What’s In The Author’s Bag? J.R. Gray reveals….. @TheOriginalGray

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Ever wondered what’s inside your favorite author’s bag/purse/backpack?  Do they carry books, their iPads, coupons, inspirational pictures, etc.?

J.R. Gray revealed the contents of his bag for all to see and explained why he carries them.


jr gray bag


The first thing I always have with me is my iPad mini and keyboard. I never know when I’m going to want to write so I always haul it around.

I keep pens and sticky notes ready as well so I can make lists for Sal, which I rarely follow, and remind myself to do things. My phone is also filled with character notes.

Sun glasses. I think I’d die without them. I cannot see in Miami during the day unless I have my aviators on. (I’m a pilot it’s none toolish for me to wear them)

I have a backup battery in my bag. I kill my phone batter so fast.

Hand sanitizer – Don’t make fun of me. I’m as germaphobic as some of my characters.

My kindle. I hate reading on my ipad so I usually carry it.

Excedrin – I get migraines and this is my life savor.

I am realizing I have way too much crap in my bag. No wonder it’s so damn heavy. I’ll also throw paperbacks in it depending on what I’m in the mood to read. There are usually magnetic bookmarks and chargers as well.

Thank you JR for sharing the contents of your bag with your fans/readers.  As always, it is a pleasure interviewing you.


J.R. Gray




Books by J.R. Gray

legally bound cover jr gray


breach of contract jr gray


Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray


Illicit activity cover jr gray




You can read my review of Veil of Scars here or click on my logo.twitter image logo for blog