Review ~ Tuesday Teaser ~No Weddings by Kat and Stone Bastion @KatBastion @StoneBastion

 No Weddings by Kat and Stone Bastion

Review and Teaser 

The No Weddings Series

(available September 8, 2014)




About No Weddings (Release Date Sep 8): Award-winning author Kat Bastion teams with her husband, Stone Bastion, in this first book in the No Weddings Series about Cade Michaelson, a successful man with his sights set on a new venture in business, and Hannah Martin, the woman who makes it personal. I think I have my act together as a successful bar owner, my master’s degree within reach, and a list of no-strings-attached women warming my bed. Turns out, I don’t. Hannah believes she has safeguarded her wounded heart by shunning men and focusing on her new baking business. The thing is, she hasn’t. When my three sisters and I start a new event-planning business with Hannah as our baker, I have no idea how my life is about to change. As Hannah and I work closely together, the attraction between us becomes irresistible. And complicated. I’ve promised my sisters I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. But I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

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My Review

I am so excited to share this review with all of you.  No Weddings is my favorite Summer read!

No Weddings is a cleverly written story told in the male point of view.  I am a huge fan of male POV.  I love getting into the mind of the male protagonist.  Kat and Stone, your male POV was simply perfect!

So how can I best explain how I feel about this book?  Here goes…

The perfect recipe is made up of  fresh ingredients, creativity, attention to details and passion (the love of the craft) which stirs the emotions, the taste buds, and allows you to enjoy the dish. Your story, No Weddings is just like that perfect recipe.  No Weddings has all of the right ingredients, well written characters, a touching and entertaining story line, passion (which most definitely stirred my emotions) and the right attention to detail (through the delicious male point of view) which allowed me to enjoy this story so much.

Your cast of characters were all cleverly written.  Cade and Hannah, I totally love them.  Hannah is a beautiful baker, need I say more?  Cade, he is the delicious business savy male lead.  Cade’s three sisters and his roommates/friends each bring something different into the book.  They are like the little dash of this or that added to a recipe to make it taste better.  All together, these characters complete this fine book.

On a personal level, I connected with this story because I can relate with so many things.  Catering, party planning and baking are all part of my life.  I do however wish I had my own Cade giving me business advice.

This entertaining story will leave you feeling hopeful. I don’t want to give too much away in this review.  You need to read this gem for yourself.  Trust me, you will love this book.  I am looking forward to the next book in this series.  And as for Cade, he has officially been added to my list of book boyfriends.

No Weddings is filled with humor, family, heartbreak, cupcakes, cakes, charity, romance and hope.  All of these topics combined made this a fantastic read that I highly recommend.

Congrats to Kat and Stone on a fantastic collaborative debut!

I gave this book 5 delicious stars!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars



Some of My Favorite Lines/Quotes

“You will never have “just sex” with me. When we decide we’re ready, it will be a mind blowing heart and body experience.”  She fought a smile, “That good, huh?”  I smirked, “Yeah. That good.”

“I would love to see you in a potato sack. Just like I’d love to see you in lingerie.  To me, they’re both the same.”

“Fuck, woman. I’m beginning to think you need a spanking more than a talk.”

“You know I’ve already decided, Cade Michaelson.”

“You. You give me the courage to take the chance……You’re the first person to make me feel alive again. You make me brave.”



Tuesday Teaser

A playful exchange between Cade and Hannah…


My phone started ringing from my bedroom. No one ever called me this early on a Sunday. Officially, I was still sleeping. I sighed and stared at my loaded plate.

Then suddenly, I realized who it might be. I raced to my room, made it to the phone, and pressed “answer” before it rolled over to voicemail. I grinned like an idiot when I saw the ID that’d flashed on the screen.

“Hannah.” I strolled back toward the kitchen. I didn’t give a flying fuck whether or not it was rude to talk on the phone at the table. They had their girls, now I had mine.

“Hey, Cade.” Her voice was soft. Sleepy.

“You just wake up?” I sat down and folded half of a French toast slice covered in syrup and took a bite.

“Yeah.” A sexy moan filtered through the earpiece.

I chewed once more, then swallowed the lump down my throat. “Did you just stretch?”


I looked up from my plate to the sudden silence in the room and found the entire table gawking at me. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, ignoring them.

“What are you wearing?”

I swear I could hear her smile.

“What I always wear.”

“Which is…?” I wondered if she was a flannel-pajama girl, or a T-shirt-and-boxer sleeper, or maybe naked…

Soft laughter. “What makes you think I’m going to tell you?”

For a second, I focused on the commotion at the table. There seemed to be a great debate over whose vehicle they would take on the ride up to New York: our Jeep or Ben’s Escalade.

No one paid any attention to me. “Better than me imagining the possibilities: cotton…silk…burlap…”

A long pause. “Nothing.”

“Fuck.” Sunday mornings just shot stratospheric. On a slow exhale, my plate finally came into focus again. “I can’t wait to share a lazy Sunday morning with you.” And it wouldn’t be here at my house, either.

She hummed, but it broke midway through into a purr. Damn. I wanted to hear that sound again. My life’s mission had suddenly become: make Hannah purr.

Buy Link


Be sure to add the entire series to your TBR list.



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About the Authors:Shoe and Boot PhotoAward-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings. A few factoids about the writing team… Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone. Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some. Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure. Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at, website at, and their Twitter accounts at and for more information.


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2 thoughts on “Review ~ Tuesday Teaser ~No Weddings by Kat and Stone Bastion @KatBastion @StoneBastion

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