A Valentine from Paul Jensen, Prodigal Son

I am thrilled to have received this Valentine Post from Paul Jensen, one of my favorite book boyfriends. (I can’t tell him where he stands in ranking, it might just go to his head.) He wrote this for all of his Tweethearts.  
What? Wait… You haven’t met him yet?  You need to get your hands on Prodigal Son by Michelle Day.  You will see, Paul is not your average book boyfriend.
A Valentine from Paul   valentine hearts in sizes  valentine 3 hearts

My darling Tweethearts,

I try to tell you in little ways that I appreciate you by telling you stories, making you laugh but, do you have any idea what it is you do for me?

You worry about me and can tell that I’m not myself. You ask how I am and are interested in the reply. I genuinely have the best followers on Twitter. You laugh with me and make me laugh in return. You have got me where I am, I will not forget that. It hasn’t been easy but you have been by my side, rooting for me, supporting me.

I wanted to send you this message for Valentine’s Day. I absolutely adore each and every one of you. You make my day in so many ways. I enjoy tweeting with you, laughing with you, crying with you. It’s all part of who we are as people and as our other selves on twitter. I class you as my friends, my family. Together we are strong. Without you I am nothing.

Thank you for being you.

Paul.  xx

pnj for post
Thank you Paul for your thoughtful gesture.  Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day.  I hope you get lots and lots of chocolate, your favorite.
chocolate valentine


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