#CoverReveal & Teaser Sidebarred by @EmmaChse

I’m excited to share this cover with you. I’m a huge Emma Case fan and this cover and upcoming novella make me smile.image



Chelsea sits beside me on the couch, facing me, her legs tucked, her pretty feet curled under her. Yes—Chelsea has pretty feet, okay? I never knew feet could be pretty—until I saw hers.
“So . . . that talk I mentioned before? We should probably have that now, while we can.”
I take a sip of my drink and nod. “Yeah—I wasn’t at all hoping you’d forget about it or anything.”
Her face slides into a grin. “Funny.”
I look back at her, straight-faced. “I’m a funny guy.”
When she doesn’t say anything for a few moments, I ask, “What’s up?”
Because now I’m actually getting concerned. My stomach tightens as I brace for whatever’s worrying her—and before I even know what I’m up against, in my head I’m already planning all the ways I’ll take care of it. Because that’s what I do—and I’m good at it.
But what she tells me next blows my fucking mind.
“I’m late.”
Two words—ten thousand thoughts exploding in my head at once.
I’m a big guy, six-five, 225 pounds of muscle. Guys like me, our voices don’t squeak. But at this moment, mine comes damn close.
“Like . . . for an appointment?”
Chelsea inhales deeply, then breathes out, “No.”



Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Sidebarred-Briefs-Novella-Emma-Chase-ebook/dp/B01DOK4MW4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459470119&sr=8-1&keywords=sidebarred+emma+chase

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sidebarred-emma-chase/1123610556?ean=2940152949582

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/search?Query=sidebarred+emma+chase



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