What’s in the Author’s Bag? Wendy Leigh reveals… @thewendyleigh @ninabocci

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Have you ever wondered what your favorite authors carry around in their bags?

Well, this new segment on my blog will answer that question.

Here’s what NYT Bestselling author Wendy Leigh carries in her bag.

Wendy Leigh


wendy leigh


wendy leigh bag

A Mont Blanc fountain pen, an orange leather notebook, a silver card case with cherubs on it which was made in 1912 and was a love token given to me by one of the great loves of my life, and my favourite perfume, X by Clive Christian, which is sexy, haunting and which is made of the world’s most potent aphrodisiacs including the fragrance with which Cleopatra doused the sails of her barge when she seduced Marc Antony, a white lace handkerchief given to me by my mother and my I-phone with pictures on it.

There you have it.  I love the fragrance! And that is one gorgeous bag!

Thanks Wendy for participating in this segment and letting readers get a view of what’s in your bag.
~Susi, Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog
Her latest books….
wendy leigh unravled by him cover
wendy leigh unraveled by her cover
About Wendy Leigh

Ghostwriter & celebrity biographer.

She has also written books on love, sex & relationships.

Wendy Leigh is currently branching into erotica with the Unraveled Series by S&S Pocket Books.

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