Susi Reviews – Illicit Activity by J.R. Gray @TheOriginalGray

Susi Reviews Illicit Activity 

by J.R. GrayIllicit activity cover jr gray



The Christmas season is fast approaching. Jesse and George try to keep their connection alive with stolen late night dinners and secret meetings, which never seem to be enough.
Zac doesn’t take no for an answer, and has set his sights on George’s slave Elliot as his newest conquest. Determined to see Elliot and bring him some holiday spirit, Zac starts a battle of wits with George. But Will George be able to outsmart Zac, and keep him away from Elliot, for long?
Be Warned: m/m sex, BDSM, sex toys, fire play

My Review

It had been quite some time since I read a BDSM book. I had noticed several readers posting reviews and following J.R. Gray on Twitter and I was intrigued.  I downloaded Illicit Activity and rediscovered BDSM.

Illicit Activity is the Christmas story to go along with the series including Legally Bound and Breach of Contract by J.R. Gray.  I read this book first thinking it was a standalone.  While it is not, I was quickly able to catch on and understand the different characters and the roles they played in this story/series.

Illicit Activity is a different BDSM read for me,  but one that I enjoyed and do recommend to readers who enjoy this genre.  The difference, well, this BDSM book includes M/M relationships which I had never read about.  I must warn you, the content of this book is not for the prude reader.  BDSM is based on psychology and after reading about Elliot, you will clearly understand this notion. (No spoilers)

Sex, toys, and kink, you’ll get that in this book.  Let’s just say, Zac knows how to deliver Christmas presents.

After reading Illicit Activity, I have decided to go back and read the first two books in the series. J.R. Gray delivers extremely likable characters, a unique and well written plot with just the right amount of sex to make this a book/series one to add to your TBR list.

So go ahead and give the gift of BDSM this Christmas with Illicit Activity by J.R. Gray.

I gave this book 4 1/2 stars!


JR Gray banner

You can read my interview with the author J.R. Gray here.


Follow J.R. Gray on Social Media.






Buy Links

Amazon Legally Bound

Amazon  Breach of Contract

UK Amazon Legally Bound

UK Amazon Breach of Contract

Evernight Publishing Legally Bound

Evernight Publishing Breach of Contract

Evernight Publising Illicit Activity  Free!

Illicit Activity cover banner

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