Review: A Gentleman’s Secret by A.J. Linn

A Gentleman’s Secret by A.J. Linn

Book 2 in the Gentleman’s Series by A.J. Linn


Donovan Hart has finally found his unico vero amore’ in the beautiful Scarlett Montgomery, but the question remains…will he be able keep her?

Will his secret be too much for her to handle, or…will hers be too much for him to handle?

A Gentleman’s Secret is an unpredictable ride full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Two people desperate to escape the sins of their past, hoping to find the one thing that has been missing…Love.
But, is love really enough to conquer all?

My Review

A Gentleman’s Secret picks up right where the first book ends.  I loved that I was able to continue following Donovan on his journey of love and dreams without any interruptions in the story.  Having surpassed the final events in A Gentleman’s Affair, this story is a little different.  Donovan and Scarlett both have secrets to reveal and in the process, the story and their lives encounter twists, turns and even an unexpected surprise from Donovan’s father.

Donovan continues to be the sexy, witty bachelor I fell in love with in AGA.  In this book, we see a more lovable side to him.   Seriously, what is there not to love? We also see a different side to his father, which was a pleasant surprise.  The beautiful Scarlett brings out Donovan’s best. Just like in AGA, his inner dialogue makes this story from his POV so much fun to read.

We finally get to visit his club, with Scarlett.  His secrets and his past lie in this club.  Scarlett’s past is also introduced in this story.  It seems they both have things to put behind them.  It is also understandable why they have been keeping their past out of their present.

I felt a range of emotions when reading this story.  I experienced angst, happiness, love and even laughed out loud several times.  This book just like AGA is brilliantly written.  It is a fantastic read that I recommend to all.

I am a fan of A.J. Linn and look forward to his next book. What surprises does he have in store for us? I cannot wait for more Donovan and Scarlett.

I gave this book 5 stars!

More of my favorite Lines/Inner Dialogue

“Alright, baby girl.” I smirk as I break away with a shit-eating grin across my face. “I really hate to break this up, but I don’t think this is the right time and place for the huge boner that you’ve now given me.”

Who knew that all it would take was the offer of a shopping trip? Are women actually that easy to please? I am now taking notes…

Scarlett lets out a gasp, then rather orgasmic-sounding moan as she holds up a pair of crystal-adorned slingback Manolos, which I will now and forever refer to as Moanolos.

“Well Scarlett, I’m no saint. You must be figuring that out by now.”

“You, Scarlett. You are what I love,” I reply, shaking my head. “Don’t you get that by now?”

“I’m ready…and it took my mom’s accident for me to come to the realization that we have no way of knowing if we will get another tomorrow, so if you want to do something, you just do it.”

“No buts. Everything is going to be alright, I promise.” I pull her into my arms, reassuring her that  I’m here, and that I’m not going anywhere. We sit silently in a tight embrace for a few moments, and then I pull back, looking into her eyes with intent.

“This is how rich fuckers handle things, got it?”

“You should have trusted me. You should have known that I would have done anything for you…That I still would.”

I have become that boyfriend…correction…fiance, again…re-fianced, as it were, that carries the bags. But I digress, because, fuck it. She is happy, and I am rich.

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