Susi Reviews Mai Tai’d Up by Alice Clayton @Alice_Clayton

Susi Reviews Mai Tai’d Up (Cocktail #4) 

by Alice Clayton 

mai tai'd up cover alice clayton


Looking for the perfect mix of smart, sexy, and sassy? Mai Tai’d Up continues New York Times bestselling author Alice Clayton’s Cocktail series, which began with Wallbanger and continued with Rusty Nailed and Screwdrivered.

The gossip mill in the seaside community of Monterey is churning about Chloe Patterson, the newcomer who is starting a sanctuary for rescued pit bulls. It’s rumored that she’s a former beauty queen (true) who ditched her fiancé the morning of their wedding (also true). And that while she’s not looking for a new man, the good-looking local veterinarian has his eye on her. Absolutely, positively true.

When Lucas Campbell isn’t at the family veterinary clinic, he’s paddle boarding in Monterey Bay. Recently single, he’s definitely not in the market for a new relationship, but he still can’t resist taking a second, third, and fourth look at the recent arrival of Miss Golden State.

Neither Lucas nor Chloe has any interest in being tied down. Being tied up, however—now there’s a thought. But are a few Mai Tais, a moonlit night, and the music of Frank Sinatra enough to allow them both to forget their past? Let’s hope Ol’ Blue Eyes knows what he’s doing.

Mix one part tiki, one part kinky, and a splash of old black magic matchmaking, and it’s time to be . . . Mai Tai’d Up.

My Review

Alice Clayton does it again in Mai Tai’d Up.  Her latest book is a perfect concoction of fun, sexy and sassy complete with a magnificent cast of characters, including some characters from Screwdrivered and an adorable canine.

This story is entirely told in Chloe’s point of view.  I must say, I love Chloe.  She had a brief mention in the last book.  She is the runaway bride looking to start her life in a new place away from her past.  This former beauty pageant queen heads off to Monterey where a new home, job and life await her.

Her former charity work leads her to her new job.  Although she never held an official job before, her calling, her love of animals shines through in her new endeavor, working with rescue dogs.  Well, if you work with dogs, you need a vet right?  Well, this new vet, he’s HOT!  Enter Lucas a sexy 6’3″ ginger with brilliant blue eyes, tanned skin and great hair.  He’s not only gorgeous but sweet, funny and yes, I repeat, SEXY.

Lucas, the vet and Chloe become friends and of course, written in true Alice Clayton style, their friendship evolves and there are many funny moments between them. Of course,  there are plenty of moments fueled with sexual tension making this a most enjoyable read.

Alice not only brings readers her unique and totally awesome, funny and sexy writing, but transports us to spectacular locations.  I love Monterey and pictured this story vividly.  The theme of pet rescue touched my heart because I am a true dog lover.  I love that she brought awareness to an issue so many people choose to ignore.

I read this book pretty quick and admit I had a huge grin on my face for most of it.  Alice’s books always make me smile, swoon and smile some more.

I would love to read more about Chloe and Lucas in another book.  As a reader, I want more of their story.  This book can be read as a standalone but why would you want to do that?  I recommend reading all of Alice’s books in this fabulous Cocktail series.

Alice, this book is another 5 star read. And, I too love gingers.  You see,  I married one. And, he’s a vet too. (the other kind of vet, a US Marine)

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Now, go get Mai Tai’d Up!


Some of my favorite lines….


“I want it all. I want encompassing knock your socks off, can’t live without you, can’t be in a room without wanting you naked, love.” 

As I picked up my doodled To Do List, I noticed that on the bottom I’d written Lucas. On my To Do List.  “Yeah yeah yeah,” I muttered to myself. Still smiling.

“First, I can’t believe you just pinched a pregnant woman. Second, I can’t believe you are not hitting that! What on God’s earth is stopping you? Third, and this is the pregnancy hormones talking, if Clark says it’s okay, I’m going to hit that if you don’t!”  This was all said in a stage whisper while Lucas and Clark talked guy talk about monkeys or something. “And fourth, can I have some more ice cream?”

“By the way, what was that about bouncing on his dick? Whose dick are we talking about?”

“I don’t even think that’ll fit,” I said.   “Oh, it’ll fit,”  he murmured, then pulled away. “Wait-are we… talking about…..fitting?” 


12054492-author-alice-claytonAbout Alice Clayton

ALICE CLAYTON worked in the cosmetics industry for over a decade before picking up a pen (read laptop).

She enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up, and finally convinced her long-time boyfriend to marry her.

Now, about that Bernese Mountain dog.


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