Author Interview- Susi Interviews TJ Cooper @TJCooper_



I love to interview authors, especially those are that new to me.  I truly enjoy getting to know them and promoting their writing through my blog .

Introducing TJ Cooper, author of Faith & Hope.

Susi: How long have you been writing?

TJC: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, mostly in my head, though. Not always on paper.


Susi: When did your passion for writing begin?

TJC: My passion for writing started at the very beginning. I think the first time I was ever asked to write a story or a poem.


Susi: How many books have you published?

TJC: I’ve only published the one book, Faith & Hope but I’m working on another book. And I have a sequel in mind for Faith & Hope.


Susi: Are you interested in writing any other genres?

TJC: Most definitely. In fact, given the kind of books I read, I’m surprised my first book is a romance.


Susi: What books are you currently working on?

TJC: I’m currently working on a book called Moving On.  It’s another romance. I’ve also got a sequel to Faith & Hope that I’m working on as well. Plus a few others rolling around in my head.


Susi: When do you write?  Any specific routines?

TJC: I try to write whenever something pops into my head, although that’s not always practical. Mostly I’m a mid to late day, evening writer. Although I have been known to write into the wee hours of the night.

As far as routines go: I like to sit on my couch and write in a notebook. I’ll sometimes lay on my bed and write. I can’t just sit and type into a laptop. It doesn’t work for me. I also need music playing.


Susi: When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

TJC: I am a huge music fan. So I’m almost always listening to music. It’s always in the background except when the tv is on. I love to read–I read a lot–and I love football.


Susi: What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

TJC: What doesn’t inspire me to write? Often, things just pop into my head. Sometimes something I’ve read, sometimes real life. It could be anything really.


Susi: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

TJC: Oh that’s a tough one.  I think I’m a pretty good writer. I’m not Shakespeare, but I do okay.


Susi: How long does it generally take you to write a book?

TJC: That depends entirely on the story. Sometimes things just flow and sometimes I hit a block. Faith & Hope was written in a few days, it just sort of poured out.


Susi: Describe a typical writing day for TJ Cooper.

TJC: A day when I actually just write? It involves me sitting on the couch, music playing, my notebook and pen in hand and either a cup of coffee, cup of tea, a beer or even a glass of wine on the windowsill. If I’m doing well and the words are flowing from the pen, the tea or coffee gets cold and the beer or wine gets warm.


Susi: Do you have any advice to offer to new writers?

TJC: Yes. Just do it.  If you have a story idea just sit down and write it. Don’t fret about spelling or punctuation–that’s what spell check and beta writers are for. Don’t worry that no one will like your story. If you like it, others will, too.


Susi: Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

TJC: My biggest mistake as a writer was waiting so long to try. Lack of confidence held me back.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve: People that drive below the speed limit


First thing you notice about a person: Eyes or smile


Hidden talents: I pick up lyrics to songs really quickly


Prized possession: my music


Currently Reading: I just finished A Dream of Death and Full Fathom Five by Harrison Drake


Fave drink: my go to beverage is tea but I drink coffee as well. Alcoholic beverage would be beer or wine


Fave TV Show: Supernatural


Star Wars/Star Trek: Both


Batman/Superman: Depends on my mood but in general I lean toward Superman



Any parting words from the author….


Yes, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read my book. I want to thank everyone that has given me support and encouragement when I get insecure about my writing. And I want to tell anyone that has ever thought about writing a book to just sit down and write it. You can do it!! As Harry Potter said in The Order of the Phoenix ‘If they can do it, why not us?’

Thank you for asking me to do this interview, I am honored.


It was great getting to know you! I appreciate your time.  I’m sure your fans will be glad to get to know you better.




Book Blitz – Anything But Broken by Joelle Knox @authorjknox @NinaBocci

Book Blitz

Anything But Broken

by Joelle Knox

I just added this baby to my TBR.  Check it out!  Add it to your TBR today.
anything but broken 1

After five years, tragedy brings Hannah Casey back to Hurricane Creek to bury what’s left of her family. She’s flunking out of college, haunted by scandal, and the only person who cares is Sean Whitlow, an irresistible bad boy with a soft spot for her. The problem? He’s her dead sister’s ex.Sean doesn’t bleed red, he bleeds motor oil. During the week, he struggles to turn his auto repair shop into a profitable business. But when Saturday night rolls around, he’s the reigning stock-car king of the local race track. He doesn’t know how to lose–or how to walk away and leave Hannah alone with her grief.Between her grades and her wealthy family’s dark secrets, Hannah’s barely holding her life together. And the last thing Sean needs is to get tangled up with another Casey girl. As the attraction between them spins out of control, they’ll either find a love with no limits–or go up in flames.anything but broken 2

About the Authors

​or you can find their alter egos​kitrocha

anything but broken 4

anything but broken 3

anything but broken 5

Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper @TJCooper_

Susi Reviews Faith & Hope by T.J. Cooper


faith & hope cover

As a supporter of Indie authors it gives me great pleasure to review T.J. Cooper’s debut Faith & Hope.


If you’re looking for a short and easy read, this book is for you. But, don’t be fooled by the length.  This book is packed with an emotional story complete with realistic characters you are sure to love.  Faith & Hope is the kind of story that makes you think about life.  At least, I reflected on my own and how sometimes, we take things and people for granted.  We also need to look at the entire picture and be grateful for the things and people that we have in our lives.  It made me think of the sacrifices we make for others as well.  There is definitely a powerful message in this story.

Faith &  Hope was a surprising journey for a couple I immediately connected with and adored.  Matt and Lisa are an adorable couple. To be honest, all of the characters with the exception of one will become your favorites as well.  T.J. did a wonderful job of creating and highlighting their unique and vital personalities in this book.

So you see, loveable characters and a story with the right amount of angst and happiness is what you’ll find in this book.

The ending of this story, not what I expected but, nonetheless one I truly enjoyed. I smiled, laughed, teared up and ultimately enjoyed this book.

Be sure to add Faith & Hope to your TBR.  I look forward to reading more writing as well as supporting this indie author in the near future.

I gave this book  4 stars. Congratulations on a wonderful debut!

Stay tuned for an interview with the author T.J. Cooper on the blog later today.


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