Susi Interviews – Michelle Day, Author @MichelleYDay

Susi Interviews Michelle Day, Author

Prodigal Son, Father & Son, Cain’s Way


I love interviewing my favorite authors.  For today’s author interview, I bring you Michelle Day, author of Prodigal Son, Father & Son and Cain’s Way.


Susi:  How long have you been writing?

Michelle:  I started the first draft of Prodigal Son at age fifteen. As I’m now in my forties, that’s quite some time.

Susi:    When did your passion for writing begin?

Michelle: At secondary school. I was one of the few who enjoyed writing essays.

Susi:  What is your favorite genre to write?

Michelle: I would have to say that depends on where my head is at. I thoroughly enjoyed writing Cain’s Way but I equally love the Jensens.

Susi:  What books are you currently working on?

Michelle: I am working on book 3 of the Jensen Family Series which will be called Wayward Son and I’m also penning the second Tate Pack Novella which is called Loren’s Salvation. I’ve also just unearthed something that I started back in 2012. It’s another change of direction for me and it’s called Switch. I will concentrate a little more on that one once Wayward Son and Loren’s Salvation are out.

Susi:  Wow, You are a busy woman.  When do you write?  Any specific routines?

Michelle:  I have to be in a certain mindset to write and my characters need to be talking to me. I can write almost anywhere and don’t mind distractions, just don’t try to read over my shoulder. That’s a major irritation for me.

Susi:  When not writing, what are your hobbies or interests?

Michelle:  I read. A lot. I’ll read anything. I also like to research things which may happen to my characters and can get very involved in that.

Susi:  What inspires you to write?  Music, a muse?

Michelle:  I always have music going. Certain tracks will inspire scenes or character traits. I also find it useful to have a muse. It’s always good to have something nice to look at.

Susi:  Who were your muses for the Prodigal Son and Father & Son characters?

Michelle:  For Paul, of course, Bernardo Velasco and for Gavin,  Taylor Kitsch. I am still working on a muse for Matt. I can see him in my minds eye but he’s yet to take a physical form.

Susi:  Who was your muse for Cain’s Way?

Michelle:  Cain came to me in the shower with his description. I would have trouble putting a face to his character but once the picture was found that is on the cover, I knew that he was Cain.

Susi:  How long does it generally take you to write a book?

Michelle:  That depends on the book. Cain took one month which is a record for me. Father and Son took two years. I’m currently on a roll and being productive so I’d say typically for a full length novel, somewhere between nine to twelve months.

Susi:  Describe a typical writing day for Michelle Day.

Michelle:  Each day is different. Some days I will write all day. Others, I’ll write for an hour and be done with it. I do always start by going back over what was written the previous day and trying to pick up any spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors before I start to write again.

Susi:  Do you have any advice to offer to any indie authors?

Michelle:  Keep at it. It’s not always easy and I’ve felt like giving up especially as sales are low but I love my characters and have faith in them. I think as long as you believe in what you write, you will find your niche and with it an audience.

Susi:  Your biggest mistake as a writer? If any?

Michelle:  Not asking for help. I still don’t like to and as a result, I don’t know many people in the book world.


Rapid Fire


Pet Peeve:  the your /you’re error

First thing you notice about a person:  Eyes on meeting. Bum as they walk away.

Hidden talents:   I don’t think I have any.

Currently Reading:  Conviction. Nicole Edwards

Fave drink:   Lime milkshake

Fave TV Show:  Currently, Poldark

Fave Book: Black Beauty is a story that will always stay with me.

Fave Movie:  Fast and Furious franchise


Any parting words from the author…

Watch this space, I have plenty of things planned for the Jensens. Can you imagine Paul with grandchildren?


Oh…  Wow! I can’t wait for more Paul.  As a grandfather, oh my!

Thank you Michelle for taking time from your busy schedule for this interview.  Happy Writing!


Reading and Writing Between the Wines Blog


Books by Michelle Day

ps updated cover


 Prodigal Son


father and son cover michelle day


Father & Son


Amazon UK


cain's way cover


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