Cover Reveal – Fallen Angel, Part 3 by Tracie Podger @TraciePodger

Cover Reveal: Fallen Angel, Part 3

Cover Reveal photo banner for Fallen Angel 3 by Tracie Podger, featuring a photo of the book cover against a sensual black and white backdrop

FA3-kindlecover copy

Title: Fallen Angel, Part 3

Author: Tracie Podger

Genre: Contemporary romance, Drama, Suspense (sexual content in a romantic context, 18+)


Being married to the dark and dangerous Robert Stone doesn’t come without its problems – trust being one of them.

Trusting your average husband means you believe he won’t cheat on you. Trusting a man like Robert is accepting that he will kill to protect his family.

Brooke loves her husband – mind, body and soul – she will do whatever is necessary to protect that love.

But what happens when Robert discovers he wants something Brooke can’t give him?

This is a story of an extraordinary couple who find the strength to become the people they want to be.

But can they have it all?

A teaser quote from Fallen Angel, Part 3, by Tracie Podger, against a backdrop of a collage depicting the two principal characters

Header for the Author Biography, image of a Fallen Angel

Tracie-Podger-Photo copy 2Tracie Podger currently lives in Kent, UK with her husband and a rather obnoxious cat called George. She’s a Padi Scuba Diving Instructor with a passion for writing. Tracie has been fortunate to have dived some of the wonderful oceans of the world where she can indulge in another hobby, underwater photography. She likes getting up close and personal with sharks.

Tracie wishes to thank you for giving your time to read her books and hopes you enjoy them as much as she loves writing them. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact her, she would love to hear from you. She will be signing at Peterborough, York, Birmingham and Aberdeen in 2015, and in the U.S. at some 2016 events; drop in if you can and say hello!

A photo teaser quote from Fallen Angel 3, an erotic romance novel by Tracie Podger.

Graphic depiction of a Fallen Angel

Amazon Author Page
Goodreads Author Page
Tracie’s Fallen Angel FB Fan Page
Web Site

A photo quote depicting a sensual scene from Fallen Angel 3, by Tracie Podger

A depiction of the Fallen Angel graphic

Robert-FinalCover FA1-NewCoverFA2-NewCoverKindle cover Evelyn-3

Kindle Versions – United States

Fallen Angel, Part 1 – Amazon
Fallen Angel, Part 2 – Amazon
Evelyn – Amazon
Robert- Amazon

Kindle Versions – UK:

Fallen Angel, Part 1 – Amazon UK
Fallen Angel, Part 2 – Amazon UK
Evelyn – Amazon UK
Robert – Amazon UK

Print Versions – US

Fallen Angel, Part 1 – Amazon
Fallen Angel, Part 2 – Amazon
Evelyn – Amazon
Robert – Amazon

Print Versions – UK

Fallen Angel, Part 1 – Amazon UK
Fallen Angel, Part 2 – Amazon UK
Evelyn – Amazon UK
Robert – Amazon UK

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