Susi Reviews Overruled by Emma Chase @EmmaChse

Susi Reviews Overruled by Emma Chase

overruled cover Emma Chase


As a DC defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don’t call him the Jury Charmer for nothing – with his southern drawl, disarming smile and captivating green eyes – he’s a hard man to say no to. Men want to be him and women want to be thoroughly cross examined by him.

Stanton’s a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan.

Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart and mother of his beloved ten-year old daughter. Jenny is getting married — to someone who isn’t him.

That’s definitely not part of the plan.

Sofia Santos is a city raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn’t have time for relationships or distractions.

But when Stanton, her “friend with mind-blowing benefits” begs for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him – to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi – to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves.

Her head tells her she’s crazy…and her heart says something else entirely.

What happens when you mix a one stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage and a gun-toting Nana?

The Bourbon flows, passions rise and even the best laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.

My Review

Emma Chase write stories that bring plenty of smiles, swooning, oohing and smiling again and again.  Overruled, her latest creation is filled with all of this and a story I loved and know you will too.

Let me tell you all about Stanton Shaw, the male lead in this story.  Oh my!  This protagonist is totally delicious.  Stanton is this sexy, powerful, swoon worthy lawyer living in D.C.  He’s a good old country boy too.  Yeah… cowboy hat included.  Just think sexy Marlboro man minus the cigarettes.  You’ll see.  I once thought that Drew Evans from her beloved Tangled series had won me over. But honestly, Drew and Stanton are running neck and neck on this race.  Fortunately, Drew makes an appearance in this book keeping his fans happy.  Thanks Emma for that.

Now back to Stanton.  He works with Sofia Santos, another powerful lawyer from his law firm.  They are “friends with benefits.”  Their relationship is sexy, funny and convenient.  I love her character.  She is a force to be reckoned with.  Equally talented, they share the same career goals and work well together both in and out of the courtroom.

In this story, Stanton’s past, Jenny comes into the picture taking him and Sofia along with it. Stanton and Sofia must visit Mississippi, his hometown and the home of his adorable daughter Presley, the rest of his friends and family who together make this book so much fun to read.  Trust me, the little town of Sunshine, Mississippi has never been funnier.

Stanton’s time back in Mississippi is both emotional and funny. You’ll find acres of farm land, a Sunday Church Service, a tractor race, a backyard bbq, and a small town where everyone knows your business.  Presley, his daughter, his family and even Jimmy Dean, not the sausage are awesome too adding to this lighthearted and “fantastic” read.

It’s during Stanton’s time back in his hometown that he learns a valuable lesson about love and home.  His visit reveals more to him than he ever expected.

This story is told in both Stanton and Sofia’s POV making it totally come to life in the mind of the reader.  I loved the tidbits that were perfectly sprinkled in indicating their feelings for each other.  The friendly banter between their common friends Jake and Brent added to this brilliant piece.

Now, without giving this fantastic story away, I’ll leave you wondering all about this sexy alpha male named Stanton and his gorgeous colleague Sofia. No spoilers from me.

There’s so much to love about this book and especially more to look forward to in the next book in this series.  I can’t wait to read it.  The Legal Briefs Series is sure to be another success for Emma.

I gave this book 5 brilliant stars.

5 stars

overruled teaser 1

overruled teaser 2

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By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

Release Day Blitz – Review – Excerpt & Giveaway – There You Stand by Christina Lee @Christina_Lee04

there you stand release day blitz banner

There You Stand

by Christina Lee
there you stand christina lee cover


Tattoo artist Cory Easton has worked long enough at Raw Ink to know, just by looking at a dude, what his body art reveals, what makes him tick, what even makes him scared. Until he meets the quiet and remote Jude York—so unreadable, so unreachable, and so unlike anyone else, he can’t help but arouse Cory’s curiosity.

As captivating and complex as his ink, Jude is a mystery—and Cory’s falling fast and hard under his spell. Against his better judgment to steer clear.

The rumors of Jude’s past overshadow him—whispers of prison and an unmentionable secret that’s kept him in the protective shadows of a local motorcycle club. As Cory probes deeper, he wonders how much he really wants to know. Especially since Jude has awakened something inside him that has been buried too long—and has him feeling completely alive for the first time in forever…

there you stand teaser 2


Chopper, get your ass back here!”

While he was distracted, I silently moved toward him, hoping to grab hold of that leash. But just as I approached, he took off again, following that same squirrel who’d taken a leap to the next large maple.

I was out of breath and now beyond frustrated. I shoved my hand in my hoodie, my fingers closing on a sturdy dog cookie.

When I looked up again, Chopper was headed straight for the skate park. Shit.

“Chopper, goddamn it,” I called in some last-ditch effort. “You don’t listen for shit.”

Unexpectedly, Jude York neared the cement barrier at the entrance to the bowl. His board clenched in his fist, he seemed to be assessing the situation as the large dog charged nearer.

He left his skateboard on the concrete walkway and stepped into the lawn. He squatted down in the grass, made eye contact with Chopper, and the dog changed course to sail directly toward him. What the hell was that about?

Some type of deep whistle emitted from Jude’s lips and instead of slamming into his chest, Chopper came to a sudden halt beside him. Like Jude was a damn dog whisperer or something. His strong fingers grabbed hold of his collar and he reached down to mutter something in the dog’s ear. Chopper sat down in the grass. Actually fucking sat down—I had never been able to get him to do that.

I became motionless as I watched them, even though Ace was eager to inch closer. At least one animal heeded my command. I wondered what it was about Jude that compelled Chopper to run toward him. I mean, I got the appeal, so maybe it was just pure animal instinct.

The muscles in Jude’s forearm flexed as he stroked Chopper’s head and the dog’s tongue hung out in a happy pant. The little fucker.

As I walked closer to Chopper, Jude’s eyes lifted to mine. And for the first time I saw an array of other emotions alight in them. The most blatant being amusement, as if his irises contained a flicker of light. His lips tilted at the corners in an almost imperceptible smile and he looked so dazzling right then. As he held my gaze for the first time ever, something tightened like a fist inside my chest.

Shit, he was stunning. In that exotic kind of way. His hair was a mass of short blond dreadlocks, his skin inked mainly in black, and his eyes were the most gorgeous light green I’d ever seen—almost like cellophane. And now those same eyes locked on mine and held steady.

there you stand teaser 3

 Susi’s Review


First of all I would like to begin my review with a congratulations to Christina Lee for writing this book.  It is wonderful to read stories about the real world around us.  Your m/m story brings out the real love that is shared by two people no matter what their gender is.  I began reading this book and wasn’t sure how the story would unfold but quickly realized that your story drew me in and hooked me in the same way that a heterosexual romance story would.  I truly loved your characters and watching them get to know each other was both tender and special.

Cory and Jude are truly a fantastic couple and you brought them to life in a well written story that not only made me smile, but cry happy tears for them. You also included dogs! 🙂 I am a dog lover and I enjoyed how they had special roles in this heartwarming story.

Cory is the talker and a tattoo artist. Jude is the skater and is more reserved.   It was wonderful to see each one of them coming out of their shells for each other.  Cory’s past is both emotionally and physically painful.  In contrast,  Jude’s past is mysterious just like him.  Their pasts make their day to day more difficult but ultimately not impossible.

Now as far as romance and sexually intimacy is concerned, Christina did a phenomenal job writing those scenes. Their lust and love was real and you described every emotion perfectly.

There You Stand is a book I have been recommending to my friends since I read it via NetGalley.  It it one of those books I know I will read again because Cory and Judes’s story is so special.

Around the time I read the ARC, a video emerged on social media and I thought this picture from that video was perfect to go along with this review.

“Two humans sharing love and that is all that should ever matter.”


love is love x ray pic


I gave this book 5 stars!

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars


there you stand covers banner

All of You (bk1) Between Breaths

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Before You Break (bk 2) Between Breaths

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Whisper To Me (bk 3) Between Breaths

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Promise Me This (bk 4) Between Breaths

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There You Stand (bk 5) Between Breaths

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 Christina Lee, Authorchristina lee pic

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son–her two favorite guys.

She’s addicted to lip gloss and salted caramel everything. She believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

Author of the Between Breaths series from Penguin. ALL OF YOU, BEFORE YOU BREAK, WHISPER TO ME and PROMISE ME THIS available now. Book five in the series, THERE YOU STAND, coming in April, 2015.

Also, her Adult Contemporary Romance, TWO OF HEARTS is releasing on May 5th, 2015.

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One Winner to receive the following:  $10 gift card to the book retailer of their choice = An ARC of my adult romance releasing May 5th, TWO OF HEARTS, and some Between Breaths swag mailed.

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Review – Veil of Scars by J.R. Gray @TheOriginal Gray

Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray

Veil of Scars

Coming April 21st from Evernight Publishing

Veil of Scars Promo Banner


A little bit about Veil of Scars:

Steven is tall, dark and damaged. He doesn’t let anyone close, comfortable on the outside of normal life where he can hide his scars behind a wall so high that nothing gets through…except them. Despite a childhood marred with black and blue, he’s survived and moved in with his two best friends, Sam and Charlie.


Life should get better, but it was Sam who held him when the dark threatened to swallow him whole, Sam who gave him a place that felt like home, and Sam who knew every scar and every broken place.


And it’s all been taken away with Charlie sharing Sam’s bed.


Without his former confront, Steven realizes what’s been hiding in the deep corners of his heart, and the truth sinks him like a weight. He’s in love with one or maybe both of his roommates. Navigating unrequited love tears Steven apart and brings him to the precipice, and he has to choose: his feelings or Sam’s…and Charlie’s?


 My Review


One of the reasons I enjoy reading is because well written stories have the power to transport you to another place and/or time.  Veil of Scars is one of those books that took me on a new and different journey as a reader.

Veil of Scars is the story of Steven, Sam and Charlie, three friends who share a common/special love for each other.  Throughout their lives, their friendship, their love and their unique bond evolves.  Written through Steven’s POV, Veil of Scars takes you on a personal journey of discovery.  I loved how JR used relevant flashbacks to the character’s early years to clearly bring a clear understanding to the character’s lives in the present.

I truly enjoyed reading and experiencing the emotions all of the characters endured throughout the story.  But, I enjoyed Steven’s the most.  I felt the strongest connection to Steven.  It’s this personal connection that captivated me.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved Charlie.  She is Steven’s emotional tether.  And I admire Sam, the hero, the light.

This story represents diversity and as a supporter, I applaud JR for his writing and content.  This book tells a different kind of love story. Nonetheless, it brings awareness to what love is and how it can be different for everyone.  There is no right way to love.

I gave Veil of Scars 5 stars.

5 stars


JR, your book made me think of this quote:

“We all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same.” 

~Anne Frank


  Buy Links

Buy it from Evernight


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Here is a sneak peek from Veil of Scars:


Soon the music was going and party-goers were milling about in the low lights. There were drinks and bodies on every surface. I stood behind the bar, not minding making drinks for the guests since there was little else at the party that I wanted to do. The atmosphere mellowed as the liquor took effect, and Sam had long stopped trying to drag me out to dance. Instead, he’d taken up a spot on the couch with Char. Their mouths met, skin and lips, while their hands wandered, stroking and skimming over each other’s clothes as the party moved around them. I sat back, finding I was no longer needed as everyone was sated. The few remaining people had paired off in couples for the night, strewn over the furniture and floor. The base thumped, and bodies moved with it as if the alcohol had turned them into living recreations of the music. The door to Char and Sam’s room slammed shut, closing off a guy and two adventurous women.

Sam’s head snapped back at the sound, and he cursed under his breath. He glanced around then whispered to Char. She giggled and grabbed a throw off the back of the couch.

An outsider where I sat, I seemed to have escaped notice as the only fairly sober party in the room.

She pulled the blanket over herself and then moved the thin fabric over his lap. Soon Sam’s head flopped back into the cushion, and his mouth fell open in a soundless moan. Charlie’s eyes blazed with mischief, and she grew more eager with every reaction from her boyfriend. His hand slid up her shoulder, curling around the back of her neck. My skin burned in the same place, a physical memory of the times he’d touched me the same way.

He dragged his head off the back of the sofa and looked at her, his blue gaze pleading louder than any words could. The air buzzed with electricity from the pair of them. He licked over his lips, and the muscles in his arm tightened as he guided her head towards his lap. Charlie ducked under the blanket, and a flash of heat ran through me.

Was she really going to go down on him in the middle of the party?

I held my breath, transfixed as Sam lifted up his ass below where the blanket covered him to slide his pants down around his ankles, I guessed. He groaned, this time audibly, and the sound went right to my gut. I chewed on my lip ring unable to stop myself from staring. Charlie’s head bobbed under the cover, and Sam’s eyes rolled back in his head.

Suddenly I was flushed and embarrassed. I was the voyeur, spying on my friends who were caught up in drunken passion. I tore my eyes away from his lap only to find his blue gaze locked on me.

veil of scars banner teaser 1

About J.R. Gray

When not staying up all night writing, J.R Gray can be found basking in the warm glow of the Miami sun, or at the gym where it’s half assumed Gray is a permanent resident. A dominant, pilot, and sword fighting enthusiast, Gray finds it hard to be in the passenger seat of any car. Gray frequently interrupts real life, including normal sleep patterns, to jot down nonsense. The bane of Gray’s existence are commas, and even though it’s been fully acknowledged they are necessary, they continue to baffle and bewilder.

If Gray wasn’t writing…well, that’s not possible. The build up of untold stories would haunt Gray into an early grave or possibly a mental institution where the tales would end up on the walls in crayon and finger paint.


Find J.R. Gray online:

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Other books by J.R. Gray

Legally BoundUKAll Romance eBooks

Breach of Contract  – UKAll Romance eBooks

Illicit Activity Evernight

Susi Reviews- The Write Stuff by Tiffany King @AuthorTiffany

 Susi Reviews The Write Stuff

by Tiffany Kingthe write stuff cover

Twenty-two-year-old historical romance writer Nicole Blake, or N.S. Blake to her readers, hasn’t taken an official poll, mind you, but she is convinced she may be the only romance author on the planet who is still a card-carrying member of the virgin club.Not that she hasn’t tried to end her membership. Life just keeps finding pesky ways to interfere. With no prospects on the horizon, Nicole begins to feel like the closest she will ever get to experiencing a man is within her own stories.

Opportunity presents itself in the form of hot-as-sin-on-a-lollipop-stick bartender/premed student Alec Petropoulos, who agrees to be the cover model for her upcoming book. Sparks fly instantly between them, and Nicole begins to entertain the possibility that she’s finally found the right guy to hand over her tattered V-card. Alec has all the makings for a perfect one-night-stand candidate except, much to Nicole’s surprise, he seems to be the only man in existence not interested in bagging a virgin.

Stuck between a rock and a stubborn male, what’s a virgin to do? Seduce him, of course. How hard could it be? If it works for the characters in her stories, why wouldn’t it work for her? After all, what happens under the cover…stays under the cover.


 My Review

This week I read The Write Stuff by Tiffany King and I am excited to tell you all about it.  First of all, I loved this book!  I loved the characters, the plot and the settings.  Nicole, the female protagonist is awesome.   She is living one of my dreams as a romance writer so I became an instant fan of hers.  Her friend Olivia who shoots covers for her books is the type of friend every woman needs to have.  She is real, honest, funny and proves to be a fantastic friend.  Nicole meets the latest cover model for her upcoming book.  Whoa…. He blew me away.  Alec Petropoulos is oh so yummy. There is so much more to this delicious man than good looks. I enjoyed discovering all about him in this book.

There are so many relatable scenes for me in this book that I had a hard time putting it down.  As a blogger, I pictured myself at the book signings interacting with the authors and other bloggers.  Having been to Book Bash in Orlando, your story came to life.  As a lover of romance, your book had it all.  There were deliciously written sex scenes, love, angst, brilliant symbolism, light hearted humor and of course, Alec, the hottie.   So yes, as a lover of eye candy and sexy cover models, Alec totally did it for me.  He is a total package!

I am also a Floridian so I enjoyed experiencing the story in places I’ve been to. The Florida heat, I absolutely get that too.

Finally, this adorably written love story unfolded before my very eyes.  You mentioned submersion into a story, well that is exactly what happened to me.  I enjoyed reading/living out the story in my mind.

If you are looking for a fun sexy read, I recommend The Write Stuff by Tiffany KingThe Write Stuff is the first book I’ve read by Tiffany and I look forward to reading more of her work.

I gave this book 4 stars! 


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About The Author

USA Today Bestselling author Tiffany King is a lifelong reading fanatic who is now living her dream as a writer, weaving Young Adult and New Adult romance tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and two wonderful kids. (Five, if you count her three spoiled cats). Her addictions include: Her iphone and ipad, chocolate, Diet Coke, chocolate, Harry Potter, chocolate, zombies and her favorite TV shows. Want to know what they are? Just ask.

You can connect with Tiffany on her webpage at

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Cover Reveal – Spencer by Kerry Heavens @KerryHeavens

Cover Reveal

Spencer by Kerry Heavens

I am thrilled to share this cover with you today!

I can’t wait to meet Spencer on May 7th.

Yeah, he’s delicious isn’t he?

Check it out!




Releasing May 7, 2015


@TheSpencerRyan exudes confidence,

I mean, have you seen him???

His dark good looks and tattooed muscled perfection are too much.

He’s hot. Lickably hot.

And he has a way with words that leaves me breathless.

But cocky doesn’t even cover it,

this guy is so arrogant you have to fight back.

But God he’s so lickable!

The thing is though,

he looks like sex but he’ll taste like jackass.


@OMGJazzyP is a sexy, annoying ball of rage in fuck-me heels

and she hates me.

Although her nipples would tend to disagree.

It’s a deadly combination.

She’s a princess.

And when I say princess, I mean intolerable, spoiled brat with a tiara.

Sure she’s got that curvaceous goddess thing going on,

but that mouth of hers…

God it needs something in it to shut it up.



This is not your average British romance.

It’s a tale of high heels, hot tattooed bad boys and

sex oranges, all wrapped up in a coating of chocolate.

It’s ‘love’ in a social media world,

where not everyone is who they seem

and where some people’s bios should carry a warning.


Add Spencer to your TBR list!  


Books by this Author

just human



Still Human



About the Author

Kerry Heavens

‘I am what I am,’ as the song goes. ‘I don’t want praise, I don’t want pity. I bang my own drum, some think its a noise, I think its pretty. So what if I love each sparkle and each bangle. why not see things from a different angle? Your life is a shame ’til you can shout out, I am what I am.”

So here goes…I’m Kerry, I live with my family outside London. I am married to the love of my life and we have two amazing, beautiful children and a nutball Boston terrier, called Betty.

I graduated from the Surrey Institute of Art and Design with a degree in Fashion. I realised straight away that the industry wasn’t for me, so I’ve been creatively frustrated ever since. I have tried a bit of everything to satisfy my need for a creative outlet. Nothing keeps me happy for long. Until I discovered writing. Writing a book has always been a dream, but I had no clue where to start. Then one day, parking my car at the supermarket, Liv & Danny came to me like a thunderbolt. I don’t know where they came from, but I raced home and started making them real. Now I have two books to publish and lots more ideas to work on.

I am extremely prone to crushes on boys in books…on trains, in the street, wherever. From my early infatuation with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and Tom Cruise in Cocktail, to my recent obessions with book-boyfriends like Christian Grey, Travis Maddox and Kellan Kyle, I have always been the same. For the time it takes me to read a book I have an intense love affair with the characters, sometimes they stay with me for a week, sometimes its for life. Sometimes I feel like I will need therapy to cope with the fact that they are not real and will never be mine! Even though I am devoted to my husband, I’ll never change, not as long as brilliant, creative writers keep giving me deeply flawed, yet perfect men to love…
I hope, I dream, that these are the types of characters I can one day create to be obsessed over.

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Author Spotlight – Susi Interviews Nicky D. White @nickyd_white


Susi Interviews Nicky D. White, Author of Raven’s Innocence.

by Nicky D. White

by Nicky D. White


Susi: How long have you been writing?

Nicky:  Honestly, for as long as I can remember.

Susi:  When did your passion for writing begin?

Nicky:  I have always loved to write. For years I have dabbled in poetry. My mother was a writer as well.  She had a book of poetry published years ago.  A novel is something that I have always wanted to write, but never really knew how to start.  Then another author, who is also a very good friend of mine, encouraged me to just sit down and start writing. I had an idea and just went with it.

Susi:  How many books have you published?

Nicky: I currently have out one, Raven’s Innocence

Susi:  What is your favorite genre? Are you interested in writing any other genres? Least fave genre?

Nicky:  I love Romance and Psychological Thrillers!  My least fave? Hmmm…I’ve never really thought about that.  I always go to the same genre when searching for a new book.

Susi:  What books are you currently working on?

Nicky:  I am almost done with writing the second part to Raven’s Innocence; Raven’s Undoing.

Susi:  When do you write?  Any specific routines?

Nicky:  Usually late at night after my girls are in bed, or on the weekends.

Susi:  When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

Nicky:  Reading. I read as much as I can. Love it!

Susi:  What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

Nicky:  Writing is very therapeutic for me, so when I’m chalked full of emotion, which is like always, I have to write.

Susi:  How would you describe yourself as a writer?

Nicky:   ‘Beautifully Complicated’, just like it says on my Blog. And those who know me well, would concur.

Susi:  How long does it generally take you to write a book?

Nicky:  My first book took only 6 months. This second book I’m writing, will have taken me 10.

Susi:  Describe a typical writing day for Nicky D. White.

Nicky:  Well, here is my typical day that ends with writing….I get up at 4:00 am, get ready for work.  I hit the highway between 5:30 and 5:45 am and start my commute to the city where I work.  I spend all day ‘putting out fires’ as I like to call them.  Then I leave work at 4:00 pm and start my commute home from the city.  My night is full of doing my motherly duties with my girls and then when I can, I try to do some writing.

Susi:  Do you have any advice to offer to indie authors?

Nicky:  Just write!  If you have a story, tell it!  And don’t worry about editing as you go.  Write the story first, edit later.  Network and reach out to other authors.  They are all so wonderful and supportive!  Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help or advice.  Start building your platform early.  Start a blog, get on Twitter, an author page on Facebook, and etc.  Bring in new readers and get people excited about your book.

Susi:  Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

Nicky:  I just wish I had more time for marketing. I don’t consider it a mistake, but it’s what I struggle with most.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve:  Liars.  I don’t care how awful the truth may be, don’t you ever lie to me.


First thing you notice about a person: Their Teeth


Hidden talents I’m very musical.  I can play many instruments.


Prized possession:  My girls, but if it’s something materialistic, my phone.  Seriously, my life is in there!


Currently Reading:  Salvation by Stephanie John


Fave drink:  Water…. Raspberry Vodka if you want alcohol


Fave TV Show: Revenge


Favorite Book Quote:  I have so many, but this is one of my favs because I feel this way:  “Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.”
—Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


Favorite Movie:  Don’t laugh, but the Twilight movies.


Batman/Superman or Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman!

Ha!!! Me too!  wonder woman image


Any parting words from the author….

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and cheered me on through this journey; readers, writers, authors, bloggers, family, and friends.  Each and every one of you have been amazing!  I will be forever grateful.


Thank you Nicky for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview.  Wishing you lots of success.  I am looking forward to Raven’s Undoing.


You can purchase Raven’s Innocence here:

Buy Links


AMAZON Paperback

 N.D. White

nicky d whie




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Nicky grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where she still resides.  She has her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  She works part of the time in Kansas City and the other part in her hometown.  Juggling between family, work, and writing, she stays very busy; never a dull moment.  Writing has always been a passion and talent of hers.  Her mother was also a writer, but of poetry.  Nicky has written her fair share of poems, but the idea of writing a novel is what truly pulled at her heart strings.  She started writing Raven’s Innocence last fall, which is going to be released in the next week. She will then diligently start writing her next book, Raven’s Undoing.

Veil of Scars by J.R. Gray – Sneak Peek – Coming Soon @TheOriginalGray

 J.R. Gray has a new book and it will be releasing soon.

Here is a sneak peak to Veil of Scars.
Veil of Scars Promo Banner


Veil of Scars Coming April 2015 from Evernight publishing.

I can’t wait to read it!

It has been added to my TBR. Be sure to add it to yours.

Veil of Scars Cover JR Gray



A little bit about Veil of Scars:


Steven is tall, dark and damaged. He doesn’t let anyone close, comfortable on the outside of normal life where he can hide his scars behind a wall so high that nothing gets through…except them. Despite a childhood marred with black and blue, he’s survived and moved in with his two best friends, Sam and Charlie.


Life should get better, but it was Sam who held him when the dark threatened to swallow him whole, Sam who gave him a place that felt like home, and Sam who knew every scar and every broken place.


And it’s all been taken away with Charlie sharing Sam’s bed.


Without his former confront, Steven realizes what’s been hiding in the deep corners of his heart, and the truth sinks him like a weight. He’s in love with one or maybe both of his roommates. Navigating unrequited love tears Steven apart and brings him to the precipice, and he has to choose: his feelings or Sam’s…and Charlie’s?


Here is a sneak peek from Veil of Scars:


“Charlie coming home from the party, too?” I didn’t dare to hope.

“She didn’t go. She’s pulling an all-nighter in the library with a group for a project or something or other.” He shrugged.

Maybe I would get a stolen night. One like old times.

We sat there for a while in silence, not quite wrapped up in one another but taking comfort from the other’s body heat. I closed my eyes. Even on the sofa a night in his arms was bliss.

“Want to go to bed?” Sam asked, rousing me from the light sleep I had slipped into.

“Yeah, sorry.” I got to my feet, cheeks flushing a bit, realizing I’d just fallen into something that wasn’t a reality anymore. In seven months there had been a few stolen nights with my best friend, but living with Charlie had put a stop to how we once were.

His brows fell, and he looked up at me before getting to his feet. I was turning to head to my room when he grabbed me by the hand, lacing his fingers through mine. I stopped, looking up to search his face.

He didn’t say a word as he led me to the bed he shared with her. I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my lips. The dark gave me the cover I needed to watch him pull the polo off his broad shoulders and cast it aside. I kicked out of my jeans and added my shirt to his on the floor, before crawling into bed.

The assured way he scooted in after me, coming up from behind to wrap his arms around my body, gave me a pain in the middle of my chest I couldn’t explain. I leaned back into his bare skin, and a calm washed over me. Within moments, it was like the nervous bundle of energy that had been wound inside me for months started to dissolve.

He tucked his head in next to my shoulder and whispered, “Goodnight,” against my skin.



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