Susi Reviews Sustained (The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase @EmmaChse


Susi Reviews Sustained (The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase



sustained cover


When you’re a defense attorney in Washington, DC, you see firsthand how hard life can be, and that sometimes the only way to survive is to be harder. I, Jake Becker, have a reputation for being cold, callous, and intimidating—and that suits me just fine. In fact, it’s necessary when I’m breaking down a witness on the stand.

Complications don’t work for me—I’m a “need-to-know” type of man. If you’re my client, tell me the basic facts. If you’re my date, stick to what will turn you on. I’m not a therapist or Prince Charming—and I don’t pretend to be.

Then Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews came along and complicated the ever-loving hell out of my life. Now I’m going to Mommy & Me classes, One Direction concerts, the emergency room, and arguing cases in the principal’s office.

Chelsea’s too sweet, too innocent, and too gorgeous for her own good. She tries to be tough, but she’s not. She needs someone to help her, defend her…and the kids.

And that — that, I know how to do.


My Review


“A knight in tarnished armor is still a knight.”


Whenever I hear that Emma Chase is releasing a new book I get very excited.  You see, she is “the author” who expertly writes male POV. Of course, her latest series, The Legal Briefs does not disappoint.  The second book in this series, Sustained was absolutely brilliant.  Emma called it special and I can see why.  I could tell that she took her time developing this complex yet lovable lawyer named Jake Becker that I adore so much.

We first met Jake in the last book, Overruled, and he came across as a total player.  In this book, Jake gets to tell his story and what a heartwarming and sexy story it is.  This playboy has his life together.  He has a wonderful job, his own place, wonderful friends, dates any woman he wants, and has a healthy sex life.

In this story, Jake meets Chelsea and he is very much intrigued by this beautiful woman.  But, this woman comes with six kids.  Their story is a sad one, but one that brings these two together. The kids, of varying ages make for some of the funniest and heartwarming moments in the book.  For me, I loved watching Jake peel off those playboy layers little by little.  The support of the other characters which are absolutely lovable too help make this story into such a special one. Those characters: Stanton, Sofia, Brent and Presley wind up helping Jake in more ways than one.

Jake, the player starts to change and this is what I loved most about him.  Just when you think you have your life figured out, someone suddenly appears and makes you rethink your priorities.

I also loved learning about Jake’s past which made him into the man he is today, especially reading about the man who helped whip him into shape. That part of the story will touch your emotions.  Be warned, you will love discovering the many sides of Jake.

Honestly, this book has it all.  I can assure you that you will feel all kinds of emotions when reading it.  This story is well crafted, like a delicious recipe with the right amount of humor, love, lust, steamy sex, angst, empathy and happiness.

Sustained is definitely another hit for one of my favorite authors.  This story was so good that I reread it after my first reading.  You see, I really couldn’t get enough of Jake. Be prepared to laugh and read some incredibly sexy scenes too.

This powerful attorney proved to be a family man down deep inside and watching him discover this about himself was truly fantastic.

I look forward to reading the next book in the series, Appealed, which will be Brent’s story.

I highly recommend Sustained to all my reader friends.  Male POV can’t get better than this.

I gave this book 5 stars.

5 stars

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for a review.


Buy Links

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About the Author:  Emma Chase

emma chase image


By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.


Follow Emma on Social Media




Cover Reveal – Dear Professor by Blaire Drake



Dear Professor,
Does it bother you that you’re ten years older than me?
Have you ever thought it’s wrong that you watched me fuck
another guy on camera for months?
What do you want from me, really? All I wanted was my letter
of recommendation, but now I’m stuck, aren’t I? Stuck under your thumb… And
your body.
From cam girl to personal whore, and all by the age of
twenty-one. You’ve got me good, haven’t you?
But guess what? I can play too. Grab the polish, because
I’ve found your skeleton, and it’s time to dust.
I’ll see you in class.
Oh and, Sir? I’m not wearing any panties.
Love, Darcy
P.s. you’re an asshole.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Blaire Drake
Blaire Drake is a pseudonym for a New York Times bestselling
author who wanted to let her kinky side out after dark.
Her debut novel, DEAR PROFESSOR, is releasing this December,
and promises to be fabulously fun and filthy.