2015 Book Boyfriends of the Year @authorklgrayson @btuarmy @sylvainreynard @annmarie_walker @amy_krogers

2015 Book Boyfriends

This year, I have a three way tie.

 I have three top book boyfriends for 2015.

They each made my list for different reasons.  

Read all about them in these books.  

Let me know if you agree they are worthy of this distinction.  

2015 book boyfriends

William York from The Prince, The Raven and The Shadow, to be release in 2016 by Sylvain Reynard.

Hudson D. Chase from Remind Me, Release Me and Reclaim Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers


Sergeant Devin Ulysses Clay from A Lover’s Lament by KL Grayson and B.T. Urruela.  

Who made your list of favorites?  Please share.