Blog Tour -Soundtrack – TouchStone for ever by @sydneyjamesson

TSFE cover



What would you give to save the one you love …

Ayden Stone and Elizabeth Parker are soul mates. They have played at love, succumbed to the magnetic pull of destiny and forgiven themselves and each other for misadventures in life and love.

Now they must look to the future and forever, bearing the scars of battles they have fought and won, together. To keep a promise one of these fateful lovers must make an agonising choice and dedicate themselves to an impossible task; to embark upon an adventure filled with magical moments and unforgivable acts of personal sacrifice.
But … with self-sacrifice comes betrayal.

TouchStone for ever is the culmination of an epic love story written in the stars, involving a contemporary princess and her charming Prince; experience blazing passion, the anguish of a breaking heart and every emotion in between as Beth Parker shares her thoughts and feelings about love, life and her desperate wish for her happy ever after. 

Sleeping Beauty has been awoken from a great sleep but, sadly, not all fairy-tales have a happy ending … not even when you belong together, for ever and you’re prepared to give …
Everything !


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 Book Trailer & Buy Links

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:


sydney jamesson picAbout the Author


There are those moments in life when a person you respect says something to you that strikes a chord, we’ve all had them … that moment came one Parents’ Evening when I was 16. An inspirational teacher said; “Your daughter should consider a career in Journalism or as a writer, she has a vivid imagination and a flair for creative writing …” As a wide-eyed teenager, those words were music to my ears. How prophetic was it that I went on to do just that …

I have worked in Insurance, Fashion and in advertising as a Copywriter and Commercial Journalist and loved every minute of it; creative people are a lot of fun to be around. I swapped the day job for a more meaningful enterprise: having our daughter Jenna. Now 29, she’s a fiercely independent woman living the dream in Australia. She was a heavenly surprise that had me working freelance for four years, doing what I could between feeds, playgroups and afternoon lessons in preparation for starting school. It’s a ‘story’ we can all identify with, I’m sure.

I made a sideways move into teaching in 1997 and, six years later, became Head of English in a High School, making it my mission in life to introduce young people to a range of quality reading material. I try to foster a love of all things creative in my students and encourage them to find that creativity within themselves.

For as long as I can remember, I have lived with The Story of Us in my head. The fact that Elizabeth Parker is an English teacher should come as no surprise; as novelists we write, initially, about what we know … Yet, I should confess, she isn’t me but rather that young, sensitive and naïve woman we all were or still are. The difference being, she has been victimized and, because of it, remained hidden. But, unlike some characters who may have suffered at the hands of others, she is not damaged: wary yes, but not damaged. She still believes people are innately good and that is one of her many qualities. It is her propensity for compassion that allows her to invite Ayden Stone into her world when, on the face of it, he’s exactly what she doesn’t need.

So that’s me, furiously typing away until the early hours, unveiling the intricacies of a 21st century fairy-tale; creating an epic story that melds a heady mixture of romance suspense and a touch of the miraculous.

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Blog Tour – Excerpt – TouchStone for ever by @SydneyJamesson

Here is the Fairy Tale you have been looking for!

 TouchStone for ever by Sydney Jamesson

TSFE cover


What would you give to save the one you love …

Ayden Stone and Elizabeth Parker are soul mates. They have played at love, succumbed to the magnetic pull of destiny and forgiven themselves and each other for misadventures in life and love.

Now they must look to the future and forever, bearing the scars of battles they have fought and won, together. To keep a promise one of these fateful lovers must make an agonising choice and dedicate themselves to an impossible task; to embark upon an adventure filled with magical moments and unforgivable acts of personal sacrifice.
But … with self-sacrifice comes betrayal.

TouchStone for ever is the culmination of an epic love story written in the stars, involving a contemporary princess and her charming Prince; experience blazing passion, the anguish of a breaking heart and every emotion in between as Beth Parker shares her thoughts and feelings about love, life and her desperate wish for her happy ever after. 

Sleeping Beauty has been awoken from a great sleep but, sadly, not all fairy-tales have a happy ending … not even when you belong together, for ever and you’re prepared to give …
Everything !


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Photo Image by Anne Boudreau.


 An Excerpt from TouchStone for ever, Chapter 13…


With dexterous hands, he leans back and unbuttons my dress; it falls from my arms and flutters to the carpet like falling leaves. I’m standing without shoes; flimsy underwear is all that lies between my modesty and my nakedness.

He lowers my hands from his chest to his hips and them places them on his belt, inviting me to relieve him of his trousers, all the time kissing and nibbling the skin beneath my ear.

I quickly unfasten the belt and release the buttons so the zipper comes down almost of its own accord. With my eyes closed I slide my hand down his jeans, over muscle and through pubic hair until I have him wrapped in one hand. He groans into my neck and the heat of his desire scorches my skin, urging me to tighten my grip and feel the pulse of a rigid cock rippling in my hand. He’s dipping and shuddering, making the kind of noises that have me clenching and so aroused I can barely stand.

With steaming breath he whispers, “Show me how to love you, Beth.”

With my free hand I move his hand to my left shoulder and ease down my bra strap. He follows through, left and right and leans into me to unclip it before it falls and dangles off my right wrist. I begin to pull out my hand.

“Leave it where it is,” he says with a smile and then proceeds to snap the strap and toss it across the room. With it discarded, I am captured in candlelight. This is the first time he has seen my naked breasts. Before, there was only the glow of moonlight. Now there are shadows and the flickering light cast by 20 candles. I feel exposed and lower my head, embarrassed by his stare.

“Look at me!”

I raise my eyes to meet his. “Don’t ever be shy about who you are. You are beauty personified. I have lived many lifetimes, travelled through space and time; read a thousand books and recited a hundred poems, but even I cannot find the words to describe you.” He rests his palms on my breasts and strokes my nipples with the pad of his thumbs, making my body tremble.

“See how you respond? Your body recognises the touch of these hands and no other. These hands are the key to untold pleasures.”

I throw my head back as I feel his erection growing, forcing its way through material, seeking freedom from containment. With both hands I lower his jeans and boxers, allowing it to spring free. When I see it, I gasp. It’s bigger than I remembered, standing long and thick without support. I’m aroused further by its magnificence.

“Give me your hand.”

I lift up my right hand. Enfolding it with his own, he places it around the skin coated rod of iron and begins to move my fingers and thumb up and down the length of it; rolling my thumb back and forth on the upward motion.

With a throaty voice he urges me to give him my other hand. I do.

He places it between my legs, his hand over mine, his firm fingers sliding between my own until they are wet and soaked. With our hands moving rhythmically he begins to fuck my mouth with his tongue. He moans into me, stimulating me even more, and I gasp, caught up in a sexual frenzy that has us both teetering on the edge of an orgasmic high.”

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Photo images by Anne Boudreau.


 Book Trailer & Buy Links

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:


sydney jamesson picAbout the Author


There are those moments in life when a person you respect says something to you that strikes a chord, we’ve all had them … that moment came one Parents’ Evening when I was 16. An inspirational teacher said; “Your daughter should consider a career in Journalism or as a writer, she has a vivid imagination and a flair for creative writing …” As a wide-eyed teenager, those words were music to my ears. How prophetic was it that I went on to do just that …

I have worked in Insurance, Fashion and in advertising as a Copywriter and Commercial Journalist and loved every minute of it; creative people are a lot of fun to be around. I swapped the day job for a more meaningful enterprise: having our daughter Jenna. Now 29, she’s a fiercely independent woman living the dream in Australia. She was a heavenly surprise that had me working freelance for four years, doing what I could between feeds, playgroups and afternoon lessons in preparation for starting school. It’s a ‘story’ we can all identify with, I’m sure.

I made a sideways move into teaching in 1997 and, six years later, became Head of English in a High School, making it my mission in life to introduce young people to a range of quality reading material. I try to foster a love of all things creative in my students and encourage them to find that creativity within themselves.

For as long as I can remember, I have lived with The Story of Us in my head. The fact that Elizabeth Parker is an English teacher should come as no surprise; as novelists we write, initially, about what we know … Yet, I should confess, she isn’t me but rather that young, sensitive and naïve woman we all were or still are. The difference being, she has been victimized and, because of it, remained hidden. But, unlike some characters who may have suffered at the hands of others, she is not damaged: wary yes, but not damaged. She still believes people are innately good and that is one of her many qualities. It is her propensity for compassion that allows her to invite Ayden Stone into her world when, on the face of it, he’s exactly what she doesn’t need.

So that’s me, furiously typing away until the early hours, unveiling the intricacies of a 21st century fairy-tale; creating an epic story that melds a heady mixture of romance suspense and a touch of the miraculous.

Connect with Sydney:

On the Web


Cover Reveal – The Raven by Sylvain Reynard @sylvainreynard #TheRaven #CoverReveal

I am so excited to share this cover!  
Here it is!  

“The Raven

By Sylvain Reynard


Book Blurb:

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Gabriel Series comes a dark, sensual tale of romance in a city shrouded in mystery…

Raven Wood spends her days at Florence’s Uffizi Gallery restoring fine works of Renaissance art. But an innocent walk home after an evening with friends changes her life forever. When she intervenes in the senseless beating of a homeless man, his attackers turn on her, dragging her into an alley. Raven is only semi-conscious when their assault is interrupted by a cacophony of growls followed by her attacker’s screams. Mercifully, she blacks out, but not before catching a glimpse of a shadowy figure who whispers to her…

Cassita vulneratus.

When Raven awakes, she is inexplicably changed. She returns to the Uffizi, but no one recognizes her and more disturbingly, she discovers that she’s been absent an entire week. With no recollection of the events leading up to her disappearance, Raven also learns that her absence coincides with one of the largest robberies in Uffizi history – the theft of a set of priceless Botticelli illustrations. When the baffled police force identifies her as its prime suspect, Raven is desperate to clear her name. She seeks out one of Florence’s wealthiest and elusive men in an attempt to uncover the truth about her disappearance. Their encounter leads Raven to a dark underworld whose inhabitants kill to keep their secrets…


Release Date: Early 2015

Book Link:



Author’s Bio:

I’m interested in the way literature can help us explore aspects of the human condition – particularly suffering, sex, love, faith, and redemption. My favourite stories are those in which a character takes a journey, either a physical journey to a new and exciting place, or a personal journey in which he or she learns something about himself/herself.

I’m also interested in how aesthetic elements such as art, architecture, and music can be used to tell a story or to illuminate the traits of a particular character. In my writing, I combine all of these elements with the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the transformative power of goodness.

I try to use my platform as an author to raise awareness about the following charities: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation, WorldVision, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, and Covenant House. For more information, see my Twitter account.


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Of Happiness – Review and Excerpt by Olivia Luck @authorluck

of happiness cover


“Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.”

Edith Neff relocated to Chicago to capture her own piece of happiness. Now bombarded with more change than she knows how to manage, Eddie struggles to pick of the pieces of her torn heart and decimated friendship.

Standing in the middle of a sidewalk while her (ex?) boyfriend Harris Grant pleads for forgiveness, Eddie’s at a loss what to do next. So when her estranged father provides a lifeline – she has no option than to take his offer.

But Harris won’t let Eddie go without a fight. He’ll use whatever tactics necessary to win back his girl. While Eddie and Harris find their way back together, darkness lurks, unwilling to relent on destroying their relationship. Permanently.

Note: Of Happiness is the sequel to In Pursuit. Content intended for readers 18+.


My Review 

First of all, thank you Olivia for not making me wait too long to get to the conclusion of the love story of Edith and Harris.  They became one of my favorite book couples instantly.  When I finished In Pursuit, I was literally biting my nails and full of angst.  Cliffhangers will do that to me.

Of Happiness picked up right where In Pursuit ended.  There was no guessing and the well written story flowed naturally.  I loved how you addressed and intertwined the themes of love, friendship and family.  You answered all those lingering questions about Harris and Edith’s relationship. Claire, Cooper, Jared and Edith’s father all get their balance of story time as well.  Sean and Luke continue to be my favorite friends and I loved how their supporting roles in the story were so significant to Edith and Harris.

Just as in your debut, Of Happiness continued with the witty and fun writing style I came to enjoy so much.  Again, your use of alliterations always made me smile.

There were moments of angst, love and many revelations along the way.  Perfectly blended, you kept me on edge and interested throughout the book.

Your love scenes were ultra romantic and had just the right amount of steamy.  The chemistry between Harris and Edith is definitely strong.

I recommend this book along with its debut prequel.  The two books make up a beautiful love story from the very start to finish.

of happiness pic quote for review


I gave this book 4 Stars!

I look forward to reading more of Olivia’s writing soon!

I received and ARC from the author.





An inexplicable shiver rolls through my shoulders. The low murmur of my friends and the other patrons at Rusty’s falls away.  


He’s the only person who elicits this type of bodily response. I remain rigid and unmoving except for my sweaty palms which I place on my thighs.

“Luke, my man! How are you?” A strong hand slaps Luke’s shoulder.

“Matt, hey.” His worried expression eases into a cheerful one when he shakes hands with a man wearing a large, black boot cast. Next to Matt is the beautiful, caramel-haired woman, Jane, who was with Harris in his convertible.

And then it’s him.

Harris’ masculine scent surrounds me. He braces his arms on the back of my chair, overwhelming me with his physical presence. I’m swirling in a sea of Harris, unable to resist his pull. He dips closer and then his lips brush oh so gently against my flushed cheek. The intimate contact sends my heart into overdrive.

“Hello, Edith,” he murmurs against my skin before pulling away.

I nearly swoon against the wood chair. Damn.


Buy links:


Amazon UK

Barnes and Noble




About the Author

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Olivia Luck lives in the middle of America with her loving husband and her obsession with writing. She wrote her first romance novel at age eight. When she’s not reading, editing, or writing, you can find her in the kitchen learning to cook. Olivia loves to travel and spend time with her family.


Get in touch with Olivia, she adores emails: