Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper @TJCooper_

Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper


faith & hope cover

As a supporter of Indie authors it gives me great pleasure to review T.J. Cooper’s debut Faith & Hope.


If you’re looking for a short and easy read, this book is for you. But, don’t be fooled by the length.  This book is packed with an emotional story complete with realistic characters you are sure to love.  Faith & Hope is the kind of story that makes you think about life.  At least, I reflected on my own and how sometimes, we take things and people for granted.  We also need to look at the entire picture and be grateful for the things and people that we have in our lives.  It made me think of the sacrifices we make for others as well.  There is definitely a powerful message in this story.

Faith &  Hope was a surprising journey for a couple I immediately connected with and adored.  Matt and Lisa are an adorable couple. To be honest, all of the characters with the exception of one will become your favorites as well.  T.J. did a wonderful job of creating and highlighting their unique and vital personalities in this book.

So you see, loveable characters and a story with the right amount of angst and happiness is what you’ll find in this book.

The ending of this story, not what I expected but, nonetheless one I truly enjoyed. I smiled, laughed, teared up and ultimately enjoyed this book.

Be sure to add Faith & Hope to your TBR.  I look forward to reading more writing as well as supporting this indie author in the near future.

I gave this book  4 stars. Congratulations on a wonderful debut!

Stay tuned for an interview with the author T.J. Cooper on the blog later today.


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