Easy Date Night Chicken Recipe

I have always loved the flavors of dates and bacon.  My grandmother used to wrap bacon around dates and bake them during the holidays as an appetizer.  Try it.  It is really delicious.

This easy recipe is perfect for a Date Night, Well, it is made with dates and bacon and chicken.  Bacon… yes bacon.  It is a favorite at my house.

Date Night Chicken

chicken 1


10-12 pitted dates chopped

2 shallots

2 oz. deli goat cheese, crumbled (optional)

4 slices bacon (lean)

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into strips

garlic/herb seasoning (to taste)

pepper (to taste)

2 tablespoons canola oil

1 cup white wine or chicken broth


Chop up the dates.  Slice your shallots into thin pieces. Crumble the goat cheese.  Cut your bacon slices into 1/2 inch pieces. Cut chicken breasts into thin strips.

1.  Preheat large saute pan on medium high for about 3 minutes.  Season the chicken with the herb seasoning and pepper. The amount of seasoning is up to you.  I lightly season my strips.

2. Pour oil in pan and add chicken.  Cook chicken strips until browned. Remove chicken from pan and set aside for later.

3.  Reduce the heat to medium and add the bacon.  Cook the bacon until crisp. Add the shallots to pan and add the dates.  Cook for about 3 more minutes.

4.  Remove the pan from the heat.  Add wine or chicken broth and return the chicken to the pan.  Reduce the heat to low and cover.  Simmer for about 10-12 minutes.  Add more wine or broth to make more sauce if you like.

5.  Remove the chicken from the pan.  Spoon date/bacon mixture on top of the chicken.  Top with goat cheese if you like.  Serve!

I made roasted broccoli as a side.  I skipped the goat cheese.  It is an acquired taste I have yet to acquire.  But, be sure to add it if you like it.  It balances the sweet and savory flavors of this easy dish.


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