Susi Reviews Cain’s Way by Michelle Day @MichelleYDay

Cain’s Way 

by Michelle Day

Release Date: February 26, 2015



cain's way cover


Born to be the Alpha, the circumstances of his birth were cause for concern to his pack. As he grew, his love for the human race and his preference for solitude only served to distance him from them further.
Cain didn’t care for the pack life. He travelled and kept himself away, pursuing the things he loved. Leaving his pack in the hands of those more capable than himself. Not concerned by the gossip and rumours surrounding him. Raised with the knowledge that he was special, he embraced his quirks and quietly set about proving his worth in his own unique and often humorous way.


My Review 

Michelle Day writes paranormal?  Who knew.  I am always excited to read other books written by an author I admire.  Well, Michelle Day has done it again with her latest book.  While I admit that I am not a huge paranormal fan, Cain’s Way has made me change my mind about this genre.

Cain’s Way is not your typical paranormal book.  It is humorous story following the life of Cain, a sexy and witty shifter.  From the first few pages, Cain will intrigue you and make you laugh.  His character, as well as his demeanor is quite unique.  The story is well developed and keeps you engaged. Cain’s sarcasm and powerful alpha status make this a fun book to read.  The supporting characters are just as entertaining.  Lily, his mate is beautiful and totally captures his heart.  His best mate Loren, is also another great character.  His ability to connect with and protect Cain is what I most admire about him.  Finally, Cain’s way of keeping his pack and his in-laws in line is also original and admirable.

So yes, this paranormal gem is one that I recommend. 🙂 I look forward to reading more paranormal from Michelle in the future.

I gave this book 5 stars.

It was truly an enjoyable read. Be sure to add it to your TBR.  It releases this week!

I received an ARC from the author for an honest review.



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About the Author- Michelle Day



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Other books by Michelle Day 

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