2015 Book Boyfriends of the Year @authorklgrayson @btuarmy @sylvainreynard @annmarie_walker @amy_krogers

2015 Book Boyfriends

This year, I have a three way tie.

 I have three top book boyfriends for 2015.

They each made my list for different reasons.  

Read all about them in these books.  

Let me know if you agree they are worthy of this distinction.  

2015 book boyfriends

William York from The Prince, The Raven and The Shadow, to be release in 2016 by Sylvain Reynard.

Hudson D. Chase from Remind Me, Release Me and Reclaim Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers


Sergeant Devin Ulysses Clay from A Lover’s Lament by KL Grayson and B.T. Urruela.  

Who made your list of favorites?  Please share.  

Susi’s Favorite Reads of 2015 @BTUArmy @AuthorKLGrayson @ColleenHoover @TheOriginalGray @TJCooper @EmmaChse @HarperSloan @_KyraDavis @KaceySheaBooks @Christina_Lee04 @AuthorAJLinnHub @KerryHeavens @sylvainreynard @annmarie_walker @amy_krogers

2015 fav reads


2015 was a difficult year for me personally.  Both of my parents suffered from health issues. Fortunately, they are healthy and doing remarkably well now.  I thank those of you who know me personally for your support and kind words during those rough times this past year.  Books also helped me and I have those amazing authors to thank for that.  Books are my escape and I did plenty of reading in plenty of different locations as well.  Thanks to all of my followers who support this hobby of mine.   

May “2016”  bring you all happiness, love, friendship, peace and health.




Here is my list of favorites read in 2015.

  I loved them all!


Uncovering Desire by Kacey Sheauncovering desire cover

Just One Lie by Kyra Davis

Just One Lie Kyra Davis

A Gentleman’s Fate by AJ Linn

agf cover aj linn

There You Stand by Christina Lee

there you stand christina lee cover

Sustained by Emma Chase

sustained cover

Overruled by Emma Chase

overruled cover Emma Chase

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

ugly love

My Favorite Indie/New Author Book of 2015

Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper

faith & hope cover

My favorite M/M/F book of 2015

Veil of Scars by J.R. Gray

Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray

My favorite feel good book of 2015

Perfectly Imperfect by Harper Sloan

perfectly imperfect harper sloan cover

My favorite sexy online romance book of 2015

Spencer by Kerry Heavens


My favorite Paranormal/Romance Books of 2015

The Prince by Sylvain Reynard

by Sylvain Reynard

The Raven by Sylvain Reynard802b8-theraven

My Favorite Series for 2015

Chasing Fire Series by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers




My favorite co-written book of 2015

A Lover’s Lament by KL Grayson and BT Urruela
a lover's lament cover

Wow! It was quite a task to narrow it down to these books.

 I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.

Check out all of the other amazing books I read in 2015 on my blog.

Happy 2016!

Susi Reviews Mastered (The Enforcers #1) by Maya Banks #New Release @maya_banks

Susi Reviews Mastered, (The Enforcers #1)

by Maya Banksmastered covered maya banks


From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Breathless Trilogy comes the first novel in the Enforcers series—a bold new direction in erotic romance that explores the games men and women play, and the price they’re willing to pay for pleasure.

What he wants, he takes with no remorse or guilt.

She stood out in his club like a gem, unspoiled and untouched. A lamb among wolves, she clearly didn’t belong. Drawn to her innocence he watched as she was surrounded by men who saw what he did—but no one but him could touch her. He summoned her to his private quarters. He sensed her fear. He also recognized the desire in her eyes. And he knew she wouldn’t leave before he possessed her. She had no need to know his secrets. Not until he had her under his complete and utter control.

What he wants, she isn’t sure she can give him.

The moment he told her want he wanted, she couldn’t resist. Instinct told her to run, but her heart said stay and walk the fine line between pleasure and pain. Though she wasn’t sure she could ever completely surrender, the primal part of her wanted to try, even knowing this man could break her in ways she never imagined. Because once he possessed her, he owned her and it would be too late to turn back. She can only pray that he doesn’t destroy her in the end.



My Review

I’d like to begin this review by telling you that this is my first Maya Banks book.  Intriguing, erotic, sexy are words I can use to describe it.  This is the story of Evangeline and Drake, two characters who are total opposites. Evangeline is a young innocent woman who moved to New York from a small town to help her parents financially.  Big city life is pretty new to her.  Drake is a powerful businessman.  He is the total alpha male. He is handsome, dominant, and relentless.  He is a club owner who lives a very private life.  Women are disposable to him, except for Evangeline.

Evangeline visited Drake’s club one night, and that one night changed her life.

Drake takes over her life and keeps her, controlling her every move in life.  His relationship with her, unusual for his lifestyle but one that I hope will become clearer in the next books.  I admit, it took me some time to really get into this book.  I didn’t care for Evangeline’s character.  I felt she was weak having allowed this man she just met take full control of her life.  However, I’m betting Evangeline’s character will flourish in the next book and surprise readers.

I liked the secondary characters.  Drake’s men, those that kept watch over Evangeline were intriguing and made me laugh on several occasions.  They have their own stories I wouldn’t mind reading about.

This book had plenty of sex scenes and some that made me squint and feel a bit uncomfortable.  It is a BDSM book so expect the kink.  All in all, I did enjoy this book.

The ending, a cliffhanger.  The last 20% of the book will keep you hooked for sure.

I look forward to reading the next book because I need to know what happens to this couple.  Maya, you have a new fan.

I gave this book 4 stars.

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

Be sure to add Mastered to your TBR list.  


Buy Links

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About the Author

Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international

bestselling author of over 50 novels.

A wife and mother of three, she lives in Texas.






Blog Tour – Excerpt – Diamond Hart by Heather Shere @Heather_Shere

Diamond Hart BT Banner




Growing up a poor kid in a rich town is tough.
Palm Springs, California has its socialites,
but when you’re a skater boy from a dusty trailer park,
you’re nothing more than a desert rat.
They think that’s a bad thing.
But we embrace who we are and wear that title with pride.

Preston Hart knows what he wants. She is his world.
But he won’t ever be the man she deserves.
He doesn’t believe he is worthy.
That’s his weakness and weaknesses can be exploited.

When he is offered the chance to make something of his life,
he worries the cost might be too high.
But faced with losing everything he holds dear,
he takes the helping hand.

But everything comes at cost and Preston is about to pay dearly.

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Diamond Hart Teaser

DH Excerpt Tab


When I imagine Hell, it’s this town in the summer months, good old Palm Springs, California. Hotter than the devil’s breath and twice as dry. I couldn’t think of anything worse than putting on a suit in this heat, even if I had one. Since I’m not even sure why he called me to his office, I show up in my board shorts and T-shirt. If he wants to see me for some mysterious purpose he wouldn’t divulge over the phone, he can take me as I am.

We never have had the money you need to get by in a town like this. My parents came here when they were young, to find work. My father, an airline mechanic, was underpaid and passed away before he could really save anything. We survive, but I wish I could do more. I couldn’t ask for a kinder mother, she looks at everything with a positive eye and sees the beauty of what’s beneath it even if it’s sugarcoated shit. She deserves the best.

The future right now seems bleak, no money for college, my job at the hotel is just enough to keep my mother and me with a roof over our heads and food on the table.

My foot pounding the pavement as I push my skateboard faster through the desert streets reminds me, I can’t even afford a car. I shake my head at the thought, flip my board up and catch it quickly and wipe my hands on my shorts as I go into the building.

Skye is sitting behind the desk and her face goes from miserable to lit up at the sight of me. Fuck, I want her so much. She deserves the best too and that’s more than I can give her. Just look at where she comes from, I can’t keep up with that. My mother, an immigrant right off the boat, could never hope to make a decent wage. Graduation is nearing, and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can’t make a life with Skye in my parents trailer, their first and only home that my mom and I still share.

I slyly look around, seeing we’re alone. I sneak around the desk and drop to my knees in front of her.

“Get up! He’ll see you,” she says in an urgent whisper.

I give her my crooked grin, slide my hand up her skirt and rest it on her upper thigh. Her eyes get brighter as she looks around the room, recklessly I put my other hand in her curly hair and pull her head down to mine.

“Kiss me,” I tell her a breath away from her full, succulent lips.

I don’t wait, I take her lips in a hurried kiss. Just as she starts to melt for me, I pull back and love the glazed look that’s in her eyes. I playfully tap her on the nose. “We’ll finish this later,” I tell her, moving my hand up to grasp her panties. She gasps as I pull and the fabric tears easily, leaving me with her panties fisted in my hand. I give her another smile and bring them to my nose as I stand.

“You’re so gross! Give them back.” Her words the complete opposite to the smoldering look she’s giving me.

“Nope, you’ll get them later.” I give her my killer smile.

She shakes her head at me. “Why are you here?” Again she looks around the room waiting for him to appear.

“Don’t worry, he won’t chase me off, he asked me to come in.” I smile at her and puff out my chest as I mimic his voice. “I’d like to meet with you, Kid, about some business.”

Usually when I make fun of him she breaks out into a fit of giggles, not this time, her face falls. “Don’t get mixed up with him, you know he is shady as all hell.”

I grab her by the shoulders, she’s showing signs of one of her panic attacks. “Don’t worry, Skye, whatever game he’s playing, I’m sure I can handle it.” She starts shaking her head.

“No Preston, don’t play any of his games, you don’t have the cheat codes.” There’s worry written all over her face.

I pull her in close, wrapping my arms around her and look down at her upturned face. I smile, then give her forehead a quick kiss. “It’ll be okay, Detka.” I only use that nickname when I want her to smile, it’s my special name for her. As soon as the word is out, her smile brightens the room.

Someone clears their throat behind us, damn busted. I release her and turn around plastering a smile on my face, only to see he has his everlasting frown of disapproval on his. “Hello, Mr. Divine, nice to see you,” I greet him. I can feel her fist the back of my shirt, and I put a hand behind me to squeeze it, reassuring her.

“Hello, Kid, let’s go in my office.” He glances at Skye then walks into his office before me.

Once he has his back to me, I follow waddling like him and quickly turn back and blow Skye a teasing kiss before shutting the door.

I am suddenly nervous. I know he doesn’t approve of me and I really don’t care, I’ve just heard he’s a crooked player, and I don’t know what he wants with me. I wipe my hands on my shorts again, hoping my nervous gesture will go unnoticed.

“What are your plans for the future?” he begins abruptly.

“Uhhh… like college?” I stutter, running my hand through my hair.

He leans on his desk moving forward slightly. “College? A job? My daughter?”

I open my mouth, attempting to speak and then I close it again. I’ve got nothing. I don’t have any plans for a single one of them, I know I should, but I don’t, so I stare blankly at him.

“That’s what I thought.” He gives me a look of disgust. I should be used to it since he wears it whenever I’m around. Sitting back in his chair he studies me for a minute. “I have a job for you.”

I’m at a loss for words, especially since I know he doesn’t care for me.

“You speak Russian right?” he asks with a calculating gleam in his eyes.

“Yeah, why?”

“I have some business I need taken care of in Russia, I need a man on the ground.”

“Trying to get rid of me, Bob?” I know he doesn’t like the fact that his daughter and I are so close.

“No, little asshole, I’m trying to help you become something other than the desert rat you are now.” He pounds the desk with his fist.

He says that like it’s an insult, but when you’re a desert rat, you embrace it, wear the title with pride. I don’t have to listen to this shit, so I get up and without a word, head back towards his office door. But as my hand makes contact with the door handle, his words stop me cold.

“I can promise you enough money to get your mother out of that trailer and keep my daughter happy.” His tone is smug.

I grip the door handle, taking a deep, calming breath. He knew exactly what to say to get me to stop, and I turn to look at him with hope in my eyes.

“That’s what I thought,” he sneers in satisfaction when I do, then motions for me to sit back down.

He has me by the balls right now, how can I refuse? I sit down to listen to what he has to say, I mean shit what do I have to lose?








Growing up a rich girl in a rich town should be easy.
Some think that money can buy happiness,
but when you’re the daughter of an influential businessman
who traded the silver spoon for his belt buckle
and has everyone in his pocket,
all it really buys is the makeup to hide the bruises.

Skye Divine had found solace in him. He was her world.
But without him, she had a choice: leave everything behind or stay in the desert and die.
She would rather be homeless and starve than ask her family for help.
But when her luck finally runs out, she may be left with no option.

Then two worlds unexpectedly collide and this time the tables have turned.

Faced with another impossible choice, she puts her faith in Preston again.
But he is not the person he used to be. Gone is the trailer park boy,
in his place is a confident, wealthy man who knows what he wants.
He wants her. He’s only ever wanted her.
But he wants her to surrender to him completely.

If Skye places herself in his care, can she trust that he will safeguard her?
Or will he commit the ultimate betrayal?




Heather Shere is a wife of twenty some odd years and wants you to know that you get less for murder. She’s also the mother of two adult shaped kids, who she thinks she messed up just enough to make them highly successful individuals, who are also hilarious.
She has a masters degree in snark and nothing entertains her more than someone who can word battle with her. She considers herself an awesome cook and an expert baker but wants to eat out most days, however nothing is made ‘the right way’ unless she makes it herself.
When she gets bored she likes to tinker with different hobbies like crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping and card making. Her newest and most fulfilling passion is writing and she welcomes you into the deep dark depths of her mind.

Goodreads / Facebook

Just $.99 Fighting To Breath by Aurora Rose Reynolds @auroraroseR

Fighting to Breathe by Aurora Rose Reynolds is ON SALE for only $.99!

This second chance romance will leave you breathless!

Fighting to Breathe Cover


Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1QDb9RU

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1HE0gNL

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1KEyik0

Kobo: http://bit.ly/1KB71R8

iBooks: http://apple.co/1esuFBa



Lea Lamb and Austin Wolf were young when they fell in love. They never imagined the future could hold anything other than together-forever.

When Lea’s father dies in a tragic fishing accident, she’s crushed under the weight of her grief and catches a glimpse of another type of future, one she knows she’s not strong enough to face.

Austin is angry. For the past fifteen years, he’s believed the woman he loved with every ounce of his soul left him without so much as a backwards glance.

When Lea unexpectedly returns to their hometown, all the years of heartache inside Austin bubbles to the surface and presents itself as blinding rage.

Faced with the truth about the past, a newly discovered secret, these former lovers will learn that if they want to have any chance at the future they’d given up on all those years ago, they will have to rescue one another from drowning in pain so debilitating it will leave them both fighting to breath.

young handsome attractive bearded model man in urban context

About the Author:


Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who’s husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She’s married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it’s beauty.

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Release Day – The Matriarch by Sloane Howell @Sloanehowell


Author Sloane Howell

Release Date 15 December 2015




Betrayal is easy, sex is a weapon, and information is power. Maggie Madison sits in the lofty towers of her city during the day, but at night she lurks the seedy underbelly, looking to snare the man who stole her innocence. Her simple quest becomes complicated when she meets a man who is as light as she is dark, as straightforward as she is deceptive. When a villain rises and sets her world alight, she must weigh her need for revenge against the good of the city she vowed to protect.
MatriarchTeaser1 Resized

Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media.

You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.

Sloane’s Links

Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Instagram

Cover Reveal – Roman Crazy by @Alice_Clayton @NinaBocci

Cover Reveal

I’m excited to share this cover with you today! Here it is!




Avery Bardot steps off the plane in Rome, looking for a fresh start. She’s left behind a soon-to-be ex-husband in Boston and plans to spend the summer with her best friend Daisy—away from home and licking her wounds…and perhaps a gelato or two. But when Daisy, an American expat now living in Rome, throws her a welcome party on her first night, Avery’s thrown for a loop. She falls, quite literally, at the feet of a man she never thought she’d see again: Italian architect Marcello Bianchi.


Marcello is a man from her past—the man, the one who got away. And now her past is colliding with her present, a present where she should be mourning the loss of her marriage and the life she once had and—hey, that fettuccine is delicious.


And so is Marcello…


Avery slips easily into the good life that is summertime in Rome. She spends her days exploring a city that would make art historians swoon, and her nights swooning over a whirlwind what was old is new again romance. It’s heady, it’s fevered, it’s wanton, and it’s crazy. But could it really be her life? Or is it just a temporary reprieve before returning to the land of twinset cardigans and crustless sandwiches?


Find the Authors at:


NinaBocci.com | Twitter | Facebook Goodreads


AiceClayton.com | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


Pre-Order Links:








Author Spotlight – Interview with Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers @annmarie_walker @amy_krogers

author interview banner

I am excited to share this interview with you today.  Thank you to Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers, authors of The Chasing Fire Series.  This is one series I highly recommend.  So, if you haven’t read it yet, get to it.  You will love it!  And, you will love Hudson D. Chase as well.  (winks)  The buy links are located at the end of the post.


My trip to Chicago over the summer was fantastic and one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much was because I got to visit many of the places mentioned in Remind Me, Release Me and the newly released Reclaim Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers.  As a reader, I love visiting places my favorite characters have had memorable scenes in.  As I explored the city, I thought of some questions for this dynamic writing duo.  These questions sparked this interview.  Enjoy!


Susi:  I immediately noticed Hudson News when I landed at the Chicago O’Hare airport.  Of course, I blurted out the name Hudson and my husband told me to be quiet.   How did you come up with Hudson as the name for your delicious male protagonist? Chase?

hudson news image



Ann Marie: Choosing a character name is always hard but when you have to factor in two author’s opinions it’s even more difficult. After all, you can’t be writing a steamy scene about a character with the same name as an ex or a family member. We wanted our leading man to have a strong, two syllable first name and when we came across the name Hudson we both just knew it was right.

Amy: It was a while before we landed on a name. So for a while he was called Mr. Enigmatic or Mr. E. Finally, Hudson let us know what his name was and it seemed to fit. However, I do have a thing for strong and unique male names.


Susi:  I visited the famous Palmolive Building during one of my walking tours.  I stood in the entrance and even took a picture.  I would have gone in had it not been for a fussy man at my side.  Why did you choose this location as Hudson’s home?

palmolive building 2

Ann Marie: As the Chicagoan, it fell to me to choose locations for the books. Hudson’s residence was a no brainer. The Palmolive Building is not only one of the few locations in the city where no street address is needed, it was the original home of Playboy Headquarters as well as the location of the very first Playboy Club. When the building converted to residences, the three story penthouse was purchased by actor Vince Vaughn who restored Hugh Hefner’s office to its original condition.

Amy: Ann Marie and I also investigated the building as well. Okay, we may have stalked and tried to bribe our way in by making friends with the doorman. The building seemed perfect from the start. It’s strong, dark, and architecturally beautiful. Kind of starting to sound like our leading man himself.


Susi: Out of all of the cities, why was Chicago selected as the main setting for this series?

chicago skyline

Ann Marie: So many books are set in New York, and we wanted to do something different. I started tossing out Chicago settings and Amy was hooked.

Amy: Exactly what Ann Marie said. We wanted a completely different setting. Oh yeah, I love the city!


Susi:  Why was the name Alessandra Sinclair chosen?  I recall a street named St. Clair near my hotel and wondered if this had anything to do with “Sinclair.”

Ann Marie: Just a coincidence. We mainly wanted a name that could sound slightly pretentious while at the same time offered a nickname that reflected the girl she was with Hudson.


Susi:  I know the inspiration for Hudson was David Gandy.  And, sigh…. he is simply perfect.  

david gandy wow







Who was the inspiration for Allie?

For Harper?  For Nick?

Amy: We knew what Allie looked and to us she was an older Esti Ginzburg. However many of our readers have suggested Blake Lively. As for Harper, we clearly saw her as a feisty red head so Jane Levy seemed to fit her perfectly. For Nick we have a clear picture, literally, of the model. But we have no idea who he is.


 blake livelyjane levy


Susi:  Psst… I think I may have found Nick.  What do you think?

marlon teixera



Susi:  With so many amazing places to drink and dine, what made Tavern on Rush your location of choice for Allie and Harper to enjoy drink?  For the record, I had dinner there and it was a delicious experience.

tavern on rush



Ann Marie: I have always loved the bar at Tavern and with the cozy VIP area and the fabulous cocktails, it seemed the perfect location for Allie & Harper’s night out. Side note: The owners of Tavern hosted the REMIND ME launch party in April, even serving mini sucker punches in honor of the event!

Susi: Did you visit all of the places when writing the series?  Somehow I can picture Ann Marie jotting down details for the books.

Amy: Ann Marie sent me picture, after picture of every single location we mention in the books, which really gave me a clear picture of the venues. When I went out there after we have finished writing the first book we did what we now call the “Remind Me” Tour and I visited them all. It was a blast. Did I just date myself by using the word blast?


Susi:  Now for some questions on the writing process.  Had you written before, solo or as duo?

How do the two of you write?  I imagine lots of back and forth via email.  Did you outline the story first or just write?

Ann Marie: Amy and I spend a lot of time on the phone talking through ideas and brainstorming. When we write it’s in google docs so we can make changes and leave comments. Since we divide up the chapters, me writing Allie’s and Amy writing Hudson’s, we need to outline so we both know where the story is going…but don’t even get Amy started on my excel spreadsheets! haha.


Susi:  What obstacles did you encounter when writing this series?

Amy: For me the biggest challenge was time. I don’t think I’m alone with many authors who juggle careers (day jobs), family, kids and life.


Susi:  Did you ever imagine the series would be such a success?

Ann Marie: We have been overwhelmed by the response to Hudson and Allie’s story. From the tweets and facebook posts from all over the world, to the role play accounts and the fan sites, to the amazing support of bloggers like yourself, we are unbelievably grateful.


Susi:  When did you decide to become writers?

Ann Marie: I’ve always loved writing and worked for a newspaper a lifetime ago, but the idea to write a novel took root about seven years ago.

Amy: I’ve been writing since I was a kid, then even as an adult working on my craft as a screenwriter. I didn’t seriously consider writing a novel until Ann Marie said ‘Hey, let’s write a book.’ and I said ‘Okay.’


Susi:  Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

Ann Marie: I’m more of a binge writer. Some authors can divide up their day but for me it’s more “all or nothing”.

Amy: For me it’s when I can, so many weekends I spend at my computer. And I’m much more of a method writer, I let the characters talk to me and guide me.


Susi:  Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

Ann Marie: Not really. I’m not much of a “sprinter”. I tend to write and edit as I go so while my daily word count might be low by some standards, it rarely requires a second pass.

Amy: I’m a write and don’t look back type. I let what’s happening in the scene/chapter guide me.


Susi:  What is the hardest thing about writing?

Ann Marie: Interruptions of daily life. Once I get into a groove, I hate being pulled out of it for laundry or cooking. Let’s just say that deadlines mean take out menus and dirty socks.

Amy: Interruptions of just life in general, especially when you’ve hit a wicked awesome groove.


Susi:  What is the easiest thing about writing?

Ann Marie: Plotting, at least with Amy. We love to play “what if” with our characters, especially over lemon drop martinis.

Amy:Plotting by far is the easiest. Ann Marie and I get going and it’s game on.


Susi:  How long did it take you to write each book?

Ann Marie:We wrote the first book at a slower pace but after the series sold we had delivery deadlines so book 2 & 3 were written in about 3 months each.


Susi:   Who are your favorite authors?

Ann Marie: Sylvia Day. Not only for her writing but for her overall career as well as the support she gives other authors and the way she interacts with her fans.

Amy: J.R. Ward “The Warden”. Her characters are magnificently developed, each with their own personality, even down to her “evil” characters. However, besides her writing she really takes the time to connect with her readers on a daily basis. And Like Ann Marie, I’m also an admirer of Sylvia Day.


Susi:  What book/s are you reading at present?

Ann Marie: I hate to admit it but I haven’t read a book in months! My kindle is packed with fabulous books but between the writing deadlines and launching 3 books in 6 months there hasn’t been much time.

Amy: Likewise, I haven’t read in way too long. My kindle is jammed with a TBR pile, but there hasn’t been much time.

Susi:  Is there another series in the works?

Ann Marie: We just might have a few surprises up our sleeves…stay tuned 🙂


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule ladies for this blog interview.

I am certainly looking forward to reading more of your writing in the future.

~Susi – Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog  @read_wine_blog

About the Authors

Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers. 



Amy K. Rogers

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Ann Marie Walker

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Start the Chasing Fire Series Today!



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