Release Day ~ Excerpts and Giveaway ~ Saving Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia @Debra_Anastasia

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Happy Release Day to Debra Anastasia.

Saving Poughkeepsie is live!



Saving Poughkeepsie 

Debra Anastasia

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On 11/22 Buy from: Amazon  | Barnes and Noble

Beckett Taylor’s quest to be a better man has brought Eve Hart back into his
life, but sometimes it feels like they’re bound together with barbed
wire. Though he longs to love her without causing pain, the wreckage of
their past continues to crash down around them.
Yet with the
help of this brothers—and for his brothers—Beckett won’t stop trying.
He’s determined to make them all a family, to make a life they want to
live, and to make Poughkeepsie a place that’s safe to live it.

He can feel their futures balanced precariously on his shoulders: Blake
and Livia and their children, Cole and Kyle and the new baby they’ve
just brought home, and Eve…always Eve. He wants their dreams to be real.
But murderers don’t just get Happily Ever After handed to them. They
have to wrench it away from Satan himself.

Good thing Beckett is prepared to do just that.

After all, saving Poughkeepsie is the only way his story ends.

Prepare your heart and your head for a wild ride in this final installment of
the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series. Debra Anastasia does not disappoint
as she weaves the last chapter of a story that blends true love,
turbulent emotions, and life’s harsh realities into an uplifting tale
that calls to the good in each of us.



TPB Series on Make A Gif

Book 1 on sale for .99 cents starting 11/19/14


Poughkeepsie (Book 1)
Sometimes a book changes the very way you see love. It takes your smile, counts it, and turns it into a story that simply asks for your entire heart.

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia is a cult hit since 2011. It claims over 800 reviews on Amazon with a 4.5 average. Poughkeepsie was voted second by The Rockstars of Romance as the most romantic book of all time. The Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series, includes three books, with the grand finale, Saving Poughkeepsie releasing on 11/22/14.

The train ticket to the journey of the Poughkeepsie will only cost .99 cents for a limited time sale, starting on 11/19/14. It’s the perfect gift for your favorite reader. It’s the romance your imagination deserves.

Find Debra Anastasia books EVERYWHERE


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Barnes & Noble
Enhanced Poughkeepsie App
Google Play
Simon & Schuster
 Return to Poughkeepsie (Book 2) 


Excerpt 1:

“I’m not worried about tomorrow. I’m worried about right now, with you, under this Christmas tree.” Blake supported her neck as he laid her on the floor.

Livia turned her head. “You’d better convince me. So far you’ve talked about the dog going to the bathroom, trash, and dirtiness.”

Blake kissed her jaw and turned her head gently, kissing her mouth as she bit her lips together.

“Can’t I just convince you with my manly ways?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

He could, of course, do just that—but she shook her head. She loved the playful sparkle in his green eyes. His five o’clock shadow just made him more handsome, framing his kissable lips with scruff.

“Okay.” He put his fingers at the bottom of her shirt, lifting it gently so he could circle her belly button with his index finger. “You’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman on this planet. So sexy, in fact, that I had to have you. I had to make you bear my children because my universe and yours had to be combined. Everything I’ve ever been needed to be buried inside of you, so deep, so full of love that we created life. Twice.”

He lifted her shirt and kissed the tops of her breasts, whispering his devotion into her skin. “And it’s never enough. Unless I can hear you coming, I can’t think of anything else. All day every day. For years now. You’re that powerful, Livia. This. Us. It’s so intense that years haven’t cured me. I can’t stop wanting to make love to you.”

“Wow.” Livia smiled and pulled his face back to hers, kissing him and effectively stopping his beautiful words.

Excerpt 2:

“Come with me.” He led her to the beach again, but during dinner a few people had been busy. It was now lined with an aisle of candles, and a man stood close to the breaking surf, hands crossed, waiting. Someone had used the surrounding sand as a canvas, creating a swirling pattern. Their names were part of the art.

What? She asked without a sound.

“I want you to marry me. Here. Now.”

Beckett let go of her hand and strode away. When he turned around, close to the water at the end of the aisle, he hoped to hell she wasn’t running in the other direction.


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