Release Blitz – At That Moment by Scarlett Hartgrove @CristolKlear

Happy Tuesday!  I’m currently reading At That Moment by Scarlett Hartgrove.  I can’t wait to share my full review.  Stay tuned.  Be sure to One Click this gem today.

Title: At That Moment

Series: The Eyes of March #1
Author: Scarlett Hartgrove
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 2016
Cara Mears has a good life…simple, satisfying, and safe. 
She owns a successful company, has loyal friends, and a decent relationship, and has convinced herself that this is enough. 

This is a life she knows how to navigate. 

Enter Dylan Madigan, her long-time movie-star crush, devastatingly handsome, arrogant, and famous. 

At that moment, everything changes. 

Their seductive and romantic journey begins, exposing their vulnerabilities, testing their resolve, and leaving them emotionally naked.

The bigger-than-life movie star turns Cara’s life inside out and upside down, but is it for the better?

What happens when dreams actually become reality?

“I really hope all you fellow readers that enjoy a great romance novel will be swept away in the book as I have.” – Goodreads Reviewer

Dylan leaned back in his first-class seat with his long legs stretched out in front of him, his headphones in his ears. His eyes were closed, and he slowly became aware of the flight attendant hovering over him, asking if he would like something to drink. Removing one of the ear buds, he gave her a dazzling smile. “No, I’m fine, thank you.” 


She returned his smile and moved down the aisle of the plane. Dylan leaned back and looked out the window, putting the bud back in his ear.
He was tired. He had encountered a mob of paparazzi at the airport in New York this morning, and totally lost it with a rude, relentless photographer who kept shoving a camera in his face. Christ, how he hated that shit! He found it ironic that he so loved a career that nurtured that insanity. 


Thinking about his purchase of Bradford House, he smiled. He’d fallen in love with North Carolina when visiting a friend on a movie set a few years ago. While he wasn’t crazy about the altitude in the mountains, he found the Piedmont area very beautiful with its rolling foothills. It reminded him of his home in Ireland. He was anxious to see how the renovations were coming along, and even more anxious to know when he would actually be able to move in. It would be a perfect place to relax and rejuvenate between projects. 


As he glanced at his watch, Cara flashed through his mind. He wondered what she was doing right now.


Cara. What was it about her he couldn’t get out of his mind? Everything. She intrigued him. She was beautiful and charming. And real. 


But there was something fragile about her, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, and he didn’t want to scare her away. He wanted to know everything about her. On the phone earlier this week, he had been able to coax her to share a bit about herself. He loved her soft, Southern accent, and wanted to listen to her talk for hours on end. 


He would move very slowly and cautiously. Somehow, he knew she was not one to be toyed with, and he didn’t want to make any mistakes. There was something between them, a connection. He had experienced the coup de foudre the moment he had turned around from the bar and took her hand, and hoped that he wouldn’t do anything impulsive or stupid to fuck it up. 


Even though he sensed a vulnerability in her, he also sensed a hidden sensuality underneath her polished and proper surface. The thought made him shift in his seat, and he realized he had to steer his mind in another direction, now.


His thoughts were interrupted by the Captain’s announcement that they were beginning their descent, and the flight attendant was beside him, asking him to raise his seat back and fasten his seat belt. 


He checked the time. Was Cara waiting for him to call? Was she as nervous as he was? It had been a very long time since he’d felt this way about any woman. He actually had butterflies in his stomach, and smiled at the feeling. 


This was good, right? He nodded to himself. This was very good.
* * * * *
I am a southern woman, born and bred.
I love the beach, cooking, gardening, sweet tea, cats, good books, music, and warm, sunny weather.
Growing up as a child of blind parents gave me a unique perspective of life. Watching my parents struggle to overcome adversity in order to provide a normal life for me and my brother, I learned the meaning of tenacity, self-reliance, independence, grace, and the true importance of family. 
I am a glass-half-full-girl to my very core.
As a young girl, I kept a diary, which led to the habit of keeping a journal and writing short stories. I’ve spent my life writing in my head.
I’ve always had an open book nearby, soaking up the adventures that transport me from my daily life to exotic, exciting locations around the world.
Someday, if someone remembers me as a kind, compassionate, and strong person, I will have lived the life I always wanted.

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#ReleaseDay #Review – Uncovering Hope by Kacey Shea @KaceySheabooks

Release Day & 5 Star Review

Uncovering Hope by Kacey Shea

uncovering hope release day

Uncovering Hope by Kacey Shea is now available on Kindle, iBooks, Nook, & Kobo. This book is the third and final in the series but you do NOT have to read books one and two to enjoy Uncovering Hope. Also, stalk Kacey Shea on her social media as she gives away ebooks, swag, and other prizes throughout the week!

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Carly Reynolds doesn’t have much faith in men. She no longer trusts her heart to lead—not after doing her so wrong. Raising her sons alone, Carly must learn to stand on her own. But she’s stronger now, wiser, and determined to move forward.


Derek Taylor, the sexy tatted drummer for Three Ugly Guys, doesn’t have much time for women, except to hook up and get off. He’d rather focus on writing music and living the career he’s always dreamed. Fate may have other plans.


Dr. Garrett Brooks is the talk of Children’s Hospital. As the new surgical resident, he is young, charming, and attractive. He takes an immediate interest in Carly but his demanding work schedule and her single mom status don’t leave much opportunity for dating.


Between love interests, two boys to raise, and a full time nursing job, Carly’s ability to stand strong is put to the test. And when strange things start to transpire Carly must face the reality that her past has come back to haunt. Can the woman she’s become dare to hope for love again? And which man will win her heart?


Uncovering Hope is the third and final book in the Uncovering Love series, but it can also be read as a standalone. Contains adult themes and explicit content and is intended for mature audiences.

My Review

Do you enjoy reading books in a series?  Well, I do.  I love books in a series because once I become invested in characters, the anticipation of reading more about them is thrilling.  Uncovering Hope is the third book in the Uncovering Love series by Kacey Shea and the one that truly touched me the most.

Kacey Shea has created a dynamic cast of characters which are all part of the three books in her series.  In this book, Carly Reynolds, Tate’s sister is the main character.  This is her story. Readers will discover why she lives with her brother Tate and his fiancee.  Her emotional backstory comes to life as well revealing so much more.

One particular character introduced in the second book, Derek the drummer from Three Ugly Guys is back and trust me, you will love him.

Carly is a single mom of two boys who works as a nurse with cancer patients in a hospital.   In this book a handsome doctor enters her life as well. Hmmm…. Hot sexy rocker or hot steamy doctor? Life isn’t fair when it comes to making decisions right?

As a I mentioned, this book touched my heart as well as made me laugh many times.  Derek the drummer brought on the sexy and the lines that made me chuckle.  He is one sweet/sexy talker. Surprisingly, he proved to be so much more than expected and for that, he is my favorite character.

All great books have wonderful supporting characters and Kacey did a brilliant job writing them and sprinkling them in this book.  They each bring a unique touch to the story making it so special. If you read the previous books, you’ll find out what happens to the rest of the gang.

Be prepared to laugh out loud, keep a tissue handy for some tears, and you may even blush.  Trust me, Derek knows sexy!

I’d love to tell you more but, I don’t do spoilers.  One click this book today!


I gave this book 5 stars!

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review.

5 stars

My Favorite Lines

“So, I’ve got to know.  You ever fantasize about playing nurse and patient? ‘Cause I feel a cold coming on.”  His poor attempt at a cough has me laughing.  “You never stop, do you?”

“You’re in a rush, Cinderella… your clothes gonna disappear if you’re not home by midnight? “Cause I wanna be around for that.”

“No dumbass. I have a sitter and I promised her I’d be home by midnight.”

“Right. Kids.”

“Watch it kid.”  I select one of the selfies and caption it. “Like the new haircut? Had to get in line withe my brother from another mother, Luis.  Who else wants in? #fuckcancer.”  I ask for Luis’ account so I can tag him.

“My, my, my! Lookie what we have here. Mama’s been holding out on me.”  He lets loose a long whistle.  “Dear God, woman!” How many dicks does one person need?”

“I need to hear you say yes, Carly. Yes that you want more.  Yes that you want me. Because I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you right now.”

About Kacey Shea, Author

Kacey Shea is a mom of three, wife, and part-time bookkeeper who resides in sunny Arizona. She enjoys reading and writing romance novels as much as her son loves unicorns, which is a lot.

When she’s not writing you will find her playing taxi cab to her children while belting out her favorite tunes, meeting friends or family for food and to share some laughs, or sweating it out in the gym. Kacey finds that picking up heavy weights repeatedly is good for her mental health as much as it is for the physical.

She has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters. It could be the pants. It could be the fire. It’s just hot. On occasion she has been known to include them, without their knowledge, in her selfies outside the grocery store.

Kacey one day aspires to be a woman hand model in a sexy photo shoot. You know, the woman’s hand raking across the muscular back or six pack stomach of the male fitness model. Yep, that hand.

Until that day comes she will continue writing sexy, flirty romance novels in hopes to bring others joy!

Kacey enjoys interacting with her fans so please feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.







Be sure to read the other books in this series!

uncovering desire cover


uncovering love cover

#ReleaseDay #Giveaway – Heartbreaker by @KatBastion @StoneBastion is live!

Heartbreaker RDL Banner

We’re absolutely thrilled to celebrate the release of Kat & Stone Bastion’s sexy and emotional new adult romance HEARTBREAKER!

PLUS visit their Facebook page today for a $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Further details below.

Read for yourself what HEARTBREAKER reviewers are buzzing about…

Heartbreaker Cover

1-click your copy… $3.99 release price | $4.99 regular price
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Heartbreaker on Goodreads

Stay tuned for my review on blog tomorrow. 

Early Praise for HEARTBREAKER:

“Heartrending, passionate, and captivating! Heartbreaker is a riveting page-turner that will leave you breathless with raw emotions, and the need to hold tight to the ones you love!”
~ Beneath the Covers Blog

“This book has definitely earned its five stars and I am just floored right now. The passion is explosive, the story itself is beautiful, and the emotions are so real my heart is ready to burst. Beautiful book. Absolutely breathtaking.”
~ One Page at a Time

“I really, really liked this book…I’ve not read anything else by these authors but they are now on my radar.”
~ BFD Book Blog

“This is my first time reading this author but it definitely won’t be my last—I loved it…wonderfully compelling, a story that touched my heart in so many ways and characters I will remember for a long time to come.”
~ Girl Who Reads

Heartbreaker is a great read… more than just a love story that can make you swoon. It touches a very sensitive topic that not all are brave enough to dwell on.”
~ Book Freak

“It has been a long time since I’ve read a love story like this. Solid from beginning to end Heartbreaker…draws its readers into the world of sacrifice and deep love. The writing is solid and flawless.”
~ Jeri’s Book Attic

“Reading a book by Kat and Stone Bastion is like eating one of the best meals of your life. It has the perfect flow from its appetizing beginning, its emotionally hearty entrées, to its deliciously sweet end.”
~ TJLovesToRead

“An extremely emotional story that really tugged at my heart…I highly recommend it.”
~ Loves 2 Read Romance

“I laughed, I cried, I cursed and I smiled. The end of the story was beautiful…totally loved it!”
~ Vasiliki, Goodreads early reviewer

“5 STARS. This book is pure bliss. I just couldn’t stop reading. I loved the writing, the story, nothing felt rushed or too easy…We have banter, sexual tension, love, angst, it’s perfect.”
~ Isa, Goodreads early reviewer

“This was so good! Highly recommend…well written and flowed with a great pace, I read it in a sitting.”
~ Angela, Goodreads early reviewer

Darren in HEARTBREAKER - Image provided by Gel with Tempting Illustrations

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Kiki Michaelson wants one wild night to forget her starving-artist worries. Simple.

Only instead of Darren Cole becoming her one-night stand, he taunts her with a challenge. Then while she’s trying to best him at his own game, he turns out to be the last thing she’s prepared for: someone she wants to keep.

Which means all he can ever be…is a friend.

Darren Cole never allows a girl to get close—not close enough to matter.

Then storms in Kiki Michaelson, a beautiful, fearless temptation that rocks his world off-balance. But he fights their attraction, unwilling to gamble something physical with their close ties. Until the passionate sculptor exposes her heart and breaks his wide open.

In that moment it becomes clear: she could never be just a friend.

Sometimes what you run from…is exactly what you need.

HEARTBREAKER Release Day $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Be sure to visit Kat & Stone on their Facebook page today to enter: Kat & Stone Bastion’s Facebook

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One lucky subscriber wins an eBook of their choice from the backlist AND a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card with each announcement.

About Kat & Stone Bastion:

Shoe and Boot Photo

Kat Bastion won several awards for her bestselling debut novel Forged in Dreams and Magick.

Kat and Stone Bastion’s bestselling first novel No Weddings and the No Weddings series were named Best of 2014 by multiple romance review blogs.

When not defining love and redemption through scribed words, they enjoy spending their time mountain biking and hiking in the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Stay in touch with them on their social media pages…
Blog * Facebook * Kat’s Twitter * Stone’s Twitter * Website

Special Announcement: Black Tie Optional (Wild Weddings Series Book One) by @AnnMarie_Walker

I’m excited to share this announcement on the blog today.  
I’m looking forward to reading this new series by Ann Marie Walker.  


Releasing with St. Martin’s Press
February 2017
Wild Wedding Series Book One
Ann Marie Walker
More Info to Come
If you need something to tide you over 
until next year…
Try the Chasing Fire Trilogy 
co-written by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers
REMIND ME (Book One) 
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | GooglePlay
Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | GooglePlay
RECLAIM ME (Book Three)
Amazon | BAM | B&N | GooglePlay | iTunes | Kobo

Ann Marie Walker
writes steamy contemporary romance and is co-author of the Chasing Fire
series (Remind Me, Release Me, Reclaim Me) from Penguin Books. She and her
writing partner Amy K. Rogers instantly bonded over their love of alpha males,
lemon drop martinis and British supermodel David Gandy. Ann Marie attended the
University of Notre Dame and currently lives in Chicago.

Cover Reveal – Pinpoint by Olivia Luck @AuthorLuck

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you enjoy today’s cover reveal.  Isn’t it gorgeous.  I’m looking forward to reading it.  COVER REVEAL

Pinpoint by Olivia Luck

Book Title: Pinpoint (The Point Series)
Author: Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date:
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb

All my life I followed the rules. I lived under the iron rule of my father and did what was expected of me.

Until now.

I want to live in the big city. Make new friends. Get a great job. Meet a man that makes me swoon. Fall in love.

Sounds straightforward enough, but making my way in a city of six million isn’t as seamless as I’d hoped. And the man is more sour than sweet.

Something’s got to give. And this time it won’t be me.


Pinpoint Teaser 2

Pinpoint Teaser 1

meet the author

Olivia Luck calls Chicago home. She loves traveling with her husband, baking for her parents, and taking walks with her dog. Olivia started writing when she was eight and paused to dabble in various other pursuits like dance and piano. In the end, she always came back to her pen and notebook.

Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

social media websitetwitterFacebookpinterestGoodreads

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