Review – A Taste of Erotica by A.M. Harding

Are you looking for a steamy, sexy read?  Check out A.M. Harding‘s stories in A Taste of Erotica.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have sex in a public place or to be taken to the brink of orgasm and held there, balanced on the edge of climax then you need A Taste of Erotica.

This book is a collection of seven short erotic stories, written with the express aim of stimulating the reader’s imagination and arousing both body and mind. Each story immerses you in a different scenario and leads you to explore a new thrill.

My Review

Erotica is not for everyone.  I enjoy reading it when it is well written.  That said, A.M. Harding has done a brilliant job of writing stories to make you squirm and writhe. Coincidentally, out of the seven stories, my favorite is Writhe for Me.  All seven stories in this collection will stimulate your mind.  Let the power of A.M. Harding’s words paint those pictures in your mind.

“She looked at the balls, wondering where to put them. She didn’t have a bag with her and her dress had no pockets.  There was only one place they could go.  She knew then that she’d be writhing all the way home but that didn’t feel like a problem and she smiled.”

I gave this steamy collection 5 sizzling stars!

Meet the Author – A.M. Harding

I am a happily married Dad to two amazing daughters. An engineer by trade I’m a self confessed geek and coffee addict.As a voracious reader I have been devouring books since I first learnt to read. At the age of 12 I discovered real Science Fiction in the form of Dune by Frank Herbert and rapidly followed this with everything written by Heinlein, Asimov and more before moving on to the horror, fantasy and other genres.For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be an author. This marks the start of my writing career.

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