Passion Between The Wines by Mark Davis – Poetry

April is National Poetry Month!


I am so excited to share this poem written by the magnificent and talented Mark Davis. I am honored and thrilled to have his sensual words on my blog. Thank you Mark!  Your words and talent are always a treat for the eyes and the mind.  


crave you



Passion Between The Wines

Read a page sip some wine
Love his erotic style
Hear a noise look to the door
See your partners smile
Smile back, invite him
Share the wine and word
Aware that when he reads them
His passion will be stirredKnow that he loves the days
When you sip and read
The effect the words have on you
Knows you’ll be in need
Book and glass down spread your arms
He enters your embrace
Deep wanting kiss, clothes removed
Your hearts begin to race The foreplay from the poems read
Ensures you are slick
Your hands wrap round his member
He hardens up so quick
Lifts you up and carries you
To your field of dreams
Place you down and ravishes
The room soon filled with screams

Later as you lay there
Secure in his hold
You softly thank the poet
For his words of gold
Your partner hears your word of thanks
“Thank him from me too
I love the sensual effect
His hot words have on you”

by Mark Davis
I hope your day is filled with passion!
About the Poet, Mark Davis
Growing up in Australia, I have always been a keen observer of the people around me and from schoolboy fantasies about my teachers or the older girls.. or whichever superheroine was around at the time, my mind never stopped coming up with scenarios that inevitably ended up with a mess somewhere. None of these fantasies were forgotten and as new experiences created new fantasies, and with the rich tapestry of new people I have met along the way I started to write these fantasies down, sharing both my erotic stories ,poetry and various other musings on life with a small circle of friends and now with you . I hope you enjoy and follow
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMILES ————:-)  -Mark Davis
You can read more of Mark’s delicious and sensual words on his blog.  Be sure to check it out!
Follow him on Twitter too.  @markdavispoet

4 thoughts on “Passion Between The Wines by Mark Davis – Poetry

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