Question: Do You Read More Than One Book At A Time?

Question of the day?  Do you read more than one book at a time?


books are the hardest


I do this.  Yes, I read more than one book at a time.  And yes, it can be confusing.  I usually carry a paperback and my tablet in my purse so I alternate between books. Sounds crazy?  Taking notes as I read helps keep me on the right track and also helps me when writing a review.  Recently, I even added an audio book into the mix.

How many of you do this too?

Your thoughts?

Do you get your stories and characters mixed up?

 Feel free to comment. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Question: Do You Read More Than One Book At A Time?

  1. I often read more than one at a time, usually from different genres. And I always have an audio book going (I’ve just posted my favorite titles). Sometimes, if they are similar stories, it can be confusing, but that happens rarely. Too many books and too little time!

    • I am glad that I am not the only one. I just got a new audio book. I plan to listen to it this weekend while I do groceries and run errands.

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