What’s on my Kindle and on my shelves?

Happy Friday! Happy Weekend to all!

There are so many amazing new books out there.  I have been busy reading and talking all about these books.

So…What’s on my Kindle and on my shelves this week?

In Pursuit by Olivia Luck

 In Pursuit releases on February 11, 2014.  Stay tuned for my full review next week.

In Pursuit Cover Olivia Luck

Eddie Neff needs space. Not the type that country stars croon about, but physical distance from her emotionally distant father and the tatters of a broken relationship. So when the opportunity to relocate her life and interior design business arises, the answer comes easily.

Adjusting to life with Claire, her gregarious new roommate, is more than simply testing comfort limits. With just one meeting, Eddie finds herself unable to resist the draw of Harris Grant, Claire’s brooding and overprotective older brother.

Harris doesn’t fit her idea of a safe relationship. He pushes Eddie to face her deepest insecurities and fears of abandonment. And Harris holds on to his own painful loss, unable to overcome personal demons.

Eddie and Harris must learn to conquer their internal struggles. But as they navigate their new love, outside forces fight to drive them apart.

Author note: In Pursuit is the first book in a two book series. Intended for 18+ readers.

Be sure to add it to your TBR list.

You can find Olivia Luck on Facebook, Twitter and her page.  http://olivialuckauthor.wordpress.com/


I can’t get enough of #Hayden, the hot sexy tattooed alpha male from Cupcakes and Ink and Clipped Wings.

On my shelves and in my purse you will find Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting.  This amazing book will be available on March 4, 2014.  You can pre-order it today.

clipped wings

Their body art is hot. Their chemistry is even hotter.

From her dark hair sweeping below her waist to her soft, sexy curves, Tenley Page intrigues tattoo artist Hayden Stryker in a way no one else ever has…especially when she asks him to ink a gorgeous, intricate design on her back. Yet for all her beauty, there is something darkly tragic and damaged about Tenley that Hayden is everything.

Covered in ink and steel, Hayden is everything Tenley has never dared to want, awakening a desire to explore more than the art adorning his stunning body. Trapped by a past that leaves her screaming from nightmares, Tenley sees Hayden as the perfect escape. Although he has secrets too, if they both keep themselves guarded perhaps their intense physical connection will remain only that.

But nothing, not even passion, can keep them safe from their pasts…

You’ll get my full review closer to the release date.

Follow Helena Hunting on Twitter, On Goodreads and her page http://www.helenahunting.com/


Also on my Kindle is TouchStone for giving (The Story of Us Trilogy) by Sydney Jamesson.

touchstone for givingElizabeth Parker has been found …
Like a falling star she has come down to earth, landing painfully on the debris of a broken dream. What she thought of as love now seems no more than a wish left unfulfilled. Her future lies in the hands of two powerfully possessive men; each desiring her to the point of insanity.
Flawless media mogul Ayden Stone oversees her voyage of sexual awakening, introducing her to new experiences and a secret world behind locked doors, away from prying eyes. But … is he Prince Charming or merely the great pretender?
With a fighter’s instinct, Dan Rizler continues to box clever; taking his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. He will have his Princess one way or another.
Into this twisted triangle enters Elise Richards; a woman with a past and a passion for revenge: hell hath no fury like Miss. Richards.
This is a modern fairy tale full of romance, secrets and suspense. Elizabeth Parker is about to be caught, held fast by the hand of Fate; but will she be caught out or caught up in an affair of the heart, body and soul?
When nothing else matters … you have to do or die.

I fell in love with Ayden when I first met him in ToughStone for play.  I must say, he gets even better in this book.  My full review will be up soon.

Follow Sydney Jamesson on Twitter and Goodreads.


So… what are you reading?  What’s on your e-reader or on your shelves?

Stay warm and safe!  Have a wonderful weekend!


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