Recipe – Zeppoles – Italian Doughnuts – An Easy Dessert

Here is a fun and easy recipe for you to try.  I happen to love these fried little treats.  They are also known as Italian doughnuts.



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Fry Daddy or Electric Kettle (I use one with temp control)

2-2 1.2 quarts or more of vegetable oil for frying (This all depends on the depth of your pan/kettle) Add more if needed.

1 cup All Purpose Flour (sifted)

1 pinch of salt

2 teaspoons of baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar  

2 large eggs

1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Confectioners sugar for dusting


1.  Heat up the oil to 375 degrees.

2.  In a saucepan, mix up the ingredients in this order:  Flour, salt, baking powder and sugar.

3.  Gently stir in the beaten eggs, ricotta cheese and vanilla extract.

4.  Stir slowly over low heat until all ingredients are combined and sticky.

5.  Using a small ice cream scoop or tablespoon drop the mixture one at a time into the hot oil. (fry 4- 5 at a time)

6.  Watch them fry.  They will turn themselves magically.

7.  Fry until golden in color and remove with slotted spoon.

8.  Place on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

9.  Sprinkle confectioners sugar to your liking.

10.  Eat and Enjoy!

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Fry at few at a time.


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Sprinkle confectioners sugar to your liking.


Go ahead, take a bite! Delicious!

Go ahead, take a bite!

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