New Point by Olivia Luck Release Day Review + Giveaway @AuthorLuck

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New Point by Olivia Luck
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: September 10, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions (

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Imagine the worst day of your life. Immerse yourself in the details. How did you feel? Who were you with? What were the consequences?
Recalling my darkest day is as simple as typing a few search terms into a web browser. It only took thirty minutes for me to become the center of a media frenzy that caught the attention of an entire country.
So I hid.
Nine months later and I’m getting better. Moved two hours from home, landed my dream job, and met a delicious new guy.
Healing is that simple, right?


My Review (spoiler free)

Olivia, you’ve done it again!  This time, you have crafted a brilliant New Adult read.  New Point is an intriguing story with well written characters, secrets, suspense, passion and romance.  Cleverly written, New Point captured my interest from the very beginning, from the moment Miles appeared at Zoe’s door.  Your two main characters became two of my favorites.  Each character is unique and special in their own way.  Zoe, the young librarian turns out to be more than I expected and for that, I loved this story.  Your story line = perfect! Zoe moves back to her family home looking for a new start on her life after a traumatic event.  New Point becomes the ideal place for her and her personal as well as professional new beginnings.  You did an amazing job on a story that was not predictable at all.  I was kept on my toes and pleasantly surprised with the series of events as they unfolded.

I loved how you brought Zoe to a place her mother considered to be “healing.”  Healing is exactly what Zoe needed.  Healing doesn’t happen easily as you will discover in this book.

I am a big fan of Miles.  I wish I had a sexy neighbor like that.  Wow!   He appears in Zoe’s life from the very beginning and plays a significant role in her healing.  Their journey from friendship to family moments and on,  kept me hooked and made this such an enjoyable book.

Zoe’s older brother and father figure Blake is another important character.  The responsible father in him finds it difficult to let Zoe move on and become independent, something needed in the healing process.  While Blake wasn’t my favorite character, I do look forward to more of him in the next book.  I think he may actually grow on me.

I cannot forget to mention that you cleverly included the interior decorator from Chicago, a character (Edith) from your previous series in this book.  Olivia Luck fan’s will enjoy this simple added detail sprinkled into this fantastic read.

Your love scenes were simple, tastefully written and perfect for the New Adult genre.

All of the new people, friends, the job, the children, and the new beginnings in this book make it a book I highly recommend.

I am an Olivia Luck fan and I am looking forward to the next book with more Blake and Stella (Zoe’s friend).


New Point is a 5 star read.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars

olivia luck image

Meet the Author:

Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.
Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:
Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.
Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails:

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“New Point isn’t known for much breaking and entering, but I have to admit, this looks mighty suspicious,” an unmistakably Midwestern accent drawls from behind me, effectively scaring the sweat off my bare shoulders.
A shriek escapes from my lips as I teeter preciously on the wood chair and my hands lose their grip on the white doorframe. The rubber of my flip flop doesn’t provide much traction and my body pitches sideways. In just a second I’ll crash against the deck floor and I’ll spend the summer recovering physically instead of gaining back my old–
Sturdy muscular arms slide around my waist and yank me against an equally firm chest. “Woah, there. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The masculine voice has a smile behind it.
“Probably shouldn’t go sneaking up on someone then,” I mutter once I catch my breath and untangle myself from his grasp. He chuckles at my retort, a rich baritone that makes me feel like shivering.
When I’m a step or two back I’m nearly breathless again, but this time for completely different reasons.
Sturdy was one way to describe his muscular grasp, but now that I have a full frontal view of him, I see my mistake. He’s perfect. Thick arms with nicely defined muscles that don’t bulge too aggressively beneath his white T-shirt, a broad chest, trim waist with low riding blue exercise shorts. And that’s just his body. Bright white teeth gleam at me from behind a broad smile. Thick, dark curly hair begs to have fingers run through it and he has coffee colored eyes framed by long lashes most girls want desperately.
He’s a combination of sultry sex appeal and mischievous intentions as displayed by the twist of his lips. Less than one minute in his presence and I’m practically swooning.
“Who are you?” I blurt out.
With a smirk, he crosses his arms across the planes of chest. “Shouldn’t I be asking the questions, Ms. Breaking and Entering?”



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