Father & Son Pre-Order and Prodigal Son Flashback @ProdigalSon_1 by Michelle Day

November is flying by and in just 14 more days you will have your hands on Paul N. Jensen again.

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In case you haven’t met this bad boy, I’ve decided to introduce him to you.

Paul is the main character in Prodigal Son, Book 1 of The Jensen Family Series written by Michelle Day. Book 2, Father & Son will be released on November 20, 2014.  The story of Paul continues.  Let me just say, I’ve read the ARC and loved it.  Paul gets better with age.

father and son cover michelle day

Release Day – November 20, 2014

 Synopsis – Father & Son

What has happened to Paul Jensen? Paul is growing up fast. Taking steps to secure his financial future for himself and those around him, he struggles to do the same with the emotional side of his life. There’s only one woman he really wants. He just has to be man enough to step up and prove to her how much he’s changed.

Here is my review for Prodigal Son as well as my interview with Paul.  (thanks to Bookish Temptations)

I think you will enjoy reading this series.  If you haven’t read Prodigal Son, you must. Read it before Father & Son is released.

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Synopsis – Prodigal Son

Paul Jensen’s problems started the day he was born.  The image of his mother, unlike his twin and older sister, he never quite fit the Jensen family mold.  A difficult baby, a problem child and a troublesome teen, Paul was the quintessential black sheep.  His father’s abusive disapproval and rejection doesn’t bring him down.  It only serves to turn him into a willful, and incredibly determined young man.  With his mother’s Latin looks and the charm British prince, he is a danger to women everywhere. Paul Jensen won’t take no for an answer and his rebellion is about to get really out of control.

 Buy Links

Prodigal Son

Father & Son (pre-order)


 #Bloggers- You can sign up for the Father & Son Release Day Launch here too.


Keep up with the Author –  Michelle Day

Follow Paul on Twitter.

Follow Michelle Day on Facebook.