Virtual Blog Tour #Review & Giveaway – Embrace Me by @AnnMarie_Walker & @Amy_KRogers @TastyBookTours

Embrace Me

by Ann Marie Walker &

Amy K. Rogers

It’s finally here!

More Hudson and Allie for your reading pleasure.


Return to the dangerous and seductive romance 
that got pulses racing in the Chasing Fire trilogy…
A Chasing Fire Novella (#3.5)
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing September 20th, 2016
Berkley Intermix

Hudson Chase and Alessandra Sinclair’s heartracing romance continues in this hot, new novella in the Chasing Fire series.

Return to the dangerous and seductive romance that got pulses racing in the Chasing Fire trilogy…

It took ten years for Hudson Chase and Alessandra Sinclair to find their happily ever after, and they’re not about to let anything get in their way…

Nothing could stop the passion between Allie and Hudson—not time or distance. Not even tragedy, betrayal, and blackmail. But now they’re facing a new challenge: wedding planning. And while Allie’s social status demands she put on the event of the century, her well-intentioned family and friends have her doubting her walk down the aisle…

Hudson knows tensions are pushing Allie to the brink, but he’s not letting her throw everything away over some flowers and cake. He has plans for his new bride, and unlike their last adventure, he’s determined that this time there will be no unwelcome surprises. But for all his determination and control, there’s one element Hudson Chase has never been able to predict—and she has some adventurous ideas of her own…

Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy

“Exceptional…Seriously sexy and
sinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York
Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me

“Walker and Rogers strike the
perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt
connections…”–RT Book Review  
Buy Now

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My Review

Let me start off by saying I’m thrilled to have Hudson and Allie back in between the digital pages of my iPad.

I truly enjoyed this continuation of such a fun, sexy and romantic series. Hot scenes, humor and more alpha Hudson always work for me.

Ann Marie and Amy have done it again. This novella was a pleasant addition to this series.  Embrace Me takes readers further into Hudson and Allie’s future. This married couple gets to properly celebrate their marriage with my two favorite supporting characters and side kicks, Harper and Nick.  Readers will enjoy the humorous and witty moments shared by this sexy couple while also enjoying plenty of hot and sexy moments. Hudson never disappoints when it comes to pleasing his wife. You’ll discover a softer side of Hudson shining through in this novella as well.  But don’t fret, the alpha male we all love stays true to character.
I for one am thrilled to read about this happy couple enjoying their married life.  Reading about Harper and Nick in this novella was great too and I feel they need their own book. I’m sure their story will be a fun and exciting one. After all, Nick is a Chase.
I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to these characters quite yet and hope that another novella or full book is in the works.
I gave this novella 4 sexy stars!
I look forward to reading more books by this dynamic writing duo.


Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British
supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker
Start the Chasing Fire Series Now


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


#Free – Uncovering Love by Kacey Shea @kaceysheabooks

Uncovering Love FREE for a limited time!

Kacey Shea’s debut novel is available for free from June 29-July 3 for readers to celebrate it’s one year publishing anniversary! Uncovering Love is a fun, flirty read with a little mystery interwoven with laugh out loud moments—a perfect summer beach read. Pick up your copy today!

Buy it from Amazon here!


Join the party!

Kacey Shea has a day filled with giveaways and Facebook live streams in her reader group, Kacey’s Closet Vixens on June 30, 2016. Click here to come for the fun!


Win a Kindle Fire

Never miss another Kacey Shea release by signing up to receive her monthly newsletter. In addition to news, giveaways, events, and more, anyone who signs up for her newsletter before August 31st is automatically entered to win a Kindle Fire. Can’t beat that!


Uncovering Love Synopsis:

Evelyn Harper lived the perfect life. 
Until she was fired from her job. 
After a ridiculous idea devised among friends comes
to existence, Evelyn finds herself part owner in a private investigation firm
specializing in matters of the heart.  Throughout wild antics with her
best friends Jonathan and Kate, Evelyn conducts relationship background checks
for a wide variety of clients. 
Soon it becomes clear that one case has moved beyond
professional and Evelyn finds herself fighting an attraction she cannot resist.
Will Evelyn admit her feelings when she
uncovers love in the most unexpected of places?

Uncovering Love is book one in the Uncovering Love series.

Each book focuses on a different couple and can be read as standalones.


About the Author

Kacey Shea is a mom of three, wife, and indie author who resides in sunny Arizona. She enjoys reading
and writing romance novels as much as her son loves unicorns, which is a lot.

When she’s not writing you will find her playing taxi cab to her children while
belting out her favorite tunes, meeting friends or family for food and to share
some laughs, or sweating it out in the gym. Kacey finds that picking up heavy
weights repeatedly is good for her mental health as much as it is for the physical.

She has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters. It could be the pants. It
could be the fire. It’s just hot. On occasion she has been known to include
them, without their knowledge, in her selfies outside the grocery store.

Kacey one day aspires to be a woman hand model in a sexy photo shoot. You know,
the woman’s hand raking across the muscular back or six pack stomach of the male fitness model. Yep, that hand.

Until that day comes she will continue writing sexy, flirty romance novels in hopes to bring others joy!

Kacey enjoys interacting with her fans so please feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.



Review – A Midsummer Night’s Fling (Much Ado About Love, #1) by @authoreliza Eliza Walker #review #releaseday

Susi Reviews A Midsummer Night’s Fling

(Much Ado About Love, #1)

by Eliza Walker


midsummer nights fling cover




The show must go on, but the price of admission could be her heart.

Sick of her vagabond life in a Broadway touring company, Nicola is ready to settle down. She wants nothing more than to park her suitcase in California, put out feelers for local auditions, and leave her past firmly behind her.

Too bad her past comes knocking on her door her first day home. All six-foot-three, beautiful man of her past named Max. Stupid Max. The mistake Nicola just can’t seem to stop making.

Even before Nicola—fiery, quick-witted, beautiful Nicola—slams the door in his face, Max is in trouble. She will always be the one who got away. Three times. Which makes convincing her to play Titania to his Oberon a bit…awkward.

Though she has zero desire to re-re-rekindle an old flame, Nicola can’t turn down the chance Max is offering: a lead role with the West Coast’s premiere Shakespeare company. But when their first rehearsal kiss disintegrates into a passionate liplock, she’s questioning her sanity and tempted to jump ship—before Max can break her heart again.

Now it’s up to Max to convince her that the torch he’s been carrying is actually an eternal flame.

My Review


What do you get when you mix a Summer acting job, a second chance romance and Shakespeare?  Well, you get a Midsummer Night’s Fling by Eliza Walker.  I will be honest, I wasn’t too sure I was going to like this book at the very start.  It took me some time to really get to know and like the characters but, once it happened, the rest of the book was a real treat. I am a fan of Shakespeare and it had been quite some time since I read or was reminded of his work.  Eliza blended a clever and well written story that was a pleasant surprise from all of my other current reads.

Nicola and Max, the two main characters are actors that are reunited after several years.  They had a relationship years ago that didn’t end well.  A Summer acting job brings them together in roles that pull at their emotional and sensual strings.  This story has humor, angst, love, and a great cast both as actors and friends.  Chemistry among lovers is hard to shake and Max and Nicola definitely have it making that aspect of the book so much more enjoyable.

I will mention this, you need to be familiar with Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to understand the roles they will play when acting.  I had to do a little refresher research to make all of the connections in my mind.  Once I did that, the story flowed, made sense to me and was brilliant.

I do love second chance romance stories and I am always the cheerleader routing for the two former lovers to come together.  I do recommend that you read the book to see what happens between these two.  I won’t spoil it for you.

I look forward to reading the rest of this series.  A Midsummer Night’s Fling is a perfect Summer Beach Read.

I gave this book 4 stars.

Eliza, congrats on your debut!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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About the Author

Eliza Walker, a native of Los Angeles, is the author of the Much Ado About Love Series that begins with A Midsummer Night’s Fling. Her experiences as an actress helped inspire the series about actors finding love amidst the bedlam backstage at a world-class repertory theater. Once upon a time, Eliza met her own wonderful husband when they did a play together.

By day Eliza helps corral engineers for NASA (without doing any of the tech stuff herself, of course). By night she loves to write her sarcastic heroes and heroines bantering their way to true love. Eliza is a total geek, a movie buff and a mediocre swing dancer. Eliza and her husband live in sunny Southern California with two of the neediest housecats on the planet.


Follow Eliza Walker on Social Media





Susi Reviews Dirty Friends by Paige Steele @psteeleauthor

Susi Reviews Dirty Friends by Paige Steele

dirty friends


Dirty Friends


Best friends Cooper Brewis and Ryan Evans have grown up living a house apart from one another. They love pool parties, hot weather, sassy chick and the dirty track.

When Ansley Young moves into the house between, them both Cooper and Ryan become her protectors. Being best friends with the two biggest flirts in school, makes life difficult at times but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She will always be their biggest fan on and off the track.

After graduation the three are faced with moving away from each other.

Will one kiss ruin their bond or will it become something, Beautifully… Dirty?


My Review

It’s Summer and I love short and fun reads.  Dirty Friends is just that, a perfect read to enjoy while relaxing out in the sun or simply relaxing with a glass of wine.

This debut was an enjoyable read for me. I immediately loved the characters.  They were realistic and entertaining.  In this story, three friends enjoy their high school years together.  Cooper, Ryan and Ansley have great chemistry with each other.  It was easy to see how these boys would become so protective of their friend/neighbor.  Friendly banter between these characters also makes for a lighthearted read.

Additionally, I enjoyed the well written motocross scenes.  As a mother of two boys, I was able to picture their race outings as well as the atmosphere in these races.  The scenes in this book were clearly well researched and well written.

As the story evolves, time passes and the three friends embark on their own journeys.  Being apart proves to be more than expected for these friends. Then, there is a kiss, one that can make or break a friendship.

Ms. Steele, I was left wanting more.  I look forward to the next book in this series.  I can’t wait to see what develops and how their adult lives continue.

I gave this book 4 stars!

I love the cover too!  Your cover model is perfect!

Grab your flip flops, bikini, your Kindle and your beach chair.  Enjoy Dirty Friends, a perfect Summer Read.


Buy Link

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About the Author




Blogiversary – Giveaway – Raven’s Innocence by Nicky D. White @NickyD_White

One Year anniversary banner 2

Giveaway!  Enter to Win!

Enter to Win an eBook of Raven’s Innocence by N.D. White

raven's innocence new cover

Raven Pierce vowed to escape the hot and humid climate of Missouri and never look back. After completing her graduate program, she drags her sun-loving, winter-hating best friend to start a new life in Minnesota with its cold crisp air and blankets of snow. Raven’s main focus is her new career and truly establishing her own identity. The last thing she intends to do as she is building a new life is to fall in love. As her luck would have it, one evening a minor accident sends Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome to her rescue. What starts out as the perfect relationship begins to turn challenging when tragedy strikes and pulls her grief-stricken boyfriend into a dark and unpredictable frame of mind. Raven finds herself fighting for love in an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes dark terrain.


You can read my Review of this book here.giveawayGiveaway Rules

Leave a comment on this post and you are entered to win One eBook of Raven’s Innocence by N.D. White.

The winner will be selected via  No purchase necessary to enter.

This giveaway will end on Wednesday 12/17 at noon.

One winner will be notified via email.

Good luck.

Thank you Nicky for being part of my blogiversary.  ~Susi

 Buy Links


AMAZON Paperback

About the Author: N.D. White

nicky d whie

Born:  Small town in Missouri

Gender: Female



a34a9-twitterbuttonTwitter: @nickyd_white


 Facebook Page:  

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides.  She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown.  Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment.  Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers.  Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry.  Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart strings.  She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which is going to be released in the next week. She will then diligently start writing her next book, Raven’s Undoing.

Blogiversary GIVEAWAY – Just Human & Still Human by Kerry Heavens @kerryheavens

One Year anniversary banner 2

Enter to win both Just Human and Still Human

by Kerry Heavens

Scroll down for GIVEAWAY

Just Human Cover still human cover



Continue reading

Blogiversary GIVEAWAY x 2 – Fifteen Weekends and Unscripted by Christy Pastore @christypastore


One Year anniversary banner 2


GIVEAWAY – Fifteen Weekends

and the newly released Unscripted by Christy Pastore



Continue reading

** GIVEAWAY** Father & Son and Prodigal Son by Michelle Day @ProdigalSon_1


5 eBook copies of Prodigal Son and Father & Son are up for grabs.

Five lucky winners will win a set of both eBooks.

Father & Son released yesterday.

 You must read Prodigal Son first as it is the continuation of Paul’s story.

Father & Son giveaway pic


ps son giveaway cover

Giveaway Rules

1.  Leave a comment on this post.  Why do you want to win this set?

2.  5 Winners will be selected on Monday 11/24 at noon.

3. Spread the word and re-tweet and share this post on Social Media.

4.  Winners will be chosen via and will be notified via email. No purchase necessary to win.

5. Good luck and Happy Reading!


father & son pic quote 2


father & son release day banner for blog posts


**Giveaway** TouchStone for Play by Sydney Jamesson @SydneyJamesson

Happy Tuesday Readers!

happy tuesday

It’s time for a 5 star giveaway!


I am thrilled to offer you the chance to win a Kindle copy of this fantastic five star read, TouchStone for Play by Sydney Jamesson.

touchstone for play cover


The Story of Us Trilogy Begins …Twenty seven year old English teacher Elizabeth Parker is waiting to be found. Like the secrets of her past, her beauty is hidden, concealed behind modest clothes and a gentle nature. Into her secluded world enter two powerful men.

Handsome playboy, Ayden Stone is flawless and as skilled in the bedroom as he is in the boardroom. He has a taste for rare and beautiful things, and he wants to taste her: he’ll do anything to make it happen. Uninitiated in the art of seduction, Beth embarks upon a voyage of sexual awakening, allowing Ayden to steer her towards deep and dangerous waters, unaware of their fateful connection.
From a distance, former boxer Dan Rizler, bides his time but never loses sight of the object of his desire: precious Miss Parker. His tormented soul reaches out to her with merciless hands: he must have her.
This is a modern fairy tale full of romantic moments, music and monstrous encounters. Elizabeth Parker is about to be found but will she be bound by her destiny or by her demon …
touchstone for play pic quote

Giveaway Rules:
1.  Answer this question on the blog post comments, What is your favorite fairy tale?
2.  One lucky winner will receive a Kindle version of the book.
3.  No purchase necessary to win.
4.  One winner will be selected via on Friday morning at 9am.
5.  The winner will have 24 hours to reply to the email accepting their book.
6.  Good Luck!

$.99 ~ Start your Journey & buy Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia today! @Debra_Anastasia

Sometimes a book changes the very way you see love. It takes your smile, counts it, and turns it into a story that simply asks for your entire heart.

poughkeepsie cover


Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia is a cult hit since 2011. It claims 800 reviews on Amazon with a 4.5 average. Poughkeepsie was voted second by The Rockstars of Romance as the most romantic book of all time. The Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series, includes three books, with the grand finale, Saving Poughkeepsie releasing on 11/22/14.


The train ticket to the journey of the Poughkeepsie will only cost .99 cents for a limited time sale. It’s the perfect gift for your favorite reader. It’s the romance your imagination deserves.



Poughkeepsie Buy Links

poughkeepsie cover


Amazon UK:


Barnes & Noble:

Simon & Schuster:



Google Play:

Audio Book Poughkeepsie:

Poughkeepsie Enhanced Collector’s Edition for iPad:

Official Trailer:

 App Trailer: