What’s In The Author’s Bag? Amy K. Rogers reveals…. @Amy_KRogers

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Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Amy K. Rogers revealed the contents of her purse for all to see.


amy k purse image


1. iPhone: I’m out of pocket for most of my day and rely on it to communicate with the outside world. I would be lost without it.

2. Kindle: Never know when you’re going to have to be in a hurry-up-and-wait and see. When that happens, I need something to read or I’ll start reading ingredient labels.

3. Clutch: Never know when you’re going to have to go from day to night. My plans change frequently and at the last minute.

4. Misc: A bazillion (yes, I’m exaggerating) lip glosses, various emergency make-up fix-it-uppers, business cards, book post cards, sharpies (slight fetish…maybe), dry erase marker. A notebook to write those ideas down that slams into you head. Especially during the numerous daily phone calls between me and my writing partner Ann Marie Walker when we start the “what if….”

5. A stone that my Step-dad gave me before he passed away for good luck.


Thanks Amy for sharing the contents of your purse with your fans/readers.  I love the purse!  (And, your purse is not that scary.)



 Follow Amy K. Rogers on Social Media

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Amy K. Rogers writes contemporary romance and is co-author of the Chasing Fire series (Remind Me, Release Me, Reclaim Me) from Penguin Books. She and her writing partner Ann Marie Walker met online and instantly bonded over their love of alpha males, martinis and British supermodel David Gandy. You can find her on twitter as @Amy_KRogers


Books by Amy K. Rogers and Ann Marie Walker

remind me cover


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Coming Soon 7/21

release me



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