria vive el amor de forma sublime.
Valeria tiene tres amigas: Nerea, Carmen y Lola.
Valeria vive en Madrid.
Valeria ama a Adrián hasta que conoce a Víctor.
Valeria necesita sincerarse consigo misma.
Valeria llora, Valeria ríe, Valeria camina…
Pero el sexo, el amor y los hombres no son objetivos fáciles.
Valeria es especial.
Como tú.

Engánchate al fenómeno Valeria. ¡Te vas a enamorar!


Hay tantos detalles que me han seducido de la escritura de Elísabet, que no sabría cuál destacar primero. Esta autora de la que no había leído nada hasta ahora, me ha hecho reír como nunca, llorar de impotencia, y sobre todo, desear saber más después de cada libro de la saga. Por ello, han sido días en los que parecía que había sido abducida de mi vida. En serio, Víctor y Valeria me han enganchado y no me han dejado respirar hasta el final.

Valeria, la protagonista principal de esta historia, es una jovencísima escritora que no pasa por su mejor momento personal ni profesional. Ha dejado su trabajo para centrarse por completo en la escritura y parece que su inspiración se ha fugado. Además, para su desesperación, tiene que enfrentarse todos los días a un marido cada vez más distante, despertando en ella todo tipo de sospechas.

Al más puro estilo Sex and the city, Valeria vive rodeada de un grupo de amigas cuyas relaciones de alto voltaje con los hombres son relatadas por la protagonista con pelos y señales. Carmen, Lola, Nerea y Valeria son tan distintas que hacen imposible no sentirse identificada con alguna de ellas. Nerea, de ideas fijas y la más estirada; Carmen, la más cabal; Lola, Lolita, Lola… incontrolable, irreverente, explosiva, divertida y con un “lenguaje tabernario” que asustaría hasta al más deslenguado de los mortales; y Valeria, cuya manera de ser y de enfrentarse a los problemas no es la que más destaca hasta que conoce a Víctor, el hombre que pone su mundo patas arriba.

A lo largo de las cuatro libros, podemos observar cómo las cuatro amigas maduran dando un paso adelante en sus vidas sentimentales, buscando esa pareja que, aunque no sea la que todo el mundo esperan que tengan, es la que ellas desean.

Curiosamente, si me tuviera que quedar con alguno de los personajes no elegiría a la protagonista, pues actúa cegada por el miedo a cometer los errores del pasado y es incapaz de arriesgarse a tomar las decisiones que de verdad pueden hacerla feliz con respecto a los hombres.

Lola y Víctor son mis favoritos. Ella al principio no me gustaba nada, pero a medida que avanzaba la historia, esperaba sus comentarios sin filtro y fuera de lugar casi con ansia. Víctor es el hombre que cualquiera querría tener en su vida. Lucha por lo que quiere, y aunque tarda en descubrirlo, cuando lo hace no se rinde a las primeras de cambio. Pare él, Valeria es casi inalcanzable, pero no está dispuesto a dejarla marchar. Es simpático, inteligente, guapísimo, muy masculino, de aquellos que rezuman sexualidad por todos los poros, y al mismo tiempo tierno a más no poder, ¡un bombón!

Sin duda alguna, una lectura perfecta para este verano. Descarada y fresca, llena de situaciones de lo más sorprendentes y al mismo tiempo muy cercana. Con expresiones del día a día y con un estilo muy atractivo que hará las delicias de las aficionadas a la novela romántica y erótica.

¡Le doy cuatro maravillosas estrellas a esta saga!



 Sobre la autora

Elisabet Benavent autora

Elísabet Benavent (Valencia, 1984) es licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU de Valencia y máster en Comunicación y Arte por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En la actualidad trabaja en el Departamento de Comunicación de una multinacional. Su pasión es la escritura. La publicación en 2013 de sus novelas En los zapatos de Valeria, Valeria en el espejo, Valeria en blanco y negro y Valeria al desnudo se ha convertido en un éxito total de crítica y ventas con más de 120.000 ejemplares vendidos. Los derechos audiovisuales de la saga Valeria se han vendido para televisión. En la actualidad se ocupa de la familia Coqueta y está inmersa en la escritura.

Sigue a la autora en Twitter @betacoqueta

En Facebook BetaCoqueta y en su blog



Amazon Links:

En los zapatos de Valeria:

Valeria en el espejo:

Valeria en blanco y negro:

Valeria al desnudo:


thank you

Thank you to La Bibliotecaria Circunstancial for her awesome review.

She brings me up to date on the latest books in Spanish.

Follow her on Twitter for her phenomenal reviews.  Check out her blog too!




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Guest Review – Ella Reviews Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines @AbbiGlines

Ella Reviews Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines

rush too far cover


Fallen Too Far was Blaire’s story. Now it’s time for Rush to share his side.

Everyone in Rosemary Beach thinks they know how Rush Finlay and Blaire Wynn fell in love. But Rush is back to tell his side of the story…

Rush has earned every bit of his bad-boy reputation. The three-story beach house, luxury car, and line of girls begging for time between his sheets are the envy of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister, Nan.

Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up pickup truck with a pistol under her seat. The Alabama farm girl instantly captures Rush’s attention once he discovers that the angelic beauty is his new stepsister, but he vows to keep his distance. Even if she needs his help. Even if he craves her.

Because Rush knows why Blaire is all alone in the world, forced to ask for help from the father who abandoned her three years ago. And he knows if he gets too close it will destroy Nan, who has a secret connection to Blaire.

He has every reason in the world to stay away from her. Find out why he doesn’t.


Ella’s Review


Of the many series I’ve read, one of my favorites is Abbi Glines’ Rosemary Beach series, of which the first three books focus on the love story between Blaire and Rush.  The first book in the series, Fallen Too Far, was told entirely from Blaire’s POV, while the next two alternated between Rush and Blaire’s perspectives.


When I found out Fallen Too Far would soon have a companion novel, Rush Too Far, told entirely from Rush’s POV, I was beyond excited, but also hoped I wouldn’t be disappointed.  I hoped it wouldn’t just retell the story, but also offer insight into Rush’s thought process and help me understand what had been going on behind the scenes, when Blaire wasn’t present.


Well, I’m happy to report that I absolutely loved Rush Too Far!  Reading the story from Rush’s perspective explained so much of what he’d done when he and Blaire first met, including things that, initially, had made me wonder about his true intentions and the type of person he was.  The more I understood his family history, and particularly his relationship with his sister, Nan, the more I sympathized with him.  I watched as he struggled to reconcile the lies he’d been told, his entire life, with what, he was learning, was the truth about Blaire and her family.  Many of his actions, which had seemed cruel or insensitive when I’d read Fallen Too Far, suddenly made sense, and helped me see that Rush’s heart had always been in the right place, despite how things may have looked when originally told from Blaire’s POV.


This book actually made me love Rush even more, and helped me better appreciate his and Blaire’s story on the whole.  Naturally, I couldn’t help myself, and wound up rereading the entire Rosemary Beach series yet again!

I highly recommend this book, and give Rush Too Far a rating of 5 out of 5 stars.


*Please note that the prologue in Rush Too Far makes reference to events from the second and third books, so I would recommend reading those prior to Rush Too Far.*


Be sure to check out the other books in this series.

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neve too far 2


forever too far 3


About the Author

Abbi Glines

Since publishing her first novel Breathe in May of 2011, Abbi has also released The New York Times bestselling Seabreeze Series which includes Breathe, Because of Low, While It Lasts, Just For Now and Sometimes It Last, The Existence Trilogy that includes the USA Today Bestseller Ceaseless. New York Times and USA TODAY bestsellers The Vincent Boys and The Vincent Brothers. Last but not least her most popular series to date, Rosemary Beach which includes The New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers Fallen Too Far, Never Too Far, Forever Too Far, Twisted Perfection and Simple Perfection. Her newest book scheduled to be released on December 17th, 2013 is Misbehaving (Seabreeze).

When Abbi isn’t locked away in her office typing away she is hauling her kids to and from their many social activities. You could say her second job is the Glines Kids personal chauffeur. It’s a rather illustrious job.

Follow Abbi Glines on Social Media:









Thank you Ella for your guest review!






Guest Review by David – The Boy Who Said No by @PattiSheehy

Guest Review by David

The Boy Who Said No by Patti Sheehy



the boy who said no


As a boy Frank Mederos’s grandfather teaches him to fish, to navigate the seas, and to think for himself, much needed skills under the new Castro regime. When Frank is drafted into the army, he is soon promoted to the Special Forces, where he is privy to top military secrets. But young Frank has no sympathy for Fidel. He thirsts for freedom and longs to join his girlfriend who has left Cuba for America. 
Frank yearns to defect, but his timing couldn’t be worse. After two unsuccessful escape attempts, Frank learns that the departure of the next available boat conflicts with upcoming military exercises. If he stays, he will miss the boat. If he doesn’t, he will be the object of a massive manhunt. 
Problems abound: How will Frank escape the army base without being seen? Where will he hide until the boat comes? How can he outwit his commanding officer? And how can he elude hundreds of soldiers ordered to bring him back “dead or alive”? 
Frank’s true story, a tale of love, loss and courage that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page is turned.


David’s Review


This was a great story!  The author, Patti Sheehy depicts the Cuban culture perfectly.  She describes the cultural details ranging from nonverbal communication to a traditional Cuban meal with accuracy. The book has love, politics, and the search for freedom. Her descriptive story allows the reader to go back in time to when Fidel Castro’s “revolution” over powered Fulgencio Batista’s regime. Additionally, she explains the various struggles Cubans went through when Castro took power, including radical changes, such as, obligating young-adolescents to teach literacy in areas far from their homes and families.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about history especially if of Cuban-American descent.


I gave this book 4 stars!

An ARC copy was provided via NetGalley in exchange for a review.  


Thank you David for your review.  As a Cuban American, born in Miami, I look forward to reading this book myself.



Connect with the Author, Patti Sheehy


Twitter:  @PattiSheehy





Guest Review by Yoyo – The Ever Trilogy by Jasinda Wilder

I’m excited to share this guest review today written by Yoyo, another avid reader.  I too love it when I can read all of the books in a series right away.  This trilogy is on my TBR list.  Thanks for sharing your review.  If you haven’t met Yoyo, you can find her on Twitter @yoyostweets.

The Ever Trilogy by Jasinda Wilder

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These letters are often all that get me through week to week. Even if it’s just random stuff, nothing important, they’re important to me. Gramps is great, and I love working on the ranch. But…I’m lonely. I feel disconnected, like I’m no one, like I don’t belong anywhere. Like I’m just here until something else happens. I don’t even know what I want with my future. But your letters, they make me feel connected to something, to someone. I had a crush on you, when we first met. I thought you were beautiful. So beautiful. It was hard to think of anything else. Then camp ended and we never got together, and now all I have of you is these letters. S**t. I just told you I have a crush on you. HAD. Had a crush. Not sure what is anymore. A letter-crush? A literary love? That’s stupid. Sorry. I just have this rule with myself that I never throw away what I write and I always send it, so hopefully this doesn’t weird you out too much. I had a dream about you too. Same kind of thing. Us, in the darkness, together. Just us. And it was like you said, a memory turned into a dream, but a memory of something that’s never happened, but in the dream it felt so real, and it was more, I don’t even know, more RIGHT than anything I’ve ever felt, in life or in dreams. I wonder what it means that we both had the same dream about each other. Maybe nothing, maybe everything. You tell me.

~ ~ ~ ~


We’re pen pals. Maybe that’s all we’ll ever be. I don’t know. If we met IRL (in real life, in case you’re not familiar with the term) what would happen? And just FYI, the term you used, a literary love? It was beautiful. So beautiful. That term means something, between us now. We are literary loves. Lovers? I do love you, in some strange way. Knowing about you, in these letters, knowing your hurt and your joys, it means something so important to me, that I just can’t describe. I need your art, and your letters, and your literary love. If we never have anything else between us, I need this. I do. Maybe this letter will only complicate things, but like you I have a rule that I never erase or throw away what I’ve written and I always send it, no matter what I write in the letter.

Your literary love,


evers 2



I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m a castaway. Lost. Drowning. I love you. That’s the only true thing I know, and it’s all I have to hold on to. I love you. I’ll love you forever. Until the day I die, and I’ll love you in whatever world comes after this one. I love you so much, Ever. I miss you. Dear Jesus, I miss you. Come back to me.

For forever, and after forever,

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Ever and Cade,

Sorry I vanished like I did. I’m not sure I can even explain things. I don’t know when I’ll be back. IF I’ll be back. I’m not sure of anything, except that I love you, Ever. You’re my twin, my best friend, and leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I know you don’t understand. Maybe you never will. I hope you don’t, honestly. It would be easier that way. That’s cowardly, I’m sure.

Cade, take care of her. Love her, the way she deserves. The way you always have, for forever and always.

If I could ask you anything, it’s that you remember me as I was, and forget me as I am.

I’m sorry, and goodbye, and I love you.


Yoyo’s Review

Over the past year, I have enjoyed several books by Jasinda Wilder, a husband and wife team, so when I heard about their upcoming series, The Ever Trilogy, I quickly added it to my to-read list.  As the release date for the third book approached, I bumped the series up to the top of my reading list and I was not disappointed.

The first book, Forever and Always, introduces us to Caden.  Cade, a talented artist, has a happy childhood but things start to fall apart.  As a teenager, he suffers the kind of loss that no one should experience and the only thing that keeps him going are letters from his pen pal, Ever, whom he refers to as his literary love. They share their deepest secrets with each other and form a close bond even though they are not physically located near one another.  Ever has a twin sister named Eden.  The twins have experienced their own share of pain and while Eden loves Ever she is envious of her sister’s accomplishments.

After Forever, the second book, continues with the story of Caden and Ever.  They both go through many trials and temptations but one thing that never wavers is their love for each other.

The third book, Saving Forever, gives us more insight into Eden’s plight.  We watch her grow from a jealous, self-pitying sister into a mature young woman, capable of making selfless decisions.

I was quite emotional reading this trilogy and often found myself close to tears.  While there were situations that bothered me, I understood why they occurred. The descriptive writing made me feel like I was in the mind of the characters experiencing their pain and their joy.  The story is about triumph despite adversity and although there was much sadness, there were also many happy moments.

I gave this series 4.5 stars!

Favorite quotes:

“Trick with women is to not try and figure them out. You won’t. Just accept ’em as they are, and try to go with the flow.” – Forever and Always

“If you love someone enough, you give them as many chances as they need to get it right.” – After Forever

“Sometimes, all you can do is push through. Make mistakes and accept them.” – Saving Forever


You can find Jasinda Wilder on Twitter @JasindaWilder

Check out her website too: