#Review At That Moment by Scarlett Hartgrove @CristolKlear

Susi Reviews At That Momeny by Scarlett Hartgrove



Cara Mears has a good life…simple, satisfying, and safe. 


She owns a successful company, has loyal friends, and a decent relationship, and has convinced herself that this is enough.


This is a life she knows how to navigate.


Enter Dylan Madigan, her long-time movie-star crush, devastatingly handsome, arrogant, and famous.


At that moment, everything changes.


Their seductive and romantic journey begins, exposing their vulnerabilities, testing their resolve, and leaving them emotionally naked.


The bigger-than-life movie star turns Cara’s life inside out and upside down, but is it for the better?


What happens when dreams actually become reality?

My Review


Compelling, addictive and sexy!

I’m a sucker for a well written romance.  A talented author is one who can make their story come alive in my mind.  At That Moment, Scarlett Hartgrove’s debut has all of the elements I admire in a romance and her brilliant story came to life just like a motion picture.


At That Moment is filled with brilliantly written “moments” that entice, enthrall and enchant the reader.  Scarlett created characters that I loved from the very first “moment” I met them.  Cara is my favorite and the most relatable for me since I found we shared so many common interests.  Dylan,  Wow!  I know I immediately fell for him just like Cara.  There is much to love about him.  After all, it’s not every day that you get to meet your movie crush, much less develop a friendship with him.  The cast of supporting characters was perfect.  They added and aided in keeping the dynamic flow of this story alive.  They kept the light parts light, offered humor, love  and support when the main characters needed them the most.  They were extremely important in keeping Cara focused as well.


As a reader, I pictured every moment in this exquisitely written book.  The details and descriptions were brilliant.  At That Moment,  takes the cake with flawless characters, exquisite and vivid locations and an exceptional plot.

This story is one I highly recommend.  It is a romance that will hook you, make you smile, swoon, I know I did, feel some angst, make you mad, and truly feel the love.

I am anxiously awaiting book 2.

I gave this book 5 stars!

Go ahead and one click it today!




About the Author



I am a southern woman, born and bred.


I love the beach, cooking, gardening, sweet tea, cats, good books, music, and warm, sunny weather.


Growing up as a child of blind parents gave me a unique perspective of life. Watching my parents struggle to overcome adversity in order to provide a normal life for me and my brother, I learned the meaning of tenacity, self-reliance, independence, grace, and the true importance of family.


I am a glass-half-full-girl to my very core.


As a young girl, I kept a diary, which led to the habit of keeping a journal and writing short stories. I’ve spent my life writing in my head.


I’ve always had an open book nearby, soaking up the adventures that transport me from my daily life to exotic, exciting locations around the world.


Someday, if someone remembers me as a kind, compassionate, and strong person, I will have lived the life I always wanted.


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2 thoughts on “#Review At That Moment by Scarlett Hartgrove @CristolKlear

  1. Thank you so much for this awesome review! You have no idea how perfect your timing was this morning… : ) This brought me up from a dark moment. I really need the encouragement today. My heart is full of gratitude. 🙂

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