Blog Tour – Review and Excerpt EXPOSURE by Morgan and Jennifer Locklear @MJLocklear


exposure cover



Publicist Shaunna Noble is no stranger to the ego-filled dysfunction of Hollywood’s elite, but is she ready for her two biggest clients to turn into her worst nightmare?Kyle Petersen and Michelle Cooper are Hollywood royalty, everyone’s favorite celebrity couple, but while on location filming their new summer blockbuster, Kyle ambushes his wife with divorce papers and orders Shaunna to destroy Michelle in the media. Unwilling to comply, Shaunna spectacularly and publicly quits her job, humiliating Kyle in the process.
David Quinn, a struggling actor cast alongside the A-listers, is caught in the crossfire. When pictures surface of David and Michelle out on the town, media and fans rush to crown them Hollywood’s new hot couple. Kyle explodes, tensions boil over, and everyone’s lives and careers are thrown into jeopardy.
So what’s a publicist to do? Especially when Shaunna finds herself falling in love with the sexy and talented David. Can she put out fires on the set while keeping the flames burning in the bedroom?
Love, lies and passion. What happens when the naked truth is exposed?




I would like to begin my review with this, “Congrats to Morgan and Jennifer on your brilliant debut!”  It has been a pleasure to read your first book and review it.  Your book Exposure is a most enjoyable and witty read.  Filled with a wonderful cast of well written characters and quirky lines, this book is a hit!

As a reader, my favorite books are those that I can connect with, either with the characters,  the places in the story, or the actual plot.  Exposure allowed me to connect on all levels. References to places in the story were of a personal nature to me.  Some of the witty lines mentioning movies and sci-fi are “very me” as well.  I must not forget the characters since they are the true stars.  They were written to be real.  I love that!

You did a fabulous job creating the main characters in your story.   Shaunna is the savvy publicist and my favorite female in the book.  David is the up and coming sexy actor who stole my heart too.  Their story along with Michelle and Kyle’s current dilemma provide plenty of ups and downs that will keep you hooked throughout the book.

Nathan and Gus (who happen to love cars like I do) were the perfect supporting characters.  I must not forget Thomas.  He is the clever lawyer I would want on my side. Finally, there is Sly, who I most enjoyed learning more about towards the end of the story and I think you will too.  All in all, your characters had great chemistry together making the story a wonderful read.

The right amount of humor paired with a clever and brilliant plot along with steamy love scenes make this a book I highly recommend.

Add Exposure to your TBR list today!

I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book 5 stars!

5 stars

Exposure pic quote






As a boy in Chicago, David always imagined there was something sinister about midnight. Now, he associated midnight with sensuality, and felt nothing but joy. He’d found the friend he wanted to see the world with. He held the lover whom he would never let go. She was a living passion, a comfort for his weary soul.

“I’ve missed you so much,” David whispered as he rested his head on her chest.

She wrapped her arms around his damp head.  “I’ve missed you too. Do you have to be anywhere tomorrow morning?”

“Nope. The whole day is mine. Ours.”

“Good,” Shaunna breathed.

She pulled his face to hers and kissed him in a desperate, craving way that got him revved up all over again. When he pressed his body to hers, she opened her legs immediately. With an adjustment of his hips, David slowly entered her and closed his eyes with pleasure.  Shaunna’s eyes were wide open.  She stared up at his strong chest as he became a part of her for the first time in weeks.

They moved slowly at first, savoring the contact, but it had been a very long day. Soon they evolved into voracious lovers bucking against one another.  They slid up and down each other’s bodies, kissing and licking anything that was exposed. They flitted from position to position, each one causing Shaunna to climax faster than the one before.

David was strong but getting tired, so she pushed him down on his back and straddled him with a determined expression.

“Are you ready?” she purred. “I want you to come for me.”

“Yes,” David confirmed breathlessly.

Shaunna moved with purpose. David, jealous of the moon’s fingers caressing his lover’s skin, reached up and cupped her slick breasts.  She leaned into his hands and wiggled hard with him inside her.  She climaxed twice more before she heard his soft blissful whimper and felt his hands squeeze her thighs.

“Rest,” she told him as she settled back onto the mattress and pulled him into her arms. Her intentions were to look after him, to stroke his hair, but soon she fell into a doze. He was relaxed but also excited for the time when he would finally be able to publicly declare their love. He fell asleep with a peace in his heart that all the money in the world could never have given him.

They didn’t wake to make love again until the room was completely dark. Outside, the sky showed thin strips of purple on the undersides of low clouds passing each other like great puffy whales.

Their dawn lovemaking was silent and slow, and they didn’t stir again until the house’s air conditioning kicked in and the smell of Michelle’s coffee snuck up the stairs to tempt them into the day.




Morgan and Jennifer Locklear met in 1989 as teenagers and became high school sweethearts.  They have been married since 1995 and live in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States with their two children, a son and daughter.

Although both enjoyed creative writing in their youth, they have only been working as a writing team since 2010. Since then they have created a dozen full-length and short stories together.

Jennifer has been employed in fundraising and development for a non-profit organization since 2000. She also enjoys participating in charitable activities, both locally and online. In her (limited) free time she is an avid reader.

Morgan has been employed in the hospitality industry since 1998. He has been active in the local performing arts community since childhood with many acting and directing credits to his name. He is also a musician and songwriter and has recorded 6 albums.




Tuesday Teaser – Captain Shelby by Jesse Giles Christiansen @JesseGilesChris

Tuesday Teaser Pic rbtwb
Today’s Teaser is from a book I am looking forward to reading soon.  Captain Shelby is the prequel to Pelican Bay by Jesse Giles Christiansen.  I”ll be sure to post the cover once it is ready.

“That a man could live for many centuries is a subject of much debate, unless he is a truly great man; then, transcending our impoverished understanding of reality, he may live on indefinitely, or until God sees fit to terminate his life.” 

Jesse is holding a really cool event over on Facebook today.  Be sure to click on the link and participate.
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Pelican Bay 

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About Jesse Giles Christiansen

Jesse Giles Christiansen is an American author who writes compelling literary fiction that weaves the real with the surreal. He attended Florida State University where he received his B.A. in English literature. He is the author of the novel Pelican Bay, Amazon bestseller in sea adventures and literary fiction, outselling Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. One of his literary goals is to write at least fifty novels, and he reminds himself always of something that Ray Bradbury once said: “You fail only if you stop writing.”


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