Cuddle Up Day 1/6/15 featuring @SylvainReynard @SC_Stephens_ @JMDarhower

Cuddle Up Day – January 6, 2015


cuddle up

Which character would you love to cuddle up with?

When I first learned about Cuddle Up day, I thought of my husband and then immediately thought of some characters from my favorite books that I would love to cuddle up with. Sorry hubby.  I decided that Cuddle Up Day would make a fun post.


My top favorite character that I would love to cuddle up with has to be Professor Gabriel Emerson from the The Gabriel’s Inferno Trilogy by Sylvain Reynard.  And, here is my professor.

dg for professor image

He is total cuddle material. Don’t you agree? Ok, so he can take me to Italy and cuddle up with me in Florence and whisper to me in Italian. (A girl can dream right?)



Another character who makes my list of possible cuddle buddies has to be Kellan Kyle from The Thoughless Series by S.C. Stephens.  Kellan is a total sweetheart.

kellan kyle

I’m excited about Kellan because he gets his very own book.   Thoughful by S.C. Stephens will be out later this year. It is on my TBR list and should be on yours too.



My third cuddle candidate for today is Carmine DeMarco from Sempre & Sempre Redemption by J.M. Darhower.

seaon opry for carmine image

This bad boy with a heart of gold is worthy of cuddling.  This series is very special to me and is among my top favorite books read.

Come to think about it, Corrado Moretti proved to me in Made by J.M. Darhower that he is worthy of cuddling too.

hugh jackman for corrado image


So, who would you like to cuddle up with today?

Be sure to add your favorite cuddle up to characters in the comments below.

Enjoy and Happy Cuddling!