Cover Reveal – Pinpoint by Olivia Luck @AuthorLuck

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you enjoy today’s cover reveal.  Isn’t it gorgeous.  I’m looking forward to reading it.  COVER REVEAL

Pinpoint by Olivia Luck

Book Title: Pinpoint (The Point Series)
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date:
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb

All my life I followed the rules. I lived under the iron rule of my father and did what was expected of me.

Until now.

I want to live in the big city. Make new friends. Get a great job. Meet a man that makes me swoon. Fall in love.

Sounds straightforward enough, but making my way in a city of six million isn’t as seamless as I’d hoped. And the man is more sour than sweet.

Something’s got to give. And this time it won’t be me.


Pinpoint Teaser 2

Pinpoint Teaser 1

meet the author

Olivia Luck calls Chicago home. She loves traveling with her husband, baking for her parents, and taking walks with her dog. Olivia started writing when she was eight and paused to dabble in various other pursuits like dance and piano. In the end, she always came back to her pen and notebook.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

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