Blogiversary GIVEAWAY x 2 – Fifteen Weekends and Unscripted by Christy Pastore @christypastore


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GIVEAWAY – Fifteen Weekends

and the newly released Unscripted by Christy Pastore



Enter to win one eBook copy of Fifteen Weekends and Unscripted, Christy Pastore’s newest release!!

Leave a comment on this post. Be sure to share this post too.  Sharing is caring.

One winner will be chosen by on Friday 12/12 at noon and will be notified via email.

No purchase necessary to win.

Good Luck!

Thank you Christy for being part of my Blogiversary! ~Susi

fifteen weekends cover


The past, it can haunt you…It can consume you…have a hypnotic hold on your mind, body and soul. The past can keep you from moving on…holding your heart hostage.

The past, can also bring you closure…provide answers you never knew you needed to mysteries you never thought existed…and the past, can force you to look at your current choices in an entirely different light.

Ashleigh Preston has always maintained control of her life, especially her romantic life. To everyone else she seems to have it all— a posh independent lifestyle with nothing holding her back. As a successful Freelance Food and Travel Columnist, Ashleigh can escape whenever she likes and travel the world. She frequently visits her favorite city—London.

Coincidentally, London is where Liam Frost, the charming Welshman lives, her no strings attached irresistible best friend with benefits. Still closed off to the idea of love because of her painful past, can Ashleigh overcome personal grief and take a leap of faith with him? Or will her emotional guilt be too much for Liam to handle, leaving him to move on with someone else?

Smart and sophisticated Marketing Executive, Emily Greene needs closure from her complicated past—she is still consumed by the disappearance of her ex-boyfriend, Craig Walker. The thought of him lingers with her even years later. A stormy night brings about a surprising confession from Emily’s arrogant, yet very attractive co-worker, Ethan Carlson. This admission gives Emily a good reason to push former romantic visions out and usher in new ones.

The past always has a way of twisting into the present. A series of mysterious events—cryptic phone calls and creepy text messages begin to pose an irritating problem for Emily’s life, until one day the annoying situation turns far more serious than she can anticipate or realize. Emily starts to believe her past might be a threat for her new heated romance with Ethan. Is it possible for Emily to move on with her life, despite never knowing what happened to Craig? Can Ethan help Emily put the past behind her and move on with him?

Amanda Parsons, the former country club socialite whose fall from grace has landed her in the poor house. A chance meeting with Vince Everett, a handsome and wealthy businessman, rescues Amanda from her sad state of affairs returning her to the familiar decadent lifestyle she’s accustomed. The clothes, jewels, shoes and gifts are nice, but the boredom and loneliness stir emotions reminding her of the scandal that shattered her world.

Can Amanda shake the emptiness that consumes her or is she doomed to repeat the same mistakes from her past? And why is her sister friends with her biggest mistake—Andrew Langston? Revisiting that dark part of her life sheds light on a mystery Amanda never dreamed would unravel so many possibilities for her future.


“His gaze on me was intense, I couldn’t look away. I felt as if I was revealing my entire soul to him in this moment.”

The range of emotions I had experienced with Ronan felt like a topsy-turvy spinning roller coaster. Suddenly I was awake for the first time in what felt like years. Every fiber of my being was filled with heated desire, passion, lust and fear, and all I wanted was more… more of everything, more of him. How had I just lived these past few years only going through the motions? But, as glorious as all of this was, was I kidding myself? Could it be real? Or just a moment in time – a few days of thrilling and scary excitement rolled into one? The moment before you hit that first big drop on your favorite coaster, you fall, and then it’s over.

This isn’t your typical Hollywood fairy tale where the typecast ordinary girl next door meets the famous handsome actor and they fall in love. Despite the emotional and physical scars that serve as reminders of Holliday Prescott’s past, she has evolved into a strong young woman. Ronan Connolly has loved and lost, but he’s never been in love. The weight of Hollywood’s expectations and the scripted games people play have left him bruised but not broken.

He’s always followed everyone else’s script and she wrote her own. That was until fate swept in with other plans.



About the Author

Writer Christy Pastore grew up in the lakeside community of Syracuse, Indiana. She currently resides in the popular neighborhood of “The Hill” in Saint Louis, Missouri with her husband Kevin, two loveable dogs and a cooler than cool cat.

Christy is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the popular fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up and holds a degree in Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising with a concentration in Marketing from Indiana State University and has been called a “One Woman Marketing Machine.”

Christy’s favorite part of the creative writing process is two-fold: story boarding and character development.

When Pastore is not writing you can find her enjoying a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, reading a flirty and dirty book or tweeting her thoughts on her favorite TV Shows.

Follow Christy on Social Media




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