Interview with Marc Sanders – An Acute Attraction by @AJWaltersAuthor

So on my visit to Boston, I had an opportunity to meet  the sexy Marc Sanders from An Acute Attraction by A.J. Walters.  

At a café near Harvard….


Marc: Pleased to meet you Susi. AJ has told me about you, please don’t be nervous. I think she has also made you aware that unfortunately, I’m on a strict time limit. I hate to be so, but I have a plane to catch as well you see.


Susi: (Smiles) Thank you for fitting me into your busy schedule.  I promise not to keep you too long.
Was your visit to England what your expected? After all, you went for business and found pleasure.


Marc:   (Sits back and crosses legs) Ha ha!! I think when it comes to England, it’s best to go with no expectations, if the weather is anything to go by. You are correct though. I did just go to Cambridge for business reasons, so meeting Isabel was an unexpected pleasure.


Susi:  (Stares directly into those gorgeous eyes. It is no wonder Isabel calls him Mr. Fantastic.)

Unexpected pleasures are the best kind, right?


Marc: Any pleasure is a good pleasure, like it is a pleasure to meet you Susi.


Susi:  (This man is too much!) Oh, you are a charmer.


Describe your ideal type of woman.

Marc: I’ve learned the hard way, not to have an ideal type. I started out with that view and enjoyed it don’t get me wrong, but since having an open mind to women, it’s…how can I say? I’ve learned so much more from them. No matter how old we are, we are always learning and Isabel has taught me a lot. So I can honestly say at this moment, that Isabel is my ideal woman. I’ve not laughed so much with a woman, as much as I have with her.


Susi:  Isabel is a great gal and I am sure about the laughs.  She is a real down to earth woman.  I can see why you enjoy her company.


What attracted you to Isabel?

Marc: (Takes a sip of coffee) I think it is everything I have just said. She doesn’t take herself or life too seriously, apart from when it comes to important matters such as her sons. She has been through some…crap…as the British say and is still here. I admire that of her. My first impressions of her though were that she made me smile and is very typically British. She can talk for Europe as well.


Susi:  I see you like a woman with values.  (Could this guy be more perfect?) 


So tell me, why are you still available?  You are a total package!

Marc: (Takes another sip of coffee & splutters) What gave you the impression I am?


Susi:  (Great answer, Does this guy have a brother? Holy hotness, take a sip of that coffee again, please….)


Ok, so on to the next question.


What else do you enjoy eating besides strawberries? Favorite food?

Marc: (Laughs out loud) Yes, strawberries are a favorite of mine. Have you tried them with crème & champagne? If not, I would highly recommend them….especially when fed to you. Other than Strawberries, I have recently become a fan of a Beef Roast Dinner.


Susi:  Oh yes, I have tried the strawberries and crème, quite the aphrodisiac.  Food can be very erotic but I have a feeling you already know that.


Marc: Food and the right ambiance can have wonderful results.


Describe your ideal date with a woman.  You seem like a planner who doesn’t overlook details.

Marc: Planning is the key. I am someone who cannot do anything without a plan A, B or C, but I guess you are referring to the picnic Isabel & I went on. When it comes to any date, I think it comes to what I like and more. You have to cater for what you both enjoy, then be unselfish and go beyond. I would say the picnic we had was the ideal date. Time for each other to talk, relax, contemplate and outdoor sex.


Susi:   Women love men who pay attention to details.


Are you ready to settle down and find a companion yet?


Marc: (Thinks for a moment) I’m 37, nearly 38. If my Father had a say in it, he’d have wanted me settle down years ago & have had 2 children at least, by now. Having met Isabel, I am wanting to. I and you know Isabel’s views on marriage, but I would like to now enjoy the rest of my life with one person, yes.


Susi:  Aww… that does sound perfect.


Do you cook?


Marc: Oh yes. It was a case of having to in college and University. My parents pushed for me to be more independent. So I do a mean Spag Bol.


Susi:  Men who cook are sexy.  Isabel, this guy is a keeper!


Boxers or briefs?


Marc:  Boxer briefs 😉


Susi(Imagining the sight, sigh…) Hmmm….


Favorite position?

Marc:  I will have to let Isabel know what I have said before you publish, but on top, with legs wrapped around me.


Susi(blushing)  I’m sure Isabel already knows this.


Favorite hobby?

Marc: Golf.


Susi:  Really, I pictured you more of a tennis player. Golf is a great sport.


Favorite drink?


Marc: Red Wine


Susi:  Isabel loves wine too.  I picture wine tastings in your future.


Favorite music?


Marc: I have eclectic mix. Mainly U2 & American rock


Susi:  Be sure to bring Isabel to a concert back here in the states.  She will love it.


Finally,  What secret skills if any can Isabel look forward to?


Marc: They wouldn’t be secret if I told you.


Susi:  Hmmm.  I am sure Isabel will learn um… experience them with you real soon.


Well Marc, it has been a pleasure getting to learn more about you.  Isabel is one lucky lady.


I look forward to learning more about you real soon. I do wish you and Isabel the best.  Thank you for your time and have a safe flight.
Marc: It’s been a pleasure Susi. I shall thank AJ for this, you’ve been very easy on me. Can I get you another coffee before I have to leave?

Susi:  I’m good.  (stands and hugs Mr. Fantastic.  Hmm, he smells perfect too.)  Bye!


Here’s my Marc, the vision during this interview.

david gandy coffee


If you haven’t read An Acute Attraction, get to it.  Here is my review.

I am really looking forward to reading A Constant Attraction  by A.J. Walters.  Coming soon!  Add it to your TBR today.
an acute attraction

Meet… …Working single mother Isabel Chambers. She’s not a size 12 or as you’ve probably guessed, a virgin either. …Marc Sanders an attractive, successful Harvard Professor of Medicine visiting Cambridge. He has a secret past that has been well hidden until now. An Acute Attraction is a heart warming, exciting and compelling story of love and romance, full of seductive, sensual and tantalizing emotions and images, sexual exploration and passion. Isabel Chambers is an ordinary, working, single mother of two, who needs some “me” time, so, kids sorted, she books herself into a hotel for a week of rest and relaxation. Marc Sanders is an American professor at Harvard University and is in England to present research results to Cambridge University. Two people, out for adventure and excitement, meet and begin a journey of fun, thrills, lust and desire. But, is Marc all he seems to be? What is he hiding?



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About the Author: A.J. Walters

A J Walters is a new contemporary romance author who has just made her first appearance on to the indie circuit. Having interests in history, romance and elements of erotica, she has brought all of these together in her debut publication; An Acute Attraction.

Wanting to break the trend of size 12 virgins in books, A J Walters has introduced a new real woman in Isabel Chambers. She’s a size 18-20, working single mother who now feels is it her time to start living her life again. At the ripe young age of 39, A J Walters also wanted to show that you can experience everything that a twenty-something would.

“I saw that a 39 year old isn’t quite at retirement age for fun, sex and finding love again. There are so many women out there that can be represented in books as well as the slim, innocent and beautiful types. Don’t get me wrong I love reading books with them in, but there is so many of them around now I felt it is time for something different. I’d like to think I brought my sense of humour across in it as well. I am ditsy, I suffer from ‘foot in mouth’ syndrome, but I can also be serious and sentimental. From the feedback I’ve had, apparently it makes for a great writing voice.”

A J Walters currently lives in North Staffordshire, UK with her 2 children.

Connect with A.J. Walters


