Review: A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J. Linn

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A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J.Linn

Donovan Hart is handsome, wealthy, successful, and single. While his single status has always been something he’s coveted, enjoyed, and exploited, now his attitude is changing. The former Malibu playboy has been set up, fixed up, felt up and is now fed up. At the age of 32, he is ready to settle down and find the girl of his dreams. Can he escape his sordid past and move forward, or will it keep him from finding his unico vero amore, his one true love? Unlucky in love in the past, he begins his search, filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope…for the one.

My Review

Reading books written in the male point of view are becoming my favorites.  A Gentleman’s Affair by A.J. Linn is the story of the sexy bachelor Donovan Hart told through his point of view.  I must say, getting inside the mind of this eligible bachelor makes this story a funny, witty and sexy read.

So tell me, who doesn’t love a handsome wealthy bachelor?  I for one love them.  Add food and wine to his list of interests, and he is a real winner to me.  Donovan, well, he fits that description and has it all in my eyes which is why I loved reading his story.

This story is written in a way that the reader follows Donovan’s dating as well as business ventures.  His dating adventures turned out to be some of my favorite parts of the book.   Now that Donovan is finally ready to find “the one” perfect woman, finding her proves to be quite entertaining.  You too will laugh at his dates/encounters with women.

I also love a man with goals and dreams.  Donovan, already successful is working on his dream, his new hotel in Vegas.  Accomplishing his dream is important and the reader participates in this journey as well.  I enjoyed the right amount of balance in his personal and business life as he narrates his story.

While Donovan’s dating adventures may not have resulted in finding “the one” a certain woman working for him captures his attention.  His own rules about dating people he works with poses a problem.  After spending some time with her on the business side of his life, he realizes he is interested in her.  “I will not admit it, but I am interested.  Fuck my rules. Rules are made to be broken. “ Donovan, gotta love him, breaks his own rule.

Scarlett, the woman who has captured his eye is beautiful, witty and sexy. She changes Donovan’s life.  Their chemistry is obvious. They are flirty and fun and are perfect for each other.  While both Scarlett and Donovan keep unknown secrets from each other, their relationship flourishes.

In the end of this first book, Donovan’s secret is still unknown and neither is Scarlett’s past.  Donovan is finally ready to confess his feelings. I’ll leave it at that, no spoilers here. You will have to read it for yourself.

Fortunately, book 2,  A Gentleman’s Secret (review coming soon) is available already so you can get right to reading it and discover their secrets/past and what happens to Donovan and Scarlett.

I recommend this book.  I enjoyed reading the inner dialogue and the story of this flirty, sexy and witty guy as he experienced it and I am sure you will too.

I gave this book 5 stars.

 Some of my favorite Lines/Inner Dialogue

Most of the girls were very good in bed…very bad out of it. I want it all, I suppose.  The whole package. The mother of my children. The love that my parents shared during their marriage. I have gone from playboy to romantic seeker of love. Who knew that it could happen to me?


I have now decided that dating and searching for “the one” will probably be the death of me.


Whoever tries to tell you that men are more sexually driven than women is extremely delusional. Women clearly have it all over us men, and they are in my opinion filthier, and naughtier than God, species.  The are just—usually? —more discrete about it. Not that I’m complaining. I do like that about them.  This… is just odd. 


I must admit that the thought of seeing her always seems to bring a shit-eating grin to my face. I know, I know. The fucking rule. Maybe I’ll take her off the job so that I can date her.


“Steaks sound good to me,” I choke the words out, still stunned by the wink from the hot girl that I’m doing business with and am not allowed to flirt with…Ugh.

I should have titled this chapter “Ugh.”


Her eyes scan the diner then stop on mine. We have what is known as a “moment.” I have never had one of those before. I have heard about them though. I have to admit that it was actually pretty cool.


The things that a real gentleman will do… to impress the right girl.


“Well, I appreciate your honesty, but your past is really none of my business.  Everyone has a few secrets.” I certainly do…

Old Donovan would throw her down on the bed and ravish away. New Donovan wants everything, and I do mean everything, to be different.


“Time for dessert, baby girl.”

“Yes, baby. I’m the whipped cream and you are the cherry.” “All I want to hear from that mouth is you moaning.”


My mind is exploding with good stuff this morning. Maybe it’s due to Scarlett and her expert oral techniques, or maybe…just maybe, it’s because I have finally found the girl of my dreams.

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