Cover Reveal – Wayward Angel by K. Renee

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Wayward Angel
Wayward Saints MC Book 1
Publication date: December 12, 2014
Genres: Romance, Erotica

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What do you do when the one thing you want is against the rules?

Anslie Davoli is the sixteen year old daughter of the President of the Wayward Saints MC, Cason Davoli. After her mom takes her away from the club at just five years old, certain circumstances bring her back into the club under her older brother’s watchful eye.

Brantley Insico grew up in the club. His father is the Vice President of the Wayward Saints MC. At twenty-one, he thinks he’s got it all, the club, his family, and no woman tying him down. One family barbecue and his world is turned upside down.
Brantley knows Prez’s daughter is off limits, but he still craves her.

Will Anslie and Brantley be able to stay away from each other, or will they have to deal with the consequences



Author Bio


K. Renee is from sunny, California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination to paper. K. Renee is an avid reader.

During the day she works in an office and at night she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally coming out on paper.

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